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 Antibiotic Resistant Microorganisms Should we be concerned? The Story of A. baumanii, A.K.A., IRAQIBACTER, and other multi-drug resistant bacteria.

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Presentation on theme: " Antibiotic Resistant Microorganisms Should we be concerned? The Story of A. baumanii, A.K.A., IRAQIBACTER, and other multi-drug resistant bacteria."— Presentation transcript:

1  Antibiotic Resistant Microorganisms Should we be concerned? The Story of A. baumanii, A.K.A., IRAQIBACTER, and other multi-drug resistant bacteria.

2 On the Trail of a Killer Microbe  Before there were antibiotics, war was often associated with disease epidemics.  /video-extr-q-350-04.html /video-extr-q-350-04.html  Open “Killer Microbe T-F”  Answer each statement as true or false. Do this in BLUE.

3 How do bacteria reproduce?  Which would you rather be given:  (a) $10 a day for one month; or  (b) one penny the first day of a month, double that amount on the second day, double that amount on the third day, and so on for the whole month.  Use the chart to calculate how much money you would have at the end of the month for each option. Which option gives you more $$$?

4 Killer Microbe - Video  Follow the link on my website to access the PBS website.  After watching the video, find a partner and correct your response sheet, this time in GREEN.  With your partner, read “Acinetobacter baumanii, Iraqibacter.  Answer the questions 3 and 4.

5 Map of A. baumanii infections

6 Development of Drug- Resistance  Unlike human beings who only pass genes from parent to offspring, bacteria have found several different ways to pass along their genes.  In recent years, scientists have learned that not only do mutations give bacteria their resistance to drugs, but resistance genes can be passed from one species of bacteria to a completely different species in a process called conjugation.

7 Bacterial  Animation showing the acquisition of bacterial resistance in S. pneumoniae, the most common cause of serious bacterial infection in the US.  / /  Watch the animation on bacterial conjugation.  conjugation conjugation

8 Reading  Read “Antibiotic Resistance”  Answer question 5.

9 Antibiotic-Resistant Staph  “Arms Race With a Superbug” Timeline  Answer questions 6 and 7

10 Tuberculosis  We will watch the video, “Why Does Evolution Matter Now”  e_s_6.html e_s_6.html  Answer questions 8, 9, and 10.

11 Public Health Alert  You and your partner will create a public health pamphlet or advertising slogan and campaign poster to alert the public about the potential problems caused by the overuse of antibiotics.  Explain that antibiotic resistance is often a result of overuse and misuse of antibiotics.  Include how hospitals and clinics play a role in creating antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria  Include one example organism and the preventative measures that people can follow to avoid infection.

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