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Torrey Academy Shakespeare. Course Objectives  Familiarity with 3 genres and 13 major plays of William Shakespeare  Exploration of Elizabethan and Aristotelian.

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Presentation on theme: "Torrey Academy Shakespeare. Course Objectives  Familiarity with 3 genres and 13 major plays of William Shakespeare  Exploration of Elizabethan and Aristotelian."— Presentation transcript:

1 Torrey Academy Shakespeare

2 Course Objectives  Familiarity with 3 genres and 13 major plays of William Shakespeare  Exploration of Elizabethan and Aristotelian Dramatic theory  Aesthetic experience of practicing and performing Shakespearean theatre  Familiarity with critical environment of Shakespeare studies  Education through dialectical interaction with the vital themes, characters, and plots of the greatest English playwright

3 Distinctives from TA Core Classes  No précis, silent summaries, writing labs, or presentations  Pull questions  Only 2 reflection essays per quarter  Only 1 Term paper per year  Mid or Don Rags each quarter  Quarter 4 play  1-hour classes

4 The Pull Question  1-page answer to question provided by tutor (similar to reflection essay in tone/style)  Kept in notebook  1 per class  Checked at Mid Rags and Don Rags

5 Reflection Essays  700-900 words  Formal, argumentative essay  Synthesizes and critiques major themes, characters, or other critical issues in one or more plays.  2 per quarter

6 Term Paper  Similar to Faith term paper:  2000-2500 words  Interacts with at least 2 secondary sources  1 per year, due 4th quarter

7 Mid + Don Rags  Based on the Oxford model  One-on-one meeting  Tutor looks over notebook, including pull questions  Discussion and assessment of student’s class participation, reflection essays, progress on term paper, and knowledge of the semester’s plays

8 Readers Theatre  Select one text during 3rd quarter  Practice major scenes throughout 4th quarter  Perform major scenes in readers theatre at the end of the 4th quarter  All practice will take place in class.

9 Finis

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