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Mr. Boniface Makongo "A Kenyan economy with globally efficient markets and enhanced consumer welfare for shared Prosperity" Date: 9/21/2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Mr. Boniface Makongo "A Kenyan economy with globally efficient markets and enhanced consumer welfare for shared Prosperity" Date: 9/21/2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr. Boniface Makongo "A Kenyan economy with globally efficient markets and enhanced consumer welfare for shared Prosperity" Date: 9/21/2015

2  The Competition Authority of Kenya (CAK) is a State Corporation established under section 7 of the Competition Act No. 12 0f 2010 (the Act); that came into force on 1 st August 2011.  The Authority has a dual mandate of promoting and protecting effective competition in markets and preventing unfair and misleading market conduct to protect consumers.  The Authority is managed by a Board of 10 Members headed by a non-executive Chairman Date: 9/21/2015 Vision:"A Kenyan economy with globally efficient markets and enhanced consumer welfare for shared Prosperity" 2

3 Part VI of the Competition Act provides for enforcement of consumer protection. The Authority is empowered to investigate matters relating to: i) False and misleading representations & Unconscionable conduct; iii) Supply of unsafe products, including failure by firms to observe public notices issued in respect of unsafe products; and prescribed product information standards. The Authority has developed Guidelines on:-  False and misleading representations & unconscionable conduct;  Safety standards and information standards;  Engaging with consumer organizations ; Date: 9/21/2015 Vision:"A Kenyan economy with globally efficient markets and enhanced consumer welfare for shared Prosperity" 3

4 Apart from development of the Guidelines the other achievements are:-  Engagement framework with consumer protection bodies  The Authority in collaboration with registered consumer protection organizations and regulatory agencies marked the 1 st World Consumer Rights Day in Kenya on 15 th March, 2014  The Authority conducted an inquiry in bench marking the Kenya Artificial Insemination service delivery  The Establishment of a Call Centre are at an advanced stage Date: 9/21/2015 Vision: "A Kenyan economy with globally efficient markets and enhanced consumer welfare for shared Prosperity" 4

5 Cases handled:-  During the year (2013/2014) the Authority handled fifteen (15) consumer protection cases  Four (4) cases had been brought forward from the previous year  Eleven (11) cases were received during the year,  Out of the 15 cases handled, 9 were finalized,  One (1) case was forwarded to the ODPP for prosecution, and  Five (5) cases were carried forward to the current financial year Date: 9/21/2015 Vision:"A Kenyan economy with globally efficient markets and enhanced consumer welfare for shared Prosperity" 5

6 THANK YOU Date: 9/21/2015 Vision:"A Kenyan economy with globally efficient markets and enhanced consumer welfare for shared Prosperity" 6

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