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Ooltewah High School battle of the belts scrapbook.

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Presentation on theme: "Ooltewah High School battle of the belts scrapbook."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ooltewah High School battle of the belts scrapbook

2 Activity 1: car windshield fliers  What: put fliers on cars to promote seat belt awareness.

3 Activity 2: seatbelt safety announcements To provide the student body with safety tips and facts.

4 Activity 3: Seatbelt Check  To find out the statistics of are student body on wearing they seatbelts.

5 Activity 4: Poster on gate  To reminded the diver and the passengers to wear their seatbelts as they leave school.

6 Activity 5: Posters around school  To reminded the student body to wear their seatbelts as they leave school.

7 Activity 6: side walk chalk  Fun way to get the student body to wear their seatbelts.

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