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Page 1 GPS data collection, transmission, analysis, and decision making on OSM for applications of practical interest An-Najah National University Telecommunication.

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Presentation on theme: "Page 1 GPS data collection, transmission, analysis, and decision making on OSM for applications of practical interest An-Najah National University Telecommunication."— Presentation transcript:

1 Page 1 GPS data collection, transmission, analysis, and decision making on OSM for applications of practical interest An-Najah National University Telecommunication Engineering Graduation Project II Prepared by: Abdalaziz Khalaf Hekmat Ashqar Mohammed lshaikh Naeem Daraghmeh Supervisor: Dr. Sa’ed Tarapiah

2 Page 2 Introduction Project Objective Block Diagram Data Collection & Transmission Technology Used Comparison & making decisions SWOT Analysis & Constrains Results & Discussion Future Work Conclusion

3 Page 3 The first half of this year shows a lot of traffic accidents in the West Bank that killed dozens of victims and hundreds wounded. Traffic police also recorded approximately 46569 traffic violation, in all the provinces of the West. Indeed, the number of vehicles GPS-enabled On-board Unit has sharply increased due to their vital and beneficial rules for both the vehicles and the drivers.

4 Page 4 In our project, we defined clearly the problem that we have to deal with, so far, huge amounts of money spent on research that work for a radical solution to the problem of traffic accidents and congestion. our project model can be implemented and utilized in many areas for different applications for example, it can be applied in public transportation, social tracking, renting companies, etc.

5 Page 5 Block Diagram Start Read From GPS Read Position and save it Check The Speed Speed Allowed Transmit The Data End Ticketing Take Action YesNo

6 Page 6 Data Collection & transmission The collection of our data depends on satellite which is cover the whole word to determine the longitude and latitude coordinetes. Our system have to be LOS with three satellites at least, which is almost available in Large spot on the ground.

7 Page 7 Data Collection & transmission we start collecting data to show the behavior of the drivers in different tracks by calculating the latitude(in deg.), longitude(in deg.), time needed at each segment, which depends on GPS module and Arduino Uno. As a result, it starts work and get the values we need as shown:

8 Page 8 Data Collection & transmission But the point is we want to store every coordinate in a table so that we can calculate other specifications ?! Solution: WiFi Shield that has an SD card to store the coordinates on it automatically once we get it form the satellites.

9 Page 9 Data Collection & transmission our system start searching for a pre-defined Network (e.g :Najah_Wireless) and automatically connect with this network which is already connected with the server, so that we can transfer the data from the system to the database on the server.

10 Page 10 Technology Used AppServer Postgriss PgAdmin Postgis QGIS

11 Page 11 Comparison & Making Decisions On appserver : The first step, we create database called Palestine- road contains two tables which are: 1-roads: this table contains all Maps that related to West Bank and Gaza. 2-Track: which contains four columns (Long, Lat., speed, and time stamp) that given from the SD card.

12 Page 12 How to do convert the data base between two servers: from Postgres to AppServer?

13 Page 13 Roads Table

14 Page 14 Track Table

15 Page 15 Define User to allow accessing to the Data Base

16 Page 16 Mediator between Arduino & Data base

17 Page 17 Uploaded Data

18 Page 18 Comparison between maximum allowed speed and the driver speed

19 Page 19

20 Page 20 SWOT Analysis Constrains Strengths Conducted by well organized and trained team. Utilize existing technologies and integrating them with each others. Specific goal to accomplish. Not performed before as a whole complete system. Weaknesses Political and occupational restrictions. Unavailable recourses to perform project. Lack of infrastructure for transportation system. Irregularity in roads.

21 Page 21 SWOT Analysis Constrains Opportuinites Ease to implement and integrated in cars. Easy to expand and add new feartures. Help people to take best tracks and guide them. Reduce accident on streets. Help authorities to manage traffic flow in streets. Threats Charged services. Occupation. Handling The Project by drivers

22 Page 22 Results & Discussion Implement a complete system that contains referenced data to compare it with the incoming data. Build a website that considerd for end user (drivers) to review their tickets (not to give, but to be awared). study behavier of drivers, that can be taken as feedback for awers.

23 Page 23 Future Work * We wish to build our complete system as a closed box that can be alternative to GPS system in smart cars. * Make Online tracking and sending online messages through 3 rd Generation System. * make geo-cast network that depends on Localization of areas to send required information for all vehicles that are within the range.

24 Page 24 Conclusion Most safety studies come to the conclusion that needs both government and drivers corporation, so our goal was to design a GPS/GPRS based wireless controlling model, due to the wide spread of GSM network increasing the chance for applying this model in many areas around the world.

25 Page 25

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