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Landscapes of practice: the role of systems convener KM4Dev, December 20, 2013 PEMNA Retreat - Seoul November 18-22, 2013 PEMNA Retreat - Seoul November.

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Presentation on theme: "Landscapes of practice: the role of systems convener KM4Dev, December 20, 2013 PEMNA Retreat - Seoul November 18-22, 2013 PEMNA Retreat - Seoul November."— Presentation transcript:

1 Landscapes of practice: the role of systems convener KM4Dev, December 20, 2013 PEMNA Retreat - Seoul November 18-22, 2013 PEMNA Retreat - Seoul November 18-22, 2013 PEMNA Retreat - Seoul November 18-22, 2013 Please introduce yourself in the chat. Tell us who you are, where you are located, what you do and if you belong to any organization. Thanks!

2 Phase I: Studies of apprenticeship Learning as trajectory into a community of practice legitimate peripheral participation

3 Phase II: self-organized professional development in international settings English for Specific Purposes: genres in international settings Portuguese participation in international practices Communities of practice as learning contexts International networks of communities of practice

4 TALearn learning and impact in transparency and accountability

5 Phase III: Complex communities … … at the crossroads of multiple practices missed learning potential

6 … learning as a reconfiguration of practice Phase III: Complex communities … … at the crossroads of multiple practices

7 Etienne & Beverly Wenger-Trayner Landscape of practice

8 A body of knowledge the repository

9 Landscapes of practice a social body of knowledge

10 Competence and knowledgeability Defined within a community of practice Claims to competence negotiated in the politics of community formation Defined in relation to a landscape of practice Claims to knowledgeability negotiated in the politics of landscapes of practice

11 Eastern and Southern African Public Accounts Committees

12 Systems conveners: convening across complex landscapes Do you know people who do this? What stories do you have about them?

13 Thank you! Etienne and Beverly Wenger-Trayner Please let us know in the chat what insights you are taking away from our session today.

14 Pioneering innovation balancing long and short term Getting buy-in brokering across boundaries Managing the intersection vertical and horizontal Sustaining coherence moving parameters personal mission passionate and strategic upbeat and persistent legitimacy across boundaries leverage personal networks Aspirational narrative: capturing imagination Meaningful engagement: cross-boundary encounters Strategic alignment: enabling significant results

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