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What was the Renaissance?

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2 What was the Renaissance?
What was the Renaissance, and where did it begin? Italy Italian Cities Urban Societies Major Trading Centers Secular Moved away from life in the church Focuses more on material objects and enjoying life

3 The Renaissance was a time of renewal
Renaissance means rebirth and Europe was recovering from the Dark ages and the plague. People had lost their faith in the church and began to put more focus on human beings.

4 Medieval art and literature focused on the Church and salvation
The Renaissance produced new ideas that were reflected in the arts, philosophy, and literature. Patrons, wealthy from newly expanded trade, sponsored works which glorified city-states in northern Italy. Education became increasingly secular. Medieval art and literature focused on the Church and salvation Renaissance art and literature focused on individuals and worldly matters, along with Christianity.

5 Born in 1475 in a small town near Florence, is considered to be one of the most inspired men who ever lived

6 Michelangelo created his masterpiece David in 1504.

7 Sistine Chapel About a year after creating David, Pope Julius II summoned Michelangelo to Rome to work on his most famous project, the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel.

8 Separation of Light and Darkness
Creation of Adam Creation of Eve The Last Judgment Separation of Light and Darkness

9 Painter, Sculptor, Architect, Engineer
Painter, Sculptor, Architect, Engineer Genius!

10 Mona Lisa

11 The Last Supper

12 Notebooks


14 Filippo Brunelleschi Founded Renaissance style Simple lines
Substantial walls Structural elements not hidden

15 Filippo Brunelleschi Il Duomo Cathedral’s dome (Florence)

16 Filippo Brunelleschi Commissioned to build the cathedral dome
Use unique architectural concepts Studied Pantheon Used ribs for support Structural elements have been copied on other buildings

17 Perspective

18 • Celebrated the individual
How did classical knowledge of the ancient Greeks and Romans foster humanism in the Italian Renaissance? Humanism • Celebrated the individual • Stimulated the study of Greek and Roman literature and culture • Was supported by wealthy patrons

19 Erasmus Dutch humanist Desiderius Erasmus
Pushed for a Vernacular form of the Bible “I disagree very much with those who are unwilling that Holy Scripture, translated into the vernacular, be read by the uneducated As if the strength of the Christian religion consisted in the ignorance of it” The Praise of Folly Used humor to show the immoral and ignorant behavior of people, including the clergy. He felt people would be open minded and be kind to others.

20 Erasmus The leading humanist of the age Studied ancient languages
Translated New Testament Criticized Martin Luther …Free Will and Hyperaspistes In Praise of Folly Major work Written in classical style Discoursed on the foolishness and misguided pompousness of the world

21 Sir Thomas More English Humanist Wrote: Utopia
A book about a perfect society Believed men and women live in harmony. No private property, no one is lazy, all people are educated and the justice system is used to end crime instead of executing criminals.

22 IX. Spread of Humanism to the Rest of Europe (cont)
Popular publications in the early days of the printing press Thomas More --Utopia --Executed by Henry VIII in 1535 Erasmus—Dutch Christian Humanist

23 IX. Spread of Humanism to the Rest of Europe (cont)
William Shakespeare ( ) --Globe Theater Shakespeare returns to classical subjects and genres His history plays were the most popular at the time Macbeth: ambition Hamlet: individualism Keen sensitivity to sounds and meanings of words

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