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A 1 LS-DYNA geometry for the DRDC experiment. *Test performed by Defence R&D Canada, Williams et. Al. SPH C4 Charge 5 cm DOB 8 cm thick 12.5 cm radius.

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Presentation on theme: "A 1 LS-DYNA geometry for the DRDC experiment. *Test performed by Defence R&D Canada, Williams et. Al. SPH C4 Charge 5 cm DOB 8 cm thick 12.5 cm radius."— Presentation transcript:

1 a 1 LS-DYNA geometry for the DRDC experiment. *Test performed by Defence R&D Canada, Williams et. Al. SPH C4 Charge 5 cm DOB 8 cm thick 12.5 cm radius 6.2 kg 10 metric ton ring to simulate vehicle mass Steel Support Frame Al 5083 plate 3.175 cm thick

2 a 2 SPH simulation of DRDC experiment. Measured displacements: 30.0 cm center, -5.0 cm at edge. Z-disp (cm)

3 a 3 ALE simulation of DRDC experiment. Soil Contours AVI

4 a 4 DRDC plate deformation calculated from the LS- DYNA SPH simulation. Measured displacements: 30.0 cm center, -5.0 cm at edge. Z-disp (cm)

5 a 5 DRDC plate deformation calculated from the LS- DYNA ALE simulation. ~25 ± 2cm, depending on soil compaction compared to 30 cm measured.

6 a 6 Model geometry for the dynamic shell buckling airblast analysis. Planar pressure load ALE air Aluminum shell (tied to plugs) Steel plugs (constrained translation)

7 a 7 Air Blast Analysis Results Test* Calculation  *Photo from Lindberg and Florence, “Dynamic Pulse Buckling,” 1987

8 a 8 Model geometry for vehicle blast simulation.

9 a 9 Contours of pressure during blast-vehicle interaction. (a) t = 0.1 ms (b) t = 1.1 ms (c) t = 4.4 ms

10 a 10 Damage to vehicle at 13.0 ms. Vehicle Damage

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