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SUBWAY By: Dylan Chatterton. B ACKGROUND O F T HE C OMPANY A man by the name of Fred DeLuca started what would be one of the largest fast food producers.

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Presentation on theme: "SUBWAY By: Dylan Chatterton. B ACKGROUND O F T HE C OMPANY A man by the name of Fred DeLuca started what would be one of the largest fast food producers."— Presentation transcript:

1 SUBWAY By: Dylan Chatterton

2 B ACKGROUND O F T HE C OMPANY A man by the name of Fred DeLuca started what would be one of the largest fast food producers in the United States of America In 1965 Fred wanted to become a doctor. He needed to pay for his education so he decided to start a sub shop called Pete’s Subway Pete was a partner of Fred who wanted to be in the business with him.

3 W HAT S UBWAY S ELLS Subway sells a large variety of subs. Subway also produces different breakfast items on their menu At most Subways you can also purchase salads, and personal pizzas Subway offers fountain drinks, chips, cookies, apple slices, parfaits, coffee, juices, and other drinks and side items

4 A BOUT S UBWAY F RANCHISES Subway franchise is one of the best franchise to get into Subway has 38,892 restaurants in 100 countries On the top 100 franchise list Subway is usually always at or close to the top spot Subway plans and goals are to expand their sub shops across the world

5 S UBWAY A ND T HE C OMMUNITY Subway is involved in many different charity, educational, civic organizations Subway is involved with organizations such as United Way, March of Dimes, Habitat for Humanity, and Junior Achievement Subway is also involved with countless schools, religious and community organizations.

6 S TARTING A S UBWAY F RANCHISE The first step to starting a Subway franchise is to apply by filling out an application online. The initial franchise fee is $15,000 Total investments can be as low as $78,600 The company provides loan assistance, and complete financial support Subway prefers that you have about 50% of the cash needed to start a Subway up front.

7 R EQUIREMENTS F OR S UBWAY F RANCHISE After making the franchise fee, and initial cost your Subway will then be built. You and your employees are then required to take a Subway training course that is 2 weeks long. It teaches the basic management skills, methods of operation, and other hands on experiences through the course.

8 C ONTACT S UBWAY F OR F RANCHISE A T … If you are looking to open a Subway franchise you will need to contact the company for further information, and details at There is a tab that says own a franchise where you can read information, hear stories of other franchise owners of Subway, and then even fill out an application to see if you can own a Subway franchise.

9 W ORKS C ITED "Home |" Home | N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2013. "Open a Subway Franchise in Your Area." Open a Subway Franchise in Your Area. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2013. "Subway Franchise Cost & Fees." Subway Franchise Cost & Fee, Subway FDD & Franchise Information. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Mar. 2013.

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