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Monday/Tuesday. Do Now (page 20L) Rewrite the following sentences so that the verb agrees with its subject. 1.A medical worker are also known as a health.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday/Tuesday. Do Now (page 20L) Rewrite the following sentences so that the verb agrees with its subject. 1.A medical worker are also known as a health."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday/Tuesday

2 Do Now (page 20L) Rewrite the following sentences so that the verb agrees with its subject. 1.A medical worker are also known as a health care provider. 2.Nurses forms an important part of the health care team. 3.A nurse do not just work in a hospital. 4.Today, nurses is working with family members as well as patients. 5.Sally and her cats loves to play with yarn.

3 Farewell to Manzanar








11 In 1942, 120,000 Japanese Americans and Japanese living in the United States were relocated to “War Relocation Camps.” 62% of them were US citizens. These people lived in tar-covered paper barracks of a simple square frame construction without plumbing or cooking facilities of any kind.



14 Journal #4 (page 20R) Respond to the following question in your interactive notebook. Your response must be at least half a page. “What does it mean to be an American?”


16 Outline In order to write an outline for our research paper, we need to be able to read the research sources and summarize the main ideas. By understanding the main points, we will know what facts are important to include into our Culture research paper.

17 What is an Outline?!?! An outline is a part of the writing process called “Pre-Writing.” It is a list that outlines all of the information that you would like to include in your paper. The list helps you to put all of your information in order before you begin writing. It is the best way to get your mind UNJUMBLED when writing any major paper!!

18 An Outline Organizes The Major Parts Of Your Essay: Your Thesis Statement-The sentence that tells your reader your ultimate point and what they should expect. You Major Points-The facts that you are using to prove your main point. Your Supporting Details-The examples, facts, quotations, etc. that further explain and back up each major point. You should have several for each Major Point. Your Transitions-The statement or information you will use to transition form one major point to the next. This stops your paper from sounding jumpy or disorganized. Concluding Thoughts-Any thoughts that you would like to include at the close of your paper to wrap things up and tie it all together. NEVER INCLUDE NEW FACTS OR INFORMATION IN YOUR CONCLUSION!

19 Why Write An Outline? It will help you organize all of the ideas running around your brain!

20 Why Write An Outline? It will allow you to find any gaps in your research or ideas early enough to fix them.

21 Why Write An Outline? It will make writing you essay less stressful because you will KNOW what you have to work with.

22 Why Write An Outline? Teachers are often willing to look over an outline for you to make sure that you are on the right track!! Teachers are often willing to look over an outline for you to make sure that you are on the right track!!

23 Where Do I Start? 1.Gather all of your research or notes on the topic that you are writing about. (You will have time to do this today and throughout the week.) 2.Review it all and decide what your research/information is telling you about your topic. 3.Form a working thesis statement that describes the point that you want to make about your topic. 4.Begin to select what information you would like to include in your essay based on what proves your point.

24 What Should my Outline Look Like?? I am going to pass out a worksheet that has the structure for an outline. It is empty, so that you fill it out based on your research. YOU MUST TAKE NOTES IN YOUR NOTEBOOK, SO YOU KNOW WHAT TO WRITE IN EACH SECTION. (pages 21L-R) THIS IS YOUR ASSIGNMENT and must be filled out completely and thoroughly. –Let’s take a look at each section!!

25 Introduction I. Introduction- Hook: Intro/Background Knowledge: Assertion/Thesis: How are you going to create the interest in the reader?? Use on of the opening sentence strategies. Who, what, when, where of your topic?? What is the main idea of your paper, and what will a reader learn about as they read your paper??

26 Outline-Body Paragraphs II. Body Paragraph #1- You can break these topics into multiple paragraphs if you have a lot of information. Topic Sentence: A. 1. 2. B. 1. 2. C. 1. 2. Main idea of this paragraph Another main idea of this paragraph Supporting Details

27 Conclusion!! V. Conclusion- –Sum up your evidence: –Restate your assertion: –Leave your reader with a lasting impression: Summarize briefly the research you wrote in your paper. What did you say in your thesis. Do not re- write it, restate it in a different way. Just like you have to “hook” the reader, make sure they remember your paper, too!!

28 Information you want to collect as you find helpful websites. -The FULL website: -The title of the website (if there is one) -The title of the article (if there is one) -The author (if there is one) -The day, month, and year that you visited that website. (today’s date)

29 Wednesday

30 Quick News… Benchmark #3 is coming up!!! April 4 th and April 5 th we will take the 3 rd and final benchmark of this year. Next week will be dedicated to reviewing for this. We will take it twice (like we did last time to help boost scores.) Today, you will get back a bunch of quizzes and your Unit 7 Assessment. I need the Unit 7 Assessment back so that I can file it in your portfolio. You may keep your quizzes. If you received a 1 or 2 on any of your standards, you have until next Friday to retake them. I went to the library and checked out a bunch of books to help you with your research, so we will use these tomorrow and Friday. I have decided to extend the due date for your research paper to Thursday, April 7 th and Friday, April 8 th. This means that your presentations will also be pushed back and we will discuss these in more detail tomorrow and Friday. New requirements for attending field trips…

31 The words must be in this order and spelled correctly. Put the number correct over 10 at the top. 1.Afraid6. Vital 2.Content7. Intention 3.February 8. Ambiguous 4. Charming9. Plethora 5. Wednesday10. Throughout

32 New Words (page 22L) WordBefore Rating DefinitionPicture/ Sentence After Rating luxurious1 2 3 4 5Fancy; good quality (adj) Necklace; ring1 2 3 4 5 beneficial1 2 3 4 5Able to help; advantageous (adj) Money; medicine 1 2 3 4 5 common1 2 3 4 5Normal; (Adj) everyday things Blue shirts; school 1 2 3 4 5 frequently1 2 3 4 5Often (adv)Waking up1 2 3 4 5 loathe1 2 3 4 5To hate (verb)spiders1 2 3 4 5 sway1 2 3 4 5Persuade (verb)  1 2 3 4 5 sacred1 2 3 4 5Holy (adj)cross1 2 3 4 5 manipulate1 2 3 4 5To brainwash (v)Mom-money1 2 3 4 5 tarnish1 2 3 4 5To destroy (v)Dream; ring1 2 3 4 5 compose1 2 3 4 5To make (verb)Song; essay1 2 3 4 5

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