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French Gov’t Reign of Terror Louis et Marie Napoleon C’est la guerre! 100 200 300 400 500 JEOPARDY.

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Presentation on theme: "French Gov’t Reign of Terror Louis et Marie Napoleon C’est la guerre! 100 200 300 400 500 JEOPARDY."— Presentation transcript:

1 French Gov’t Reign of Terror Louis et Marie Napoleon C’est la guerre! 100 200 300 400 500 JEOPARDY

2 Prior to the French Revolution in 1789, France had this type of government 100

3 In the Estates-General, each state has this many votes 200

4 The National Assembly adopted this document that was inspired by the American Declaration of Independence and Constitution 300

5 The Constitution of 1791 set up a limited monarchy with this government body that would make the laws 400

6 The Constitution of 1795 established these 3 ruling bodies 500

7 The weapon of choice during the “Reign of Terror” was this 100

8 This Max was the head of the Committee of Public Safety 200

9 Along with the terror, the Committee of Public Safety created a new order, called this by Robespierre 300

10 In this rebellious city, the victims were executed by being sunk in barges in the Loire River 400

11 Why did the National Convention bring on the “Reign of Terror”? 500

12 Who was king of France right before the Revolution in 1789 100

13 She was the wife of Louis XVI 200

14 The royal family stayed at this palace during the beginning of the revolution before being escorted back to Paris 300

15 The National Convention split into these because they could not agree on the fate of the king 400

16 Why did the king’s execution spark another war with Prussia, Great Britain, Austria, Spain, Portugal, and the Dutch Republic? 500

17 Napoleon was born on this island 100

18 Napoleon contributed in the coup d'état that overthrew the Directory, and instated this new government 200

19 This was Napoleon’s most famous domestic achievement, it was this organization of over 300 legal systems 300

20 Napoleon was finally defeated at this battle by the Duke of Wellington 400

21 What was the purpose of the Continental System? 500

22 This breech-less group emerged out of the National Assembly because they were more radical 100

23 The French revolutionaries managed to push back the invading countries and even managed to snag this region 200

24 During the Napoleonic wars, Napoleon suffered a brutal defeat in Russia which led him to be exiled for the first time to this island 300

25 Napoleon is exiled a second time to this island after his final military disaster in Belgium 400

26 Why was the French invasion of Russia a failure? 500

27 FINAL JEOPARDY **************** What 3 events do these paintings depict?



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