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Study Abroad A foreign concept or a world of opportunities?

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Presentation on theme: "Study Abroad A foreign concept or a world of opportunities?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Study Abroad A foreign concept or a world of opportunities?

2 2 Study Abroad A foreign concept or a world of opportunities?

3 3 Study Abroad Participation Rates Year # Students# Countries 199864543 199986147 200096344 2001104945 200287338 2003111346 2004113546 2005118445 2006110348

4 4 Itinerary Stop 1: Introduction Stop 2: Regulations Stop 3: Consortium and Contracts Stop 4: ISU Programs Stop 5: Non-ISU Programs Stop 6: NSE & Internships Stop 7: Challenges Stop 8: Questions and Answers

5 5 Stop 2: Brief Overview on Regulations Page 2-130 3 Types of Study Abroad Programs: 3 Types of Study Abroad Programs: 1) Home school sends student to foreign school 2) Home school allows student to study at another U.S. institution 3) Home school has written arrangement with study abroad organization

6 6 Stop 2: Brief Overview on Regulations Page 2-128 Program must have contractual or consortium agreement Home school must be in the United States May receive funds whether or not experience is a required part of program at home school, however credits must transfer back to home school and count towards graduation Aid eligibility can be adjusted to reflect entire cost of program Eligible for aid if both current home school program and study abroad program are approved by home institution

7 7 Stop 3: Brief Overview on Consortium & Contractual Agreements Page 2-128 3 Types of Consortium Agreements: 1) One agreement for each student 2) Separate agreement with each host school 3) Blanket agreement with a group of schools

8 8 Stop 3: Brief Overview on Consortium & Contractual Agreements Page 2-128 Info included in consortium agreement: – – School granting degree or certificate – – Tuition, fees, room, and board for both schools – – Student’s enrollment status at both schools – – School to disburse and monitor financial aid – – Procedures for calculating and disbursing aid

9 9 Programs with ISU Credit Exchange Programs Other ISU Programs with Transfer Credit Example: Design in Rome Cuernavaca, Mexico Example: Deakin University, ISEP Example: Semester in Australia, Wales, Ireland Student completes Preliminary Transfer and Registration form for ISU programs After registration is completed, Registrar’s office notifies Financial Aid Spring=Nov, Summer=April, Fall=June Financial aid will automatically be adjusted to cover additional costs Student is notified via email of changes; viewable on AccessPlus Student completes “ISU Study Abroad Application” and gains acceptance to host school Student registers for courses through AccessPlus and proposed budget forwarded to Financial Aid by the Study Abroad Center Student registered for INTED credits and proposed budget forwarded to Financial Aid by the Study Abroad Center Student registered for EXPRO Credits and proposed budget forwarded to Financial Aid by the Study Abroad Center Stop 4: ISU Based Programs

10 10 Student is going on program through provider and will transfer credits back Student is going on program through other university and will transfer credits back Student directly enrolls at foreign school and will transfer credits back Example: CEA (Cultural Experiences Abroad) or Semester at Sea Example: Netherlands, Central College or Spain, UW Platteville Example: American University, Cairo Students complete study abroad “Application for Non-ISU programs” (this registers students for INTED credits) Contractual Agreement must be completed which includes program budget Consortium Agreement must be completed which includes program budget Student develops budget and provides documentation Financial aid will automatically be adjusted to cover additional costs Student is notified via email of changes; viewable on AccessPlus NOTE: Students on Non-ISU programs must meet with Clay Gurganus early in the process. Contractual Agreement must be completed Stop 5: Non-ISU Based Programs (Old)

11 11 Student is going on program through provider and will transfer credits back Student is going on program through other university and will transfer credits back Student directly enrolls at foreign school and will transfer credits back Example: CEA (Cultural Experiences Abroad), Semester at Sea Example: Netherlands, Central College or Spain, UW Platteville Example: American University, Cairo Students complete study abroad “Application for Non-ISU programs” (this registers students for INTED credits) Contractual Agreement must be completed which includes program budget Consortium Agreement must be completed which includes program budget Financial aid will automatically be adjusted to cover additional costs Student is notified via email of changes; viewable on AccessPlus NOTE: Students on Non-ISU programs must meet with Clay Gurganus early in the process. Contractual Agreement must be completed which includes program budget Stop 5: Non-ISU Based Programs (New)

12 12 Stop 6: National Student Exchange & Internships

13 13 Stop 7: Challenges

14 14 Stop 8: Questions?

15 15 Canada United States European Union Australia Japan Russia China Answers

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