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Monday Reflection “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”

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Presentation on theme: "Monday Reflection “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”"— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday Reflection “The more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is in life to celebrate.”

2 Who said it? Oprah Winfrey is a successful television producer and host in the United States. Her talk show – The Oprah Winfrey Show - has attracted high profile celebrities and political figures. Many have used it as a way of speaking publicly about their problems - so much so, there is an American saying known as ‘going on Oprah’, which is shorthand for confessing! Oprah Winfrey’s show also featured uplifting stories looking at people who have turned around their lives following difficulty or tragedy. Oprah Winfrey is also well-known for her charity work. Oprah Winfrey’s childhood was tough. She started life in a poor rural area with just her mother. Oprah Winfrey has spoken publicly of being abused as a young girl and the struggles she went through. Because of her background, she is looked up to as someone who has truly lived ‘The American dream’.

3 Your response… Newspapers often praise people’s looks? Is this all we should praise? What things should we praise people for in a school community? How does it feel when you receive praise? How do you react? Are they different? When was the last time you praised someone? Why might Oprah Winfrey think celebrating our successes leads to even more success? Taking it further: Create a Poem, Related News Story, Script a Praise Conversation

4 ‘The Art of Receiving ‘ When people praise you, do you downplay what they are saying about you? Or do you thank them? Many people are uncomfortable accepting compliments. But accepting something as simple as a compliment can be a huge sign about your willingness to recognise the good things in your life. Even if you are uncomfortable accepting kind words, roll the words around in your mind and think about what they mean. Here are a few ways to respond positively to a compliment: And remember, ‘The Art of Receiving’ is the twin of ‘ The Art of Giving ’! Thank you, it’s nice of you to say that… Thanks, I really appreciate that… It’s good to hear such encouraging words… You’ve brightened up my day!

5 Word of the Week praiseworthy Adjective Something which deserves positive attention. synonyms: exemplary, meritable, creditable, antonyms: dishonourable, dislikeable

6 Weekly Puzzle  ‘praiseworthy’ Other than getting good grades, what else should we celebrate in schools? PRAISEWORTHY 123456789101112

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