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Dynamic Earth Earth Systems, Plate tectonics, Layers, Earthquakes, Valcanoes.

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Presentation on theme: "Dynamic Earth Earth Systems, Plate tectonics, Layers, Earthquakes, Valcanoes."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dynamic Earth Earth Systems, Plate tectonics, Layers, Earthquakes, Valcanoes

2 Earth as a System  Four parts:  Geosphere (rock)  Mostly located in Earth’s interior  Atmosphere (air)  Hydrosphere (water)  Oceans ¾ of the globe  Biosphere (living)

3 Layers of the Earth  Crust, Mantle, Core  Lithosphere  the crust and the upper mantle  Divided into plate tectonics  Asthenosphere  Plastic, solid layer of mantle made of rock  Allows tectonic plates to move on top of it (slow)  Mesosphere  Lower layer of the mantle between the asthenosphere and outer core

4 Continued…  Outer Core  Dense, liquid layer  Outer shell of core made up of liquid iron and nickel  Inner Core  Sphere of solid nickel and iron at center of the Earth  Earth’s inner and outer core make up about 1 / 3 of earth’s mass


6 Plate Tectonics  Continental Drift  Fossil Evidence of the same kinds of animals living on separate continents.  The types of rocks found on each continent today show similar strata and ages. Mt. Ranges on the coast of West Africa disappear then suddenly reappear again on the coast

7 225 Million years ago

8 150 million years ago…

9 90 million years ago…

10 35 million years ago…

11 Present…

12 Plate Movements  Divergent:  Sea Floor spreading: where new land is created. Occurs in the ocean (mid-ocean ridges)  Transform:  As 2 plates slide past one another friction builds. (Earthquakes)  Convergent:  Plate collisions  Subduction: plates push up continental plates (Volcanoes)  Uplift: Mountains form

13 Plate Movements




17 Convection Currents  Occurs in the magma  Magma is heated, becomes less dense and rises, then cools, more dense and sinks  Heating, cooling (rising, sinking) creates currents = plate movement

18 Earthquakes

19 Divergent Plates

20 Volcanoes: Ring of Fire

21 Volcanoes  Shield:  Large, broad with a crater at the top  Slow eruption and lava oozes  Examples: Mauna Loa in Hawaii and Mount Wrangell in Alaska  Composite:  Tall, steep, symmetrical (explosive, hard to predict  Examples: Mount Hood in Oregon, Mount St. Helens in Washington (many of these all over the world

22 …  Cinder Cone  Lava in the form of cinders  Most common type  Examples: Mount Mazama in Oregon (Crater Lake)  Hot Spot: magma emerges from Earth but not at plate boundaries (middle of plates)  Examples: Hawaiian Islands, Galapagos, Iceland, Yellowstone

23 Effects of Volcanoes  Release of CO 2, CO, He, H 2, HF (poisonous), SO 2 (acid rain, pollution), HCl (irritant, acid rain)  Ozone depletion, global warming, haze effect (smog)  Not long term but combined with human activities they can be

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