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Hero Journey Power Point

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1 Hero Journey Power Point
On Black Hawk Down

2 The Ordinary World This is when the soldiers are still at the base and they are sitting around waiting for their orders.

3 Call to Adventure Sergeant Matt Eversman finds out that he has to take his own group of men on a mission that would take less then 3 hours.

4 Refusal to the Call Matt Eversman talks to his men saying that no one will die, and that this will all take less then 3 hours and there would be no need to worry.

5 Crossing the Threshold
This is when Srg. Eversman and his group of soldiers enter the city of Mogadishu and begin their mission.

6 In the Belly of the Whale
This is when Srg. Eversman and his men have been getting shot at and shooting back at the Somalians. This is also when their first man, Private Blackburn, is injured from falling from the chopper.

7 The Road of Trials This is the part where the soldiers have finished kidnapping the enemies and now they have to find a way to get to the chopper crash sites and back to the base.

8 The Woman as the Temptress
This is when Srg. Eversman has to choose to stick with his men or to take care of himself only. The temptress is his life.

9 Aptheosis This is when Srg. Eversman realizes that the lives of his men are in his hands. So he takes his true role as leader and leads them on. Because of this a lot of his men do not die because of all the fighting.

10 The Ultimate Boon Sgt. Eversman and his men are under heavy fire and he uses his courage to run out into no mans land to set up a tracer to show the air support where to attack. Because of this the Sgt. Eversman and his men are safe for at least a little bit of time.

11 Magic in Flight The morning after the mission was suppose to be done, a ground convoy was sent out to rescue Sgt. Eversman and his men. Since there was not enough space to hold them all, some had to run behind the convoy as cover.

12 Crossing the Return Threshold
This is when Sgt. Eversman and his men run into the Palestinian Stadium after running 3 miles with no ammo under heavy fire.

13 Master of Two Worlds Sgt. Eversman learned that to support your own self you need other people to help you. And another thing that he learned was that not to underestimate your enemy.

14 Freedom to Live At the end everyone ended up living and having a life after all the fighting in Somalia was over.

15 The End

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