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Napoleon. Napoleon the Conqueror

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1 Napoleon

2 Napoleon the Conqueror

3 Nationalism A feeling that people have of being loyal to and proud of their country often with the belief that it is better and more important than other countries

4 Review Napoleon was born on the Island of Corsica and so he had an Italian accent Not even French He studied military strategy from a young age He married Josephine but eventually divorced her because she couldn’t bear children His titles include Consul Emperor

5 His Downfall Continental system backfired: (closed Europe’s ports to Britain) This forbid Napoleon’s allies from being trading with the British Why would he do this? - to destroy Britain’s economy - force them to make peace with France Britain still had Naval dominance; Napoleon only enforced his embargo on land. Britain forbid its trading partners from trading with France

6 His Downfall Napoleon invades Russia (to get back at them for trading with the British) which turns out to be a big mistake as his men weren’t ready for the freezing winter Russia, Britain, Austria and Sweden saw their opportunity and formed and alliance against France This forced the French to run Napoleon out of France

7 Exile Napoleon is forced to abdicate – give up his thrown He was exiled, to the Island of Elba but triumphantly returned until... The battle of Waterloo (where he was defeated by Britain and Prussia) Napoleon again was sent into exile on the island of Saint Helena, but this time he did not return He dies there from stomach cancer (or Poison?)

8 What do we know about…. Continental system? Resistance in Spain Russian invasion Battle of Waterloo

9 Continental system Block British goods in European Ports What was the purpose? To hurt British Economy To persuade Britain to submit peacefully Did the system work? Yes – hurt every economy No – Britain did not submit

10 Spain Dethroning King Charles IV of Spain his brother Joseph Bonaparte King causes a revolt Guerrilla war in Spain What is that? Surprise hit and run tactics During the Peninsular war (1808-1813) Spanish Guerillas aided by British troops under Wellington and Portuguese allies drove the French out and eventually invaded southern France

11 Russian Invasion -Borodino To get back at Russia for trading with Britain March to Moscow Russia retreated until the right moment Burned Russia after they left Anywhere between 500,000 -800,000 Cold winters Deserters Lack of food Guerilla warfare Starts to show his age


13 Napoleon’s path


15 Leipzig Almost every force in Europe against him Shows he is pretty much defeated Offered him and out (deal) keep the thrown Other nations wanted to stop fighting Pride

16 Exiled Still addressed as Emperor had a good life


18 Waterloo Return from Exile With the help of loyal soldiers (1 st on Elba) Regains status as leader Battle of Waterloo against A mix of British, Russians, Prussians, Germans Not himself-- Napoleon committed tactical errors and acted indecisively Symbolically - Battle of Waterloo marked the end of Napoleon’s military career

19 Exiled AGAIN! No longer seen as Emperor Dies of stomach cancer Or poison?

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