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Brief Profile of Oilseeds in Assam
The agro-ecological conditions of Assam is favorable for growing various annual oilseed crops. The important oilseed crops grown in the state are Rape & mustard, Sesame, Linseed, Niger and Groundnut (Table 1) Most of the oilseed crops are grown in Assam during Rabi season. Rape & mustard (Toria) is predominant oilseed crop in Assam because of the prevailing climatic conditions and early duration of the crop, which enable the farmers to go for the summer crop after harvest of Toria. Rape & mustard crops occupies around 2.95 lakh hectare i.e % of total oilseeds crop areas.
Table-1. Present Status of Oilseed Crops in Assam during 2014-15
Table-1. Present Status of Oilseed Crops in Assam during (anticipated) Sl. No. Crop Area (lakh ha) %of Total area Production (Lakh MT) Productivity (Kg/ha) Forecast Crop : 1 Rapeseed & Mustard 2.95 85.5% 1.90 620 2 Linseed 0.10 2.9% 0.07 658 3 Sesame 0.20 5.7% 0.15 750 4 Niger 0.06 628 5 Castor 0.02 0.6% 0.01 590 Total 3.37 97.6% 2.20 Non-forecast Crop : 6 Groundnut 0.04 1.2% 880 7 Sunflower &Soybean 340 0.08 2.4% 0.05 565 Total Oilseeds : 3.45 100.0% 2.25 648
Requirement & Production of Oilseeds in Assam
Year Projected Population (Lakh) Requirement (lakh MT) Production (lakh MT) Deficit (lakh MT) State Oilseeds Contribution (%) 309.45 3.64 1.87 -1.77 51% 313.19 3.68 1.86 -1.82 316.93 3.73 2.25 -1.48 60% Statistical Hand Book of Assam, 2007 published by Dte Eco & Stat, GoA 40g/adult (M)/day, 20g/adult (F)/day (as per ICMR), Av 30g/adult/ day of fat and oil, share of invisible oil 10g/adult/day, remaining 20g/adult/day from oilseeds; therefore oilseed equivalent = 20 X 2.5g/ adult/ day = 50g/ adult/ day (considering 40% oil recovery) 80% of total population is considered as adult So, Assam is a deficit State in Oilseeds production.
Details status of Fund under NMOOP, 2014-15
National Mission on Oilseeds and Oil Palm (NMOOP) The NMOOP scheme is implemented in the State of Assam since with the following Mini Missions viz. Mini Mission-I (Oilseeds) and b) Mini Mission-II (Oil Palm) Details status of Fund under NMOOP, Particulars MM-I (Oilseeds) (Rs. In Lakh) MM-II (Oil Palm) Total (MM-I & II) Total GOI Allocation 360.10 SLSC approval 173.79 GOI share 130.23 GOI share released 629.10 759.33 State share released 0.0 GOI share utilized 547.81 130.14 677.95 Unspent Balance 81.29 0.09 81.38
Target & Achievement of NMOOP, 2014-15
MM-I (Oilseeds) (Rupees in Lakh) Sl No Items Unit Target Achievement Unspent Amount Phy Fin 1 Block Demonstration of Mustard, Linseed & Groundnut Qtls 409.10 398.50 10.55 2 Transfer of Technology (Training) Batch 148 38.32 3 Plant Protection Chemicals Ha 3443 17.22 4 Water carrying pipes Mtr 262009 65.50 0.00 5 Seed treating drums (20kg) Nos. 918 16.07 6 Pump set with STW boring 286 62.92 45.46 17.46 7 Mission Management Expenses 20.00 Grand Total 629.10 547.81 81.29
Outcome of MM-I (Oilseeds) during 2014-15
Additional area of ha Sali rice fallow & Char lands brought under Oilseed crops through implementation of MM-I (Oilseeds) in the State over last year. State total Oilseeds production expected to increase from 1.86 lakh MT to 2.25 lakh MT & productivity increased from 628 kg/ha to 648 kg/ha. Total assured irrigation facility created by Agriculture Department till is 7.23 lakh ha (26% of Net Cropped Area) where contribution of MM-I (Oilseeds), is 572 ha. The new variety of Mustard (JD-6 = ha), Groundnut (K-6, TG-5,TG-37A =3643 ha) have been introduced in the State.
Crop wise yield performance of Oilseeds under MM-I (Oilseeds), 2014-15
Local variety Variety Average Yield Kg/ha 1. Mustard JD-6 (Pusa Mahak) 985 M-27, TS-36 & TS-38 954 2. Groundnut TG-5 (Rabi) 1289 JL-24 1050 K-6 (Rabi) 1350
Year: 2014-15 MM-II: Oil palm under NMOOP
Taken up under a Pilot Project in three districts of Kamrup(R), Goalpara and Bongaigaon covering the foot hill waste land on Assam Meghalaya border 560 ha area selected during 331 farmers to cover under 560 ha To cover 5000 ha in five years
Achievement of MM-II (Oil Palm),2014-15
Interventions Rs. in Lakhs 1)Planting materials to Nursery for 560 ha area 2)WHS cost for 36 Nos. to Farmer’s account 3)Vermicompost unit cost for 331 Nos. to Farmer’s account 4)Farmer’s training cost for 15 batches by AAU and Departmental officers 5)Officer’s training cost for 3 batches by AAU 6)MME: 7 days Exposure visit of 60 farmers to Mizoram Oil palm areas by bus 7)OE, visit by GOI officials, workshops, stationeries, etc. Total Expenditure =
NMOOP, 2015-16 Particulars MM-I (Oilseeds) MM-II (Oil Palm) Total
(Rupees in Lakh) Particulars MM-I (Oilseeds) MM-II (Oil Palm) Total (MM-I &II) Total GOI Allocation 570.00 GOI Approval 423.74 GOI share 836.74 211.87 State share GOI Fund Released 418.37 N.B. Funding Pattern between GOI & State : 50 : 50
Sl No Intervention Unit Assistance rate /unit (Rs) Target approved by GOI Target approved by SLSC Phy Allocation (Rs. In Lakh) GoI Share State Share Total 1 Production of Foundation/ Certified Seeds: Mustard,Sesame Qtl 1000 10500 52.50 105.00 2 Distribution of Certified Seeds : Mustard, Niger, Groundnut 1200 25440 152.64 305.28 3 Block Demonstration: a) Mustard Ha 3000 6208 93.12 186.24 10209 153.14 306.27 b) Ground nut 7500 4000 150.00 300.00 c) Linseed 18.00 36.00 d) Sesame 4 FFS No. 26700 200 26.70 53.40 5 Famer’s Training Batch 24000 220 26.40 52.80 6 Officers/Workers Training 36000 1.08 2.16 7 MM Expenses Rs. 8.37 16.74
AAP OF MM--I (OILSEEDS) , 2015-16
8 PRODUCTION INPUTS : i Distribution of Bio- fertilizers etc Ha 300 25000 37.50 75.00 ii PP Chemical/Bio-agent /micronutrients 500 27000 67.50 135.00 9 FARM MACHINERY & IRRIGATION TOOLS: Seed treating Drum (20 kg) No. 1750 6000 52.50 105.00 14220 248.85 Water carrying pipes Mtr 25 390000 48.75 97.50 10 FLEXI FUND: Electric pump set with STW boring at 50% subsidy limited Rs /-per unit) Nos 15000 1116 83.68 167.36 1400 210.00 Total 836.74 837.74
Proposed activities to be undertaken under MME Allocation ( Lakh)
Interventions Allocation ( Lakh) GOI Share State share Total MISSION MANAGEMENT EXPENSES (MME): i) Support to publicity of the programme 1.37 2.74 ii) Contingency for monitoring & evaluation (including TA & stationery articles) 1.000 2.00 iii) Attending workshop/meetings by Mission staffs 4.00 iv) Exposure visit of farmers, Field Staffs & Officers outside the (State) 3.50 7.00 8.37 16.74
Crop wise districts indentified for implementation of MM-I during 2015-16:
Sl No Crops Name of Districts 1 Mustard (23) Dhubri, Kokrajhar, Bongaigaon, Goalpara, Chirang, Barpeta, Nalbari, Baksa, Kamrup, Morigaon, Nagaon, Darrang, Udalguri, Sonitpur, Dhemaji, Lakhimpur, Golaghat, Jorhat, Sibsagar, Dibrugarh, Tinsukia, Karbi Anglong, Dima Hasao, 2 Groundnut (11) Dhubri, Goalpara, Kokrajhar, Bongaigaon, Barpeta, Nalbari, Kamrup, Morigaon, Nagaon, Sonitpur, Darrang. 3 Linseeds (8) Dhubri, Goalpara, Bongaigaon, Barpeta, Nalbari, Kamrup, Morigaon, Nagaon. 4 Niger (10) Baksa, Udalguri, Jorhat, Golaghat, Dibrugarh, Sibsagar, Tinsukia, Dhemaji, Lakhimpur, Kamrup 5 Sesame (9) Baksa, Udalguri, Jorhat, Golaghat, Dibrugarh, Sibsagar, Tinsukia, Dhemaji, Lakhimpur
Approved Annual Action Plan, 2015-16
OIL PALM, Approved Annual Action Plan, (Financial Rs. in Lakhs) Sl. Interventions Allocation GOI State A Planting materials PHY FIN 1 Maintenance cost 560 ha 22.40 11.20 B Production input components Drip Irrigation 200 ha 47.00 23.50 2 Diesel pumpsets 250 No. 37.50 18.75 3 Bore well 100 No. 25.00 12.50 4 WHS 225.00 112.50 5 Intercropping 16.80 8.40
AAP of MM-II (Oil Palm), 2015-16
Interventions Phy Fin. GOI State C Transfer of technology: i Officers' training 4 batch 1.44 0.72 ii. Farmers' training 80 batch 19.20 9.60 D MME: M & E Max. 1% 4.00 2.00 E Flexi Fund 2 Crop calendar 1000 Nos. 1.00 0.50 3 Backpack sprayers 500 Nos. 8.00 4 Farmers' Exposure visits 2 batches 2.40 1.20 5 Officers' Exposure visits 6 Workshop, conference, visit by Scientist, Field visit by experts/GOI officials, etc. LS 6.00 3.00 Grand Total= 423.74 211.87
Constraints & Issues Provision of subsidy Rs. 1200/Qtl for distribution of seeds under the scheme is very less whereas sale price of seeds of ASC/NSC are very high. Farmers do not want to buy govt. supplied seeds at subsidized rate. Distribution of seeds at subsidy could not be implemented in the State during Majority of farmers in Assam belongs to small and marginal farming families & recurrence flood in the state, draws them back economically further. They are not in a position to buy the agril. inputs including farm machineries and irrigation tools at 50% subsidy rate as per provision of scheme. Non availability of less than 10 year released varieties of oilseed crops like Mustard, Groundnut, Sesame, Niger, Linseeds in the State. The popular oilseeds varieties of the state are more than 10years old. There is bar for using these varieties in NMOOP programme.
The farmers of Oil Palm potential areas cannot dig Water Harvesting Structure of Rs lakh without running capital due to weak economic condition. Lack of facilities for advance drawl of fund hampers activities like farmers training & exposure visit under the scheme.. Due to season bound nature of agriculture practices, the part release of fund for particular season resulted in part execution of the programme. Due to 50:50 sharing of fund between Centre & State, it creates heavy burden on the part of State to provide the matching share of fund.
STATE PROPOSAL To restore the special category status provided to NE states with the fund sharing pattern between Centre & State at a ratio of 90:10 basis. Season wise full release of GOI share of fund well in advance to ensure proper execution of season bound crop interventions. Rate of subsidy for seeds distribution to be increased up to 75% of NSC/SSC sale price. The provision of subsidy on farm machineries and irrigation tools may be increased to 75% instead present provision of 50% subsidy.
State Proposal Considering the peculiar terrain of the state, the following may be allowed under Water Harvesting Structure: i) Very small dam at natural spring for diversification of water with suitable water tank at higher elevation. ii) Water storage structure at higher altitude site for natural drip irrigation
Mustard Demonstration Field, 2014-15 at Satgaon ADO circle, Kamrup
Mustard Demonstration, 2014-15 at Bokakhat, Golaghat district
Groundnut Demonstration field under MM-I (Oilseed),2014-15 at Dhubri district
Assam: Nursery at Shingra
Assam: Nursery at Shingra
Assam Farmers visited in Mizoram Oil palm area
Assam Farmers visit Processing unit in Mizoram
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