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COMPUTER MODELS FOR SKY IMAGE ANALYSIS OF THE INASAN ZVENIGOROD OBSERVATORY Sergei Pirogov ( Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences) VIIth.

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Presentation on theme: "COMPUTER MODELS FOR SKY IMAGE ANALYSIS OF THE INASAN ZVENIGOROD OBSERVATORY Sergei Pirogov ( Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences) VIIth."— Presentation transcript:

1 COMPUTER MODELS FOR SKY IMAGE ANALYSIS OF THE INASAN ZVENIGOROD OBSERVATORY Sergei Pirogov ( Institute of Astronomy, Russian Academy of Sciences) VIIth Bulgarian-Serbian Astronomical Conference (VII BSAC): 1- 4 June 2010, Chepelare, Bulgaria Contacts: S. Pirogov: M. Tsvetkov: Acknowledgements: I thank professor M. Tsvetkov for critical comments on the work done Bulgarian Academy of Sciences Introduction The need for automated processing of plates, digitized in FITS-format and the necessary information is long overdue. In this report we present the preliminary results an attempt to transfer FITS-format into the database and create a software to obtain the necessary information from the database. This software should work both for the user located on the territory of the observatory, both within and outside the territory. The main properties software interface. 1. Viewing files of the weak resolution in JPG format with the provision of information about the time observation, the coordinates of the center of the plate, etc. 2. Viewing any of the files of high resolution in BMP format providing information on the time of observation, coordinates of the center of the plate and information about the objects file. 3. Saving to an external file, printing information. This problem is actually not trivial and requires a systemic approach. For example: as the program shell is created, then it should be provided to convert FITS format to BMP format, given that the average size of the FITS file is 700 MB and and the BMP dimension of approximately 14000x14000 pixels. Because of the need to obtain various information, the information on the plates should be stored in a database. It is necessary to select the appropriate database server, and, therefore, have the necessary means to access the server. Figure 1. Storage of the astrograph plates arhive Development of a database As the database SQL-server was chosen FireBird v.2.1. Main advantages: Cross-platform. It consumes very little system resources. SQL dialect is strongly developed, and is on par with MS SQL Server and Oracle. There are powerful tools for administration and development. Free. Figure 4. Select FITS-the file and receive information with high resolution from a database Figure 5. Distortion is the true spatial distribution of brightness caused by the nonlinearity of the transformation of FITS to BMP Figure 3. Distribution of the number of pixels in the intensity View a list of files with low resolution – Figure 2. View a list of files with details title – Figure 4. Search for a star with the given coordinates – Figure 4. Viewing any part of the file with dimension 700х700 pixels high resolution – Figure 4. Viewing in this part of the coordinates and magnitude of any star. Obtain the true distribution of brightness for any object-Figure 5. Print and save the results view. The choice of software To develop software shell was chosen high-level language DELPHI. Main advantage: Fast speed of development. Large selection of visual components for both the choice of the user interface and access to SQL server. Object-oriented programming. Development of control programs The main and most time-consuming process of constructing the model. This item includes both the development of test programs and program development for the end user. To work with the files was necessary to develop several test programs for the following tasks: The choice of location coordinates of the center of the star and the image area. 1. Working with the file: Image of the file, copying and saving. 2. Analysis of error coordinate transformation of the plate in the stellar coordinates. 3. Analysis of errors converting the image area in magnitudes. 4. Automatic data processing and recording the basic parameters of the file in the database. User program. 1. Develop a program to view the database (local version). Available only to users connected to the LAN. 2. Develop a program to convert FITs in JPEG, including sample information from FITs, in view of transfer to a remote server. 3. Development of a selection of FITs without loss of resolution. 4. Development of queries in a database for retrieval of information, taking into account the transfer to a remote server. Figure 2. View a list of files with low resolution The main results obtained in the present Conclusion Work on this project continues today. Need to solve several problems, namely: Getting the distribution volume of brightness of objects. The relationship between the objects in a database with catalogs of stars (Name of star end so on). The author would be pleased to accept criticisms and suggestions for the development of this project. In conclusion, it should be noted that the algorithms to automate the processing of plates of the zvenigorod observatory are also applicable to other plates transferred to FITS-format.

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