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Investigate Re-establishing Anadromous Fish Populations Above Man-made Barriers Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Willamette Basin.

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Presentation on theme: "Investigate Re-establishing Anadromous Fish Populations Above Man-made Barriers Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Willamette Basin."— Presentation transcript:

1 Investigate Re-establishing Anadromous Fish Populations Above Man-made Barriers Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife Willamette Basin

2 Barriers in the Willamette Basin Detroit Dam - North SantiamFoster Dam - South Santiam Cougar Dam - McKenzieDexter Dam - MF Willamette

3 Dam Impacts on Anadromous Fish n Santiam: loss of production above Detroit Dam (71%) n MF Willamette: 80% habitat blocked n McKenzie: loss of productive habitat above Cougar Dam (25 miles)

4 Project Goal n Investigate, experimentally stock, monitor, and evaluate the re- establishment of spring chinook and winter steelhead above man-made dams in the Willamette Basin without current fish passage or with passage that impedes fish production.

5 Project Objectives n Quantify habitat –Select sites n Plan priorities n Coordinate –Agencies –Permitting + NEPA n Trap and Haul –Adults –Juveniles (hatchery)

6 Project Objectives n Monitor recruitment –snorkel surveys –spawning surveys n Migrant trapping –screw traps n Estimates –survival –passage –abundance

7 Anticipated Results n Restore listed stocks above barriers n Enhance overall natural production n Link populations n Provide forage for Bull Trout n Enhance fisheries n Obtain survival information at dams n Provide nutrient enrichment

8 Rationale and Significance to Regional Programs n Willamette Hatchery BiOp n Willamette Basin Operational Plan (The Oregon Plan) n NMFS BiOp n ODFW - OAR 635-500, WFMP n Subbasin Summary

9 Project Relationships

10 Willamette Basin Reservoirs - Current Chinook Releases n McKenzie Basin Cougar (J+A) n North Santiam Detroit (J+A) Big Cliff (J+A) n South Santiam Foster (A) n MF Willamette Fall Creek (J+A) Dexter (J+A) Lookout Point (J+A) Hills Creek (J+A)

11 Hatchery Adult Releases Foster Reservoir (South Santiam) No current monitoring of juvenile migrants

12 Detroit Reservoir and Dam (North Santiam) n Juveniles released in summer 2000 n Adults released in fall 2000 n Snorkel Surveys Breitenbush River:Breitenbush River: 97 fish/mile 97 fish/mile North Santiam River:North Santiam River: 466 fish/mile 466 fish/mile Screw Trap Results Substantial number of naturally-produced smolts exited the reservoir 2001

13 Cougar Dam (McKenzie River) Migrant Monitoring (1998 - 2000) n Adult releases from 1993 - 2001 n Juvenile passage during winter drawdown n Turbine mortality –7.1 - 18.1% n Regulating outlet mortality –32.3%

14 Potential Release Sites n South Santiam –Green Peter n Coast Fork Willamette –Dorena –Cottage Grove n McKenzie –Blue River Green Peter

15 Conclusions Re-establish Anadromous Fish Above Man-made Barriers n High fish management priority to restore natural production above dams n Long term solution n Success possible in short term n Rectify fish passage problems at dams n Need commitment of agencies, financial resources, and time

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