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The Spring Slide Was Premature  Journal March 24 th, 2011 We’ve reached the end! There are many moments our characters can look to over the course of.

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Presentation on theme: "The Spring Slide Was Premature  Journal March 24 th, 2011 We’ve reached the end! There are many moments our characters can look to over the course of."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Spring Slide Was Premature  Journal March 24 th, 2011 We’ve reached the end! There are many moments our characters can look to over the course of the novel and say, “That’s when it all changed.” Write about an experience in your own life that you can look back on and say, “That’s when it all changed.”

2 FoUnD pOeMs Found poetry is a type of poetry created by taking words, phrases, and sometimes whole passages from other sources and reframing them as poetry by making changes in spacing and/or lines (and consequently meaning), or by altering the text by additions and/or deletions.

3 Directions 1. Find an excerpt from the text. 2. Go back through the text and underline important words or phrases – anything that jumps out to you. 3. Take those words and phrases and use them to write a poem of any kind. Free-verse works well. You can use the words as many times as you wish and in any order you wish. The only rule is that you can only use words you "found" in the text. Also, use a word or phrase "found" in the text for the title of the poem.

4 Example Text Wolf Ways The largest member of the wild dog family in Minnesota is the gray wolf, or timber wolf. Wolves live in packs and do not migrate, but their home territories sometimes cover hundreds of square miles. Just as you learn your way around your neighborhood, wolves learn how to get around their vast home ground to find food and shelter. Wolves in Minnesota follow moose or white-tailed deer to hunt them. Then the wolves somehow find their way back home. They return home by instinct, or by a sense of home that is part of the brain and nervous system. Good Noses Wolves depend on their sense of smell to find the boundaries of their large home ranges. Like your pet dog, the wolf urinates to mark its scent on stumps, rocks, or shrubs. Other wolves pass by and "read" these scent posts -- they find out who claims the territory. Wolves howl to communicate within a pack. If a wolf gets separated from its pack, howling can help it reunite with the pack and its home territory.

5 Highlight/Note Significant Words Wolf Ways The largest member of the wild dog family in Minnesota is the gray wolf, or timber wolf. Wolves live in packs and do not migrate, but their home territories sometimes cover hundreds of square miles. Just as you learn your way around your neighborhood, wolves learn how to get around their vast home ground to find food and shelter. Wolves in Minnesota follow moose or white-tailed deer to hunt them. Then the wolves somehow find their way back home. They return home by instinct, or by a sense of home that is part of the brain and nervous system. Good Noses Wolves depend on their sense of smell to find the boundaries of their large home ranges. Like your pet dog, the wolf urinates to mark its scent on stumps, rocks, or shrubs. Other wolves pass by and "read" these scent posts -- they find out who claims the territory. Wolves howl to communicate within a pack. If a wolf gets separated from its pack, howling can help it reunite with the pack and its home territory.

6 Ta Da Finding Home gray territories cover vast miles do not migrate hunt your boundaries learn your way home claim howl -Laurie Salas

7 Another Example… Page 127 of Holes by Louis Sachar Passage from Novel: There was a change in the weather. For the worse. The air became unbearably humid. Stanley was drenched in sweat. Beads of moisture ran down the handle of his shovel. It was almost as if the temperature had gotten so hot that the air itself was sweating. A loud book of thunder echoed across the empty lake. A storm was way off to the west, beyond the mountains. Stanley could count more than thirty seconds between The flash of lightning and the clap of thunder. That was how far away the storm was. Sound travels a great distance across a barren wasteland.

8 Found Poem There was a change For the worse. The air became humid Beads of moisture ran down The handle of his shovel It was almost as if The air itself was sweating Thunder echoed across the empty lake A storm beyond the mountains. Thirty seconds between the flash And the thunder Sound travels a great distance Across a barren wasteland

9 Your Turn Challenge: Find an excerpt from A Thousand Splendid Suns related to your theme. Create a found poem from the text that demonstrates your theme. Minimum 12 lines required.

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