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Lansing Central School District Budget Update December 12, 2011 Dr. Stephen L. Grimm, Superintendent Ms. Mary June King, Business Administrator.

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Presentation on theme: "Lansing Central School District Budget Update December 12, 2011 Dr. Stephen L. Grimm, Superintendent Ms. Mary June King, Business Administrator."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lansing Central School District Budget Update December 12, 2011 Dr. Stephen L. Grimm, Superintendent Ms. Mary June King, Business Administrator

2 OCTOBER 2011: Gap Analysis Increasing reductions in state aid FYE10-FYE13 – $750,000; $1,350,000; $1,550,000; $???? Decreasing additions in federal aid FYE10-13 – $750,000; $455,857; $381,000; $0 Decreasing value largest tax payer FYE 10-13 – $160,000; $130,000; $112,500; $82,500???? Increasing ‘uncontrollable’ costs (ERS/TRS) – 9.7/8.7%; 12.2/7.6%; 17/11%; 19/12.5% – 7.6/(17)%; 24.5/24%; 25.5%/43%; 38.2/18.2%

3 Property Tax Cap Yes Virginia, there is a 2% in the formula!

4 ABCDE 11.12 Tax LevyGrowth Factor11.12 PILOTS2%12.13 PILOTS $ 13,955,2941.01$ 2,377,7191.02$1,766,750 [(A * B) + C] * D – E = TAX LEVY LIMIT TAX LEVY LIMIT + EXCLUSIONS = TAX LEVY LIMIT, ADJ. LCSD = $14,753,370 (5.72%) 4

5 NOVEMBER 2011: Fund Balance Analysis Review of expenses/revenues for FYE09-11 – Areas of underspent budget dissimilar year-year – Areas of revenue surpluses dissimilar year-year Annual fund balance average $1.9M (3 years) Reserves FYE 2009-12 – $750,000; $873,000; $2,500,000; $2,170,000

6 Projected Budget/Revenue 2012-2013 Gap: 12.12.2011 Projected 2012-2013 $ 26,575,500 $ 1,300,000 Budget 2011-2012 $ 25,275,500$ 3,710,500 $ 2,410,500 Revenue for 2012-2013 $ 22,865,000 6

7 Projected Budget/Revenue 2012-2013 Gap With appropriated $1.9M Projected 2012-2013 $ 26,575,500 $ 1,300,000 Budget 2011-2012 $ 25,275,500$ 1,810,500 $ 510,500 Revenue for 2012-2013 $ 24,765,000 7

8 Current Budget Process PROJECTED EXPENSES Analysis of all budget codes: – Compare actual expenditures in each code for 09/10 and 10/11 against – Projected expenditures in each code for 11/12 – Project budget need for each code for 12/13. Administrative analysis of class sizes Administrative analysis of program utilization/need

9 Current Budget Process EXPECTED REVENUES Monitor state aid projections Monitor AES Cayuga negotiations Adjust projected revenues based on historical in all other categories (tuition, interest, BOCES refund, Medicare reimbursement…).

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