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Northern Leopard Frog Distribution and Habitat in the Columbia Plateau Province Project ID 25043 Submitted by: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.

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Presentation on theme: "Northern Leopard Frog Distribution and Habitat in the Columbia Plateau Province Project ID 25043 Submitted by: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife."— Presentation transcript:

1 Northern Leopard Frog Distribution and Habitat in the Columbia Plateau Province Project ID 25043 Submitted by: Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife

2 State endangered species Federal species of concern Needs baseline information on threats and habitat association Northern Leopard Frog Status and Needs

3 Distribution

4 Decline of the Northern Leopard Frog Bullfrog expansion Introduced Fish Agricultural Chemicals? Dams and Reservoirs ?

5 Columbia Plateau Needs and Limiting Factors restoring the natural ecological functions, habitats and biological diversity

6 Graduate Research Developed basic information for future studies

7 Distribution of Breeding Ponds Surveys Habitat inventory

8 Effects of Introduced Species Non-native fish Bullfrogs


10 Reservoir Effects

11 The Northern Leopard Frog Proposal : BPA 25043 Meets subbasin goals 5 0f 6 subbasin tasks Information for species survival and recovery

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