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Status of RSA LAPS/MM5 System Sustainment John McGinley, Steve Albers*, Chris Anderson*, Linda Wharton NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory Global Systems.

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Presentation on theme: "Status of RSA LAPS/MM5 System Sustainment John McGinley, Steve Albers*, Chris Anderson*, Linda Wharton NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory Global Systems."— Presentation transcript:

1 Status of RSA LAPS/MM5 System Sustainment John McGinley, Steve Albers*, Chris Anderson*, Linda Wharton NOAA Earth System Research Laboratory Global Systems Division, Forecast Applications Branch *In collaboration with the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere (CIRA), Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado

2 2 Earth System Research Laboratory Overview of ESRL/ GSD

3 3 Located in Boulder, Colorado at the foot of the Rocky Mountains Earth System Research Laboratory

4 4 (FSL)

5 5 NWS

6 6 GSD Themes 1. Observing systems 2. Computing systems 3. Modeling and assimilation systems 4. Information systems and information

7 7 Integrated Global Observing The global observing system must be designed to support the scientific questions inherent in long term climate diagnosis and prediction. The strategic triad of global observing: Satellites – UAVs - Buoys

8 8 Talk Summary 1. Observing systems 2. Computing systems 3. Modeling and assimilation systems 4. Information systems and information

9 9 Linux ~1900 nodes (1024 Mbytes Memory) 16 Front End Nodes (1 Gbyte Memory, ATM) 16 I/O Nodes (2 Gbytes Memory, FibreChannel Myricom Myrinet ADIC Fileserve MSS (100 Tbytes) Peak Performance: 3000 GFLOPS ESRL/Global Systems Division “Jet” Supercomputer High Performance Technology Inc. 8th fastest computer in the world (end of 2002) A. E. MacDonald Nov 2000

10 10 Talk Summary 1. Observing systems 2. Computing systems 3. Modeling and assimilation systems 4. Information systems and information

11 11 GSD Goal:

12 Local Scale Modeling

13 13

14 14 Benefit: From Ensembles, to Improved Analyses, to Better Forecasts, to Probabilities, to “Yes/No” Decision Support 6-D model grids (variable,x,y,z,t,prob) Decision Engine Cost/Loss Thresholds Yes or No Ensemble Location, Time Customer Error Covariances 3-D Var Initial Conditions N

15 15 Plans for Weather Research and Forecast (WRF) model Developmental Test Center (DTC) are progressing. GSD working with NCEP on the Rapid Refresh operational model. Continuing RUC

16 16 Road Map of the high-end Earth System Modeling 2006-2013: The “Geodesic Grid” Planet Simulator, 3 rd generation non-hydrostatic finite-volume model with 1-4 km or finer resolution. Cumulus parameterization-free, cloud and gravity-wave resolving; will revolutionize climate modeling. Coupling to eddy resolving ocean model (JPL). Scalable to over 40,000 CPUs. Icosahedral Horizontal Coordinate Primary model for: Medium Range Weather Prediction 0 to 2 weeks, including improve hurricane track and intensity. Seasonal to Inter-annual Prediction 2 weeks to 2 years Decadal to Centennial projection A project between GFDL, ESRL, AOML to develop the leading global model in the world.

17 17 Talk Summary 1. Observing systems 2. Computing systems 3. Modeling and assimilation systems 4. Information systems and information

18 18

19 19 FX-Net and new AWIPS prototype…ALPS

20 20 GSD Summary ESRL Global Systems Division Will continue the mission of FSL Systems; Modeling and Assimilation; Observations; Data Systems; Advanced Computing Will expand upward to global scale concerns Will concentrate on probabilistic post processing Will collaborate with other ESRL divisions in Chemistry Phenomena Climate Will continue to seek cooperation with other agencies and the private sector

21 21 Now back to TIM: Overview Review of Analysis System Sustainment - Steve Albers Review of Model System Sustainment - Chris Anderson Issues Discussion

22 22 Issues Completion of Verification System –Is this a small enough addition to fit within “sustainment”? –Still have to have ranges specify a target computer platform Ingest of Level III radar data –Assume that if we have code that is prepared for new data, that this fits within a sustainment activity.

23 23 Discussion

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