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SEPT. WEEK 3 SEPT. 15-19 World Lit: Finishing up with the Afghanistan essay and moving into The Kite Runner.

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Presentation on theme: "SEPT. WEEK 3 SEPT. 15-19 World Lit: Finishing up with the Afghanistan essay and moving into The Kite Runner."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEPT. WEEK 3 SEPT. 15-19 World Lit: Finishing up with the Afghanistan essay and moving into The Kite Runner

2 When it comes to weather and the seasons, people say it can impact our moods more than we imagine. In a single paragraph, answer these questions using descriptive writing details: A. Overall, what is your favorite season and type of day? B. Why? C. How would you say this season and type of day impact your mood?


4 For Monday, Sept.22 nd : Be working on the questions for chapters 1-6 to help you better understand the novel [I will hand them out as soon as they arrive this week ] Our first FISHBOWL discussion will be Tuesday, Sept. 23 rd We will draw on Monday, 22 nd, for names of those “in the middle”


6 /watch?v=1s1ECntZfGI


8 Defining a Hero and Examining a Hero’s Journey See 2 nd “Hero “ Ppt

9 SEPT. WEEK 3 WEDNESDAY World Lit: Beginning the film, Man of Steel, and analyzing it for the hero’s journey.

10 Man of Steel Hero’s Journey Analysis

11 The Departure: Man of Steel 0 Try to identify as many of the “steps” in the DEPARTURE portion of this film as you can. 0 Since this film contains flashbacks, you may find yourself going back and filling in items here LATER in the story….

12 SEPT. WEEK 3 THURSDAY World Lit: Continuing the film, Man of Steel, and analyzing it for the hero’s journey.

13 The Departure: Man of Steel 0 Try to identify as many of the “steps” in the INITIATION portion of this film as you can. 0 Since this film contains flashbacks, you may find yourself going back and filling in items HERE or EARLIER in the story….

14 SEPT. WEEK 3 FRIDAY World Lit: Finishing up with the Man of Steel hero analysis and reading KR for Monday– Chapters 1-6!

15 The Departure: Man of Steel 0 Try to identify as many of the “steps” in the RETURN portion of this film as you can. 0 Since this film contains flashbacks, you may find yourself going back and filling in items elsewhere previously in the story….

16 Complex, interesting characters Suspenseful story - You won't want to put it down Believable voice with flashbacks to childhood Interesting look at Afghanistan / some graphic images A page turning, heart- rending story of friendship and secrets Examines heroes in our lives- & what defines them

17 Beginning the First Novel: The Kite Runner /watch?v=oUe7DltGTtE

18 Assignments:  First 6 chapters of KR due at class-time on Monday, Sept. 22nd.  Handouts for The Kite Runner are coming!

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