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“Europeana and the Bulgarian institutions”, 3-4 April 2012, Plovdiv Bulgarian participation in FP7/ICT “Technologies for digital content” Prof. Galia Angelova,

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Presentation on theme: "“Europeana and the Bulgarian institutions”, 3-4 April 2012, Plovdiv Bulgarian participation in FP7/ICT “Technologies for digital content” Prof. Galia Angelova,"— Presentation transcript:

1 “Europeana and the Bulgarian institutions”, 3-4 April 2012, Plovdiv Bulgarian participation in FP7/ICT “Technologies for digital content” Prof. Galia Angelova, IICT-BAS, Nat. Contact Person FP7 ICT Totka Chernaeva, IT Department, MTITC, Nat. representative FP7 ICT Programme Committee

2 “Europeana and the Bulgarian institutions”, 3-4 April 2012, Plovdiv 1.Overview of the Bulgarian participation in FP7 theme ICT (Information and Communication Technologies), Objective “Digital Libraries and Content” 2.Main Bulgarian players 3.Success stories in Digital Libraries 4.What can be done to support the participation of Bulgarian cultural institutions in FP7/ICT Outline

3 “Europeana and the Bulgarian institutions”, 3-4 April 2012, Plovdiv ICT FP7 – main EU instrument for funding RTD with EU impact in “Information & Communication Techn.” 7 th Framework Programme for R&D: 2007-2013 ICT - the largest research theme; provides a total of € 9.1 billion for RTD projects in 9 areas (“challenges”) Challenge 4: Digital Libraries and Content –2007-2008 Digital Libraries and Content –2009-2010 Digital Libraries and Content –2011-2012 Technologies for Digital Content and Languages More applied trends: funded in further programmes like eContent, eContentPlus, PSP etc.

4 “Europeana and the Bulgarian institutions”, 3-4 April 2012, Plovdiv 2007-2008 Digital Libraries and Content 3 calls: Call 1, Call 3 // total budget of € 102 mln Digital Libraries (DL) –Innovative access services that support communiti- es of practice in the creation, interpretation and use of cultural and scientific content, incl. multi-format and multi-source digital objects –Radically new approaches to digital preservation Technology-enhanced learning (TEL) Intelligent Content and Semantics (ICS)

5 “Europeana and the Bulgarian institutions”, 3-4 April 2012, Plovdiv 2007-2008 Retained with BG-participation Call 1: –TEL: LTfLL (Language Technologies for Life-long Learning) - IICT-BAS –ICS: LarKC (the Large Knowledge Collider), Sirma – Ontotext and SMARTMUSEUM (Cultural heritage knowledge exchange platform) – Webgate Call 3 –TEL: DynaLearn (Engaging and informed tools for learning conceptual system knowledge) – IBEI-BAS and KEEP (Keep- ing Emulation Environments Portable) - Nucleus Systems Ltd –ICS: INSEMTIVES (Incentives for Semantics) and NoTube (Networks and Ontologies for the Transformation and Unification of Broadcasting and the Internet, Making Television More Personal), Sirma – Ontotext

6 “Europeana and the Bulgarian institutions”, 3-4 April 2012, Plovdiv 2009-2010 Digital Libraries and Content Call 6 Dig. Libraries, Preservation (DLP) € 69 mln –Scalable preservation methods of digital content –Advanced preservation scenarios –Innovation in assembling multimedia DL –Adaptive cultural experiences –Interdisciplinary networks – models, KR, graphics … Call 5 TEL € 69 mln Call 5 Int. Inform. Management (IIM) € 70 mln Call 5 Extension of Running projects € 10 mln

7 “Europeana and the Bulgarian institutions”, 3-4 April 2012, Plovdiv 2009-2010 Retained with BG-participation Call 5: –IIM: CUBIST (Combining and Uniting Business Intelligence and Semantic Technologies), RENDER (Reflecting Knowledge Diversity) and KHRESMOI (Knowledge Helper for Medical and Other Information users) – Ontotext –an Extension of a DL-project: IMPACT (Improving Access to Texts), IICT-BAS and the Nat. Library ‘St.St. Cyril and Methodius’ Call 6 –DL, DP: Cultura (CULTivating Understanding and Research through Adaptivity) – Sofia University “St. Kl. Ohridski”, Faculty of Maths and Informatics and Commetric EOOD

8 “Europeana and the Bulgarian institutions”, 3-4 April 2012, Plovdiv 2010-2011 Technologies for Digital Content and Languages SME Initiative on Digital Content and Languages Call 7 Language Technologies (LT) € 50 mln Call 8 Intelligent Inf. Management € 50 mln Call 9 Digital Preservation (DP) € 30 mln –More reliable and secure preservation technologies and methods –Intelligent management of preservation –Research networks, uptake of DP research

9 “Europeana and the Bulgarian institutions”, 3-4 April 2012, Plovdiv 2011 Retained with BG-participation SME initiative – Ontotext one successful project Call 7 – Ontotext has one successful project (TrendMiner, Portable open-source real-time methods for cross-lingual mining and summarisation of large-scale stream media) Call 8 under evaluation Call 9 closes 17 April 2012

10 “Europeana and the Bulgarian institutions”, 3-4 April 2012, Plovdiv Main Bulgarian players With more than one funded project: Ontotext in Semantic Technologies and Intelligent Information Management IICT-BAS in Technology-Enhanced Learning and Digital Libraries (Technologies for automatic correction of scanning errors)

11 “Europeana and the Bulgarian institutions”, 3-4 April 2012, Plovdiv Success Rates for BG in Challenge 4 Call 1, DL+TEL: 1 retained, 36 submitted – 2,8% (6 AT - above threshold) Call 1, ICS: 2 retained, 20 submitted – 10% (3 AT) Call 3, DL+TEL: 2 retained, 38 submitted – 5% (6 AT) Call 3, ICS: 2 retained, 18 submitted – 11% (7 AT) Call 5, TEL: 0 retained, 18 submitted – 0% (4 AT) Call 5, IIM: 3 retained, 11 submitted – 27% (0 AT) Call 6, DL+DP: 1 retained, 5 submitted – 20% (0 AT) Call 7, LT: 1 retained, 8 submitted – 12,5% (0 AT) Average: for BG about 11% vs 13.5% FP7

12 “Europeana and the Bulgarian institutions”, 3-4 April 2012, Plovdiv Bulgarian Proposers in Challenge 4 TEL – mostly academic units, many companies ICS, IIM – mostly companies, few academic units LT – academic units and companies DL, DP – academic units, companies and ~30%: –4 Regional administrative units –The National Library “St.St. Cyril and Methodius” –The Central Library BAS –3 Community centers, libraries/cultural clubs –5-6 NGOs: associations, foundations … Fixed academic players but new companies/NGOs

13 “Europeana and the Bulgarian institutions”, 3-4 April 2012, Plovdiv Success stories in DL IMPACT – extension of a running large project –The extension was funded for 18 months: IICT + Nat. Library –Automatic correction of scanning errors in historic Cyrillic texts, created dictionaries and prototypes –Fine Reader (Russian software) for Cyrillic texts CULTURA - –Language processing, which normalises ambiguities in noisy historical texts –Highlights the key individuals, events, dates and other entities and relationships within unstructured text –Supports the users to investigate, comprehend and contribute to digital cultural collections –Tested on medieval English texts (Coordinator Trinity College) FAILURE: perhaps the fact that no Bulgarian cultural unit is successful independently on related techno-partners

14 “Europeana and the Bulgarian institutions”, 3-4 April 2012, Plovdiv What can be done at national level? Taking part in ICT/FP7 is important because one learns to do innovative services (e.g. CULTURA) There are a lot of active companies with expertise in digital content (Ontotext is an EU-leader in the field) Many cultural institutions have already started their own digitalisation initiatives Planning funding via the Structural Funds 2014-2020 Coordination of efforts (Roadmap)

15 “Europeana and the Bulgarian institutions”, 3-4 April 2012, Plovdiv Thanks a lot for your attention!

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