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Human Development. Human Growth and Development Human growth and development is a process that begins with Birth and does not end until death.

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Presentation on theme: "Human Development. Human Growth and Development Human growth and development is a process that begins with Birth and does not end until death."— Presentation transcript:

1 Human Development

2 Human Growth and Development Human growth and development is a process that begins with Birth and does not end until death

3 Growth: generally refers to changes in size

4 Development: Development: occurs through maturation of physical & mental capacities & learning

5 Development Developmental stages have specific behaviors appropriate and “normal” for that particular period in an individual’s life. Behavior is also affected by cultural and religious differences.

6 Why Study? During all stages of growth and development, individuals have needs which must be met. Health care workers must be aware of the various stages and of individual needs in order to provide quality health care.

7 Types of Growth and Development Physical: The actual bodily changes observed in a client during a period of growth. Refers to body growth and includes height/weight changes, muscle/nerve development, and changes in body organs

8 Types of Growth and Development Mental (Intellectual-Cognitive ): The thinking skills a client develops during a particular period of growth. Refers to development of the mind and includes learning how to solve problems, make judgments, and deal with situations

9 Types of Growth and Development Emotional : The changes in feelings a client may experience during a particular period. Refers to feelings and includes dealing with love, hate, joy, fear, excitement, and similar feelings Social : Refers to interactions and relationships with others

10 Life Stages

11 Infancy

12 a. language of newborn is the cry b.usually eats every 2 to 3 hours c. uncoordinated movements d. toothless e. poor vision (focusing range 8 to 12 inches) f. usually doubles weight by 9 months g. responds to human voice & touch

13 Aspects of Care: One Month to One Year a. Regular health check-ups and immunizations. b. Tactile stimulation, such as physical contact and cuddling, as well as attention to needs, is required for appropriate growth and development. Food – breast milk or formula is sufficient for the first 6 months

14 Safety Safety – must be considered at all times. Take the following safety measures: – Keep emergency phone numbers available. – Ensure the crib meets federal safety standards. – Use an appropriate car seat. – Do not allow pillows, comforters, or plush toys in bed with the child.

15 Safety Prevent falls. Prevent choking. Remove hanging toys from the crib when the child begins to reach, pull, and roll over. Never leave the child unattended in the car. Secure and keep out of reach all cords on window blinds, lamps, and electrical equipment.

16 Early Childhood

17 One-Year Old

18 a. change from plump baby to leaner more muscular toddler b. begins to walk & talk c.ability for passive language (better understanding of what’s being said) d. tentative sense of independence e. determined explorer

19 Two-Year Old

20 a.begins to communicate verbally (names, etc.) b. can usually speak in 3 to 4 word sentences c. famous for negative behavior “NO!” to everything! temper tantrums d.will play side by side other children, but does not actively play with them e. great imitators

21 Three-Year Old

22 a.wants to be just like parents b.vocabulary and pronunciation continue to expand c. climbs stairs with alternating feet d. can briefly stand on one foot

23 Four-Year Old

24 a.sentences are more complex; speaks well enough for strangers to understand b.imagination is vivid; line between what is real & imaginary is often indistinct c.develops fears (common fears: fear of dark, fear of animals, & fear of death)

25 Five-Year Old

26 a. can hop on one foot & skip b. can accurately copy figures c. may begin to read d. social with other children their age

27 The Preschooler: Aspects of Care Many of the same safety precautions as infant Maintain regular checkups, including a complete preschool physical. Immunizations must be kept up to date. Nighttime routines help a child feel secure.

28 Late Childhood: Preadolescence 6-11

29 a.both large & small muscles well-developed b.developed complex motor skills c.from independent activities to same sex group activities d.acceptance by peers very important e.parental approval still important

30 The Elementary School Child: Aspects of Care a. Structure, schedule, and consistent daily activities are important. b. Activities must be monitored to prevent physical injury. c. Health and dental care and immunizations must be maintained.

31 Adolescence 12-20 a.traumatic life stage for child & parent b. puberty occurs c.extremely concerned with appearance d.trying to establish self- identity e.confrontations with authority

32 The Adolescent: Aspects of Care Provide adequate calcium and weight-bearing exercise. Provide sex education and information about sexually transmitted diseases. Encourage friendships, sporting events, and social events. Listen to them. Give them the facts.

33 The Adolescent: Aspects of Care – Trust them. – Provide them with firm and friendly discipline. – Be consistent. – Educate them, with their independence in mind. – Set limits and stick to them. – Set examples of good behavior and taste. – Remember how it felt to be an adolescent.

34 Young Adult 21-39

35 a. physical development complete b.emotional maturation continues to develop c.usually learned to accept responsibility for actions & accept criticism d. usually knows how to profit from errors e.socially progress from age-related peer groups to people with similar interests

36 Aspects of Care Regular weight-bearing and aerobic exercise Balanced nutritional plan Need social contact Stress management Regular health check ups Regular dental care

37 Middle Adulthood 40-64

38 a. physical changes begin to occur: i. hair begins to thin & gray ii. wrinkles appear iii. hearing & vision decrease iv. muscles lose tone b.main concerns: children, health, job security, aging parents, & fear of aging & acceptance still take a major role

39 Aspects of care Same as a young adult

40 Late Adulthood 65 and older

41 a. fastest growing age bracket of society b.physical deterioration (brittle bones, poor coordination) c. some memory problems d.coping with retirement & forms of entertainment e. very concerned with health & finances f.significant number become depressed; suicide rate is high

42 Aspects of Care Regular exercise and nutritional plans become more important Watch for excessive fatigue As an adult matures, retires and maybe even loses a spouse, opportunities for socialization may decrease. “Use it or lose it” Individuals that maintain active interest in the world around them maintain mental function better than those individuals who don’t

43 Individual Differences To Take Into Consideration when taking care of all ages: a. Cultural differences –value systems, rites of passage, rituals b. Ethnic differences –skin tones, facial features, language c. Religious differences d. Physical differences –large/small, thin/fat, anomalies, disabilities e. Personalities –predisposition to be outgoing, shy, creative, etc.

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