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Obj. 1.02 Interpret roadblocks to personal development. Ms. Jessica Edwards, M.A.Ed.

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Presentation on theme: "Obj. 1.02 Interpret roadblocks to personal development. Ms. Jessica Edwards, M.A.Ed."— Presentation transcript:

1 Obj. 1.02 Interpret roadblocks to personal development. Ms. Jessica Edwards, M.A.Ed

2 Part 2: Roadblocks A.Physical Health issues may arise if you do not take care of yourself physically. Ex. Nutrition, exercise, sleep, and hygiene. Physical wellness includes choosing not to use harmful substances, such as tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs. The use of these substances can lead to addiction. It is good to develop a wellness program for good health.

3 B. Mental/emotional – Wellness not only involves physical health and safety, but also mental and social health. Listed below are ways to maintain or improve your overall mental health: Maintain a positive outlook. Focus on your strengths and abilities, not your setbacks and disappointments. Treat mistakes as learning experiences. Accept the qualities about yourself that you cannot change. Develop positive ways to handle your emotions. Accept others as they are, and focus on their strengths, not weaknesses.

4 C. Social/ Community-What is meant by the term “no man is his own island”? One view is that people need each other. Do you agree or disagree? Your social health is made up of two main parts, both involving other people – 1. People you have direct contact with. Ex. Family, friends, and neighbors. 2. Your role with society as a whole. Studies show that people who have good, supportive relationships with their family and friends are physically healthier than people who live isolated lives.

5 D. Environmental issues – It is important that we protect our environment and conserve our natural resources. There are four different categories of resources: human, material, community, and natural. What would be an example of each?

6 E. Legal issues/ Safety How can we keep ourselves safe at home and away from home? What are laws? What is their primary purpose? What are the consequences of breaking the law?

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