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The French Revolution and Napoleon 1789-1815. CAUSES OF THE FRENCH REVOLUITON  1. POLITICAL – King ruled by divine right – King selected officials based.

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Presentation on theme: "The French Revolution and Napoleon 1789-1815. CAUSES OF THE FRENCH REVOLUITON  1. POLITICAL – King ruled by divine right – King selected officials based."— Presentation transcript:

1 The French Revolution and Napoleon 1789-1815

2 CAUSES OF THE FRENCH REVOLUITON  1. POLITICAL – King ruled by divine right – King selected officials based on birth – King censored the people to keep down rebels – King imprisoned enemies with out cause – King gave no voice in the gov’t to his people  2.SOCIAL – FR had 3 social classes

3 – The 1 st and 2 nd estates were only 3% of the pop., yet they owned most of the land, had the best jobs, were not accountable to the law, and were exempt from taxes  3.ECONOMIC – The 3 rd estate bore almost all taxes to the gov’t and the church. After taxes, most had less than half their income. – The Bourgeoisie wanted a Laissez-faire economy

4  4. The Enlightenment  5. Influence of English and US Revolutions – The FR desired a parliament like gov’t and Ben Franklin and Thomas Jefferson were diplomats to Paris

5 IMMEDIATE CAUSE OF FRENCH REVOLUTION  FR went bankrupt in 1788  Louis XVI summons the Estates General- 1789-1 st time in 175 years, admitted that the absolute monarch could not fix the problems of FR.  Misrepresentation in the Estates General – The 1 st and 2 nd estates had as many representative as the 3ed estate – They voted by class not by individual so the 3 rd estate would be outvoted 2-1

6 THE REVOLUTION BEGINS  The Estates-General becomes the National Assembly [1789]- the 3ed Estate wanted to be formed into a National Assembly where each member gets a vote. Louis XVI rejected this proposal. The 3 rd Estate did it anyway and took the Tennis Court Oath  The storming of the Bastille [July 14,1789] Louis XVI had threatened to break up the National Assembly  This is their Independence Day

7 What did the National Assembly Do?  Stopped all special privileges of the 1 st and 2 nd estates  Wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man:  To aid the financial problems they seized church lands [20% of FR] – Church lands were sold off to peasants  The Catholic church was removed from power. Became enemy of the REV.

8  Reformed the gov’t: – Started uniform national taxes – All laws were nationwide which helped nationalism  Constitution of 1791: – Created a limited monarchy – Laws were to be made by an elected legislative body – Members of the assembly had to be property owners that were elected

9 Who was for and against the revolution?  For: – Middle class and most peasants  Against who wanted a republic – Jacobins: radicals who represented the poor classes of FR  Against who wanted the old regime – LouisXVI – Catholics – Nobles – Other Monarchs

10 The End of the Limited Monarchy  France was invaded by Austria and Prussia  The people overthrew the king and created the National Convention to draw up a new constitution.  The 1 st Fr republic executed the king  Fr is invaded by ENG, Spain, and Holland.  Fr defended itself and started the Reign of Terror

11 Significance of the French Rev.  Proclaimed democratic ideal through Liberte, egalite, and fraternite  Emphasis on nationalism  Worldwide influence

12 The Napoleonic Era  Napoleon Bonaparte-son of a porr village lawyer. Born on the island of Corsica in 1769  By age 30 he had become master of FRANCE.  Believed himself a “man of destiny”  Very ambitious and was ruthless and unprincipled in his rise to power

13  Educated in a FR military academy  Troops were very loyal to him and supported his political ambition  FR accepted Napoleon b/c they were tired of Revolutionary disorder [example reign of terror]

14 Napoleon’s rise to power:  First recognition as a military hero in 1793 and 1795  Defeated Austrian forces in Italy in 1796- 97  Wins victories in Egypt against ENG in 1798-99  Coup d’Etat-swift overthrow of the government by force- Napoleon returns to Fr and does this in 1799  Sets himself up as a military dictator called the First Consul

15  1804- Napoleon replaces the republic with an empire and crowns himself as Emperor Napoleon I, the people accepted this. Look at what the revolution had become?

16 Napoleon dominates Europe  1803-1809= Napoleon defeats Austria, Russia, and Prussia  Controls or allied to all of Europe except ENGLAND

17 His Downfall  1. His own weaknesses – Created empire to complex to rule – Lust power was limitless, also stubborn  2. England – Had always sought a balance of power – Napoleon threatened their colonies  3. His Continental System – He ordered all of Europe not to trade with ENGLAND – Eng. ordered all neutral nations not to trade with Europe, led to our war of 1812

18  Trade declines around the world, everyone blames Napoleon, peasants rise up because of hardships throughout the empire  4. Russia – Once an ally with FR, Russia resumes trade with England so it can sell its grain. – Napoleon invades Russia in 1812, Russia uses scorched earth policy, Capture Moscow but have to retreat because of overextended lines and “General Winter” – Loses 75% of his army

19  5. Rising spirit of Nationalism – People wanted their independence from Napoleon  6. Exhaustion of FRANCE – Out of manpower and resources

20 Napoleon Exiled:  1813-1814:He loses the Battle of Nations in Germany and the allies invade and capture Paris  He is exiled to the island of Elba  1815: he escapes and returned to France for 100 Days. He is defeated again @ the Battle of Waterloo and exiled to St. Helena.  Remained there until his death in 1821

21 Napoleon’s Accomplishments in FRANCE  Stable government  Furthered public education  Compromise between the France and the Catholic Church  Legal reform: Code of Napoleon  Paid off debt: Bank of France[still exists]

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