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Communication training How to conduct a successful public relations campaign on behalf of a Cadet activity The Navy League of Canada 2004.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication training How to conduct a successful public relations campaign on behalf of a Cadet activity The Navy League of Canada 2004."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication training How to conduct a successful public relations campaign on behalf of a Cadet activity The Navy League of Canada 2004

2 Required tools: - Press release(s) - Document LN(34) - Public Relations Manual - Power Point file - Checklist and explanatory notes

3 Basic information : Basic information : It is important to gather general information as a basis for answering reporters’ questions and preparing promotional tools.

4 Name of the activity Person in charge (Who?) Description of the activity (What?) Location of the activity (Where?) Date and duration (When?) Reason for the activity (Why?) Find each information from the press release :

5 The Message : The Message : You have to find what is the message you want to send out to the public or the media.

6 A good message should be : Clear, simple & brief Positive Compelling – “lead with values, and followed with facts” Adapted to the public Visual Repeated, repeated, repeated…

7 Public relations tools and budget : Public relations tools and budget : The proper communications tools for promoting a particular event must be carefully considered while keeping in mind the type of activity and the overall costs. Typical tools include flyers, posters, newspaper and radio ads, etc.

8 Supplies : ___________________ Services : ___________________ Equipment : ___________________ Other : ___________________ Name two or three items of each :

9 Resource persons : media management – reporters Resource persons : media management – reporters It is important to know who does what and how to get in touch with the person in charge of public relations. Once this person has been identified, it will be his or her responsibility to inform the reporter(s) and the community.

10 Organizer – communications Reporters – radio, newspaper, television Invitees, etc. When planning an activity, he/she will have to gather the “Name”, “Title” and “Phone numbers” of journalists, important contacts in the community and the ones in charge of the activity.

11 Main steps to follow : The following are the main guidelines for promoting an activity, particularly in the media. There are no magic bullets in a public relations campaign, but proper preparation can make all the difference.

12 Identify the local/regional media Issue a press release Follow up with a telephone call Set up an appointment with the reporter(s) at the event Send out a reminder a few days before the activity Prepare press kits containing the press release, photographs, information about the organisation and the cadet program, etc. Prepare a package of visuals (images, photographs, etc.) for the reporter(s) Make a list of resource persons (cadets, officers, etc.) who can be interviewed Other… Name a few. Here is a sample of what you need to think about when you organize an activity :

13 Evaluation of the visibility operation : We can learn a lot from both our successes and our mistakes. Once the activity has taken place, review strong points and what could be improved upon. The objective is not only to hold a successful event, but also to give the community an opportunity to become more familiar with the Cadet programs and the organisation of The Navy League of Canada.

14 Was the activity well organised? (Yes/No) What were the activity’s strongest points? Did the event get press coverage? (Yes/No) If yes, specify: which media, did the coverage include a photograph, a long or short article, etc.? Finally, were the desired objectives achieved? (Yes/No) You should ask yourself those questions after each event to improve your planning and get better results next time :

15 Comments : Please note that the NL(34) Public Relations Manual provides more complete information on various communications-related exercises and activities. It is very important for the person in charge to consult this manual before writing press releases, speeches or promotional articles. It should be emphasized that a successful public relations operation lends considerable credibility to the corps and the branch when it is time to recruit volunteers and/or cadets.

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