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Voltage in Electrical Systems. Unit 4 Voltage Pages 71-76  Voltage source  Conductors  Control element  Electrical appliance  Electrical loads 

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1 Voltage in Electrical Systems

2 Unit 4 Voltage Pages 71-76  Voltage source  Conductors  Control element  Electrical appliance  Electrical loads  Electrical circuit  Direct current  Alternating current  Volts  Primary cells  Secondary cells  Electrode  Cathode  Anode  In series  Electron  Frequency  Voltmeter

3 Unit 4 Voltage Pages 77  Answer # 1-8

4 Electrical Systems  Made up of voltage sources, conductors, control elements, and appliances and machines  Batteries/generators, wire/circuits, switches, lights/appliance

5 Conductor  Any material that allows the movement of electrical energy through it

6 Control Element  Wall switch  Volume on a radio  Variable speed switch

7 Electrical Load  Motor  Light Bulb  Appliance

8 Electrical Circuit  Closed path made by connecting voltage sources, control elements, and electrical loads

9 AC vs. DC Electricity  AC – Alternating Current  DC – Direct Current

10 AC  Electric charges move back and forth many times a second in the wire DC  Electric charges in wires always move in one direction

11 AC  Produced by alternators DC  Produced by batteries

12 Dry-cell batteries  A chemical produces the voltage Wet-cell batteries  Contain a liquid electrolyte  Usually a strong acid  Used to start engines because they can deliver a lot of power

13 Primary cells  Not easily recharged Secondary cells  Easily recharged  The ability to recharge a battery allows us to group these chemical producers of voltage into two classes

14 How are DC Voltage sources connected?  The output of a voltage source comes from two terminals called electrodes  DC sources normally have two electrodes  A Positive and a negative

15 How are DC Voltage sources connected?  Electrons move in the circuit as if they were flowing out of the negative electrode and into the positive  The negative electrode is called the “cathode”  The positive electrode is called the “anode”

16 How do we produce higher voltage?  DC voltage sources can be added together in series  Positive source must be connected to the negative terminal of the other source in succession  If connected in an opposing manner it will sometimes cause battery damage

17 What makes up a simple DC Circuit?  How do we make schematics?  Symbols:  Battery  Light bulb  Switch  Conductors

18 AC Voltage  AC Voltage changes direction about 60 times each second  This rate of change is called the frequency  Frequency is measured in cycles per second or hertz

19 How do we measure voltage  Modern electronics have made digital voltmeters available  Oscilloscopes are used often in analyzing, testing, and troubleshooting electrical systems and circuits  They can also be used as voltmeters

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