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Student Capacity Building Programme K. K. Chakarvarti, Energy Economist, Bureau of Energy Efficiency 1 Wednesday 6 th August,2014, Ahmedabad.

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Presentation on theme: "Student Capacity Building Programme K. K. Chakarvarti, Energy Economist, Bureau of Energy Efficiency 1 Wednesday 6 th August,2014, Ahmedabad."— Presentation transcript:

1 Student Capacity Building Programme K. K. Chakarvarti, Energy Economist, Bureau of Energy Efficiency 1 Wednesday 6 th August,2014, Ahmedabad

2 INTRODUCTION The Energy Conservation Act, 2001(amended in 2010) obligates the Central Government to: i) Take all measures necessary to create awareness and disseminate information for efficient use of energy and its conservation; ( sub- section (t) of section 14), ii) Prepare educational curriculum on efficient use of energy and its conservation for educational institutions, boards, universities or autonomous bodies and coordinate with them for inclusion of such curriculum in their syllabus ( sub-section (s) of section 13); 2

3 INTRODUCTION  In order to comply with the mandate of EC Act, Bureau of Energy Efficiency with the support of State Designated Agencies is implementing Students Capacity Building Programme in XII Plan.  BEE provided financial support to the SDAs based on proposals received from them. The proposals were scrutinized in BEE and subsequently financial support (Grant) of Rs.219 lakhs was provided.  The SDAs are allowed to utilize the services of experts/ consultants for smooth, proper and timely completion of the tasks.  BEE will also interact with SDAs at regular period and provide guidance for effective implementation of the scheme. 3

4 INTRODUCTION- Importance of Student Capacity Building Programme  Incorporation of energy efficiency at all level of education is extremely important.  There is a need to convince State Boards/ NCERT for introducing a module on energy efficiency and conservation in the existing syllabi, text books and curriculum.  The concept may be introduced by undertaking gap analysis and proposing changes to be incorporated in the existing syllabi and text of some selected subjects in the curriculum.  Active involvement of State Boards/ Technical Boards, NCERT, is needed for an effective implementation.  The development of materials for students is required in the following sections: School curriculum – NCERT (BEE has floated a RFP, available on website) School curriculum – State Boards ( to be developed by SDAs for which separate proposals will be sought from SDAs) College curriculum – ITI / Diploma Engineering Colleges( to be developed by SDAs ) 4

5 PROGRESS  Proposals were invited from all SDAs to undertake various Students Capacity building programme as approved for XII Plan  SDAs of Maharashtra, Kerala, Chhattisgarh, Punjab, Tripura, Andhra Pradesh, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Uttar Pradesh submitted their proposals.  The proposals are largely received for the following activities: 1.Development of Material for incorporation in the ITI’s and Diploma Engineering Colleges’ Curriculum. 2.Debate Competitions on Energy Efficiency and Energy Conservation in ITIs, Diploma Engineering colleges and Engineering Colleges. 3.Establishment/Strengthening of Energy Clubs in Schools 4.Development of Tip Sheets/Brochures on Energy Conservation in English, Hindi and one vernacular language for efficient use of utilities for it is, and Diploma Engineering college Students.  The proposals received have large variations with respect to methodology, deliverables etc. and therefore for adoption of uniform approach BEE is interacting with SDAs in the current meet 5

6 1.Development of material on Energy Conservation for its incorporation in the ITI and Diploma Engineering College Curriculum of the concerned State 6

7 Development of material on Energy Conservation for its incorporation in the ITI and Diploma Engg. College Curriculum of the concerned State  States who will be undertaking this activity to constitute a committee having representations from all stake holders such as State Technical Board, representatives from ITIs and Diploma Engineering Institutions, energy managers from industry, SDAs etc.  This committee with the support of consultant, whose services to be hired by SDAs, may identify the gaps in the existing syllabus and recommend suggestive places, wherein the topics related to energy efficiency can be introduced in the existing syllabus and identified text books.  The consultant also needs to develop material in support of requisite proposed topics under the guidance of Committee constituted at State level. 7

8 Development of materials on Energy Conservation for its incorporation in the ITI and Diploma Engg. College Curriculum of the concerned State  After obtaining approval/ consents from Technical Education Board on the likely additional inputs for syllabus which can be considered for incorporation in a particular state, the developed material to be discussed in a 2 day workshop at Delhi or at one of the selected SDAs place for 2 days, which is to be attended by all 8 SDAs and their consultants to fine tune the developed material contents.  This will ensure the quality content of the material and harmonization.  The activity regarding training of teachers to be undertaken after the material has been developed and should not be a part of this activity. 8

9 Development of material on Energy Conservation for its incorporation in the ITI and Diploma Engg. College Curriculum of the concerned State  8 SDAs were considered and the grant was released to SDAs as per the details given below:  MEDA, EMC Kerala, CREDA, PEDA, Tripura SDA, NREDCAP, Arunachal Pradesh SDA, UP SDA  Grant per SDA: Rs. 8 Lacs (Sub Total for 8 SDAs= Rs. 64.00 Lacs)  SDA, who will agree to organize the 2 days workshop for final preparation of material will be provided with additional grant: Rs. 2 Lacs  Training of Teachers: Up to Rs. 3 Lacs to all the SDAs who will agree to incorporate the content in their states. Funds will be disbursed after the development of final material and will be restricted based on no. of teachers being covered 9

10 2. Debates on energy efficiency and conservation at ITI, Diploma Engineering College( Polytechnic), and Engineering College level 10

11 2. Debates on energy efficiency and conservation at ITI, Diploma Engineering College( Polytechnic), and Engineering College level  Students are the largest upcoming group and their involvement in energy efficiency programs would be very essential. Some of the ways of involvement of students would be debates at college levels. The debate competitions are proposed to be held at three levels, i.e. ITI levels, Diploma Engineering College levels and Engineering College levels.  Debate competitions at 3 levels (i.e one at each ITI, Diploma Engineering College and Engineering College level) are proposed to be organized by SDAs.  Proposals received from all the 8 SDAs were approved. SDAs (MEDA, EMC-Kerala, CREDA, PEDA and NREDCAP @ Rs.6.00 lakhs each, and Arunachal Pradesh SDA, Tripura SDA and Nagaland SDA @Rs 5.00 lakhs each ) 11

12 3. Establishment / strengthening of energy clubs in schools 12 “If a child tells parents what they can do to conserve energy, the parents will listen. Children can be the most effective communicators”

13 3. Establishment / strengthening of energy clubs in schools Project Objectives:  Create awareness among children and their parents on energy competitiveness and energy security at individual levels on a smaller scale, thus contributing to the national level at a larger scale  Provide guidance to teachers in order to maximize excellence in energy education process  Enhance learning of students and sensitize them on key energy issues that will impact their lives  Build awareness and a sense of responsibility among students regarding the environment in general, and energy conservation.  8 proposals received and were sanctioned @Rs. 10.00 lakh each 13

14 3. Establishment / strengthening of energy clubs in schools APPROACH  Setting up energy clubs: A minimum of 30 students to join an energy club in each of the selected schools.  Organize Workshops and panel/ group discussions  Key issues regarding energy conservation to be discussed.  Training on conducting energy audit in schools/homes and on executing door-to-door campaigns to be held by inviting certified energy managers/auditors on voluntary basis.  Competitions such as poster/slogan, caricature, debate, comic strip writing, street plays, model making, essay writing, and quiz may be organised by energy clubs  It is quite possible that some schools within the state may already have ECO clubs. In such cases, ECO clubs can also be considered for their strengthening to include energy efficiency and conservation activities 14

15 4. Development of tip sheets/ brochures on Energy Conservation in English and Hindi language providing information regarding efficient use of utilities for ITI and diploma engineering students 15

16 4. Development of tip sheets/ brochures on Energy Conservation in English and Hindi language providing information regarding efficient use of utilities for ITI and diploma engineering students  Knowledge on efficient operation of utilities needs to be imparted to ITI and diploma engineering college students through tip sheets in vernacular/ local languages by providing information on basic fundamentals and best practices on efficient use of utilities like pumps, boilers, heaters, Chillers, fans and other utilities.  Tip sheets to be in English, Hindi and one vernacular and its printing (5000 copies each in English, Hindi and vernacular language) and its dispatch to ITI and diploma engineering colleges within State and at least 5 more states.  In 2014-15, the translation of the tip sheets in vernacular language will be done by various SDAs and subsequently its printing and dispatch to ITI and diploma engineering colleges with a grant which will be extended in the next financial year. 16

17 Grant -in -Aid (GIA) to various SDAs for activities under Student Capacity Building Programme for XII Plan Name of SDA GIA in lac ` for Activity no 1* ( ITI’s and Diploma Syllabi) GIA in lac ` for Activity no 2 ( Debate Competition) GIA in lac ` for Activity no 3 (EC Clubs in Schools) GIA in lac for ` Activity no 4 ( Tip sheets & Awareness material) Total GIA in lac ` MEDA8610- 24 EMC Kerala861030 54 CREDA8610- 24 PEDA8610- 24 Tripura SECL8510- 23 NREDCAP8610- 24 Arunachal Pradesh EDA 8510- 23 SDA, UP8--- 08 Nagaland SDA-510- 15 Total64 Lacs45 Lacs80 Lacs30 Lacs219 Lacs *.` 2 Lacs to be released to one SDA, who agree to organize the 2 days’ workshop for final preparation of material. * Up to.` 3 Lacs to be released to all the SDAs who will agree to incorporate the content in their states (Not exceeding the ` 14 Lacs out of total budget of ` 80 Lacs for activity no 1.

18 Request to SDAs: Establishment / strengthening of energy clubs in schools  Out of Rs.330.00 lakhs grant available, and with the above proposed disbursement of Rs.235.00 lakhs to 8 SDAs, still a grant of Rs.95.00 lakhs is available.  It is felt the activity no.3 (Establishment/Strengthening of Energy Clubs in Schools) is a very important activity and it should be undertaken by majority of SDAs.  In view of the above it is proposed that at least 9 more SDAs may come forward and send their proposals for the above activity 18

19 A Scheme to support capacity building of Students in energy Efficiency and Conservation- SDAs involvement will make it successful 19

20 Visit us at 20

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