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Moffatt Thomas Lower Boise River Wetlands Restoration Project Sponsor:Pioneer Irrigation District Presenter: Scott L. Campbell Legal Counsel for Pioneer.

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Presentation on theme: "Moffatt Thomas Lower Boise River Wetlands Restoration Project Sponsor:Pioneer Irrigation District Presenter: Scott L. Campbell Legal Counsel for Pioneer."— Presentation transcript:

1 Moffatt Thomas Lower Boise River Wetlands Restoration Project Sponsor:Pioneer Irrigation District Presenter: Scott L. Campbell Legal Counsel for Pioneer January 16, 2002

2 Moffatt Thomas Overview Watershed description Rationale and significance to regional program Project description Project benefits

3 Moffatt Thomas The Boise-Payette-Weiser Subbasins total 8,800 square miles (mi 2 ) Lands within these subbasins are under intensive land use practices The Lower Boise River is a 64-mile stretch that flows from Lucky Peak Dam above Boise, Idaho, to the Snake River below Parma, Idaho

4 Moffatt Thomas




8 Boise 1936

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11 Interior Columbia Basin Ecosystem Management Project (ICBEMP) assessment concluded that historic development of the ICRB over the last 150 years has greatly altered ecological processes to the detriment of many native species of fish and wildlife (ICBEMP 2000)

12 Moffatt Thomas Among many findings of relevance to the Boise- Payette Weiser Subbasins, the assessment concluded that: Aquatic diversity and resilience are dependent on the maintenance of complex habitats and networks of those habitats at multiple spatial scales Conserving the remaining watershed and habitats that have a high value for aquatic species is key to maintaining system integrity Restoring or maintaining the integrity of river corridors bordered by private lands will be particularly important

13 Moffatt Thomas Water quality investigations concluded that the Lower Boise River is a water quality impaired river, under guidelines from the Federal Clean Water Act Between concerns for water quality improvements, and a desire for holistic restoration of the lower Boise watershed, this proposal has been developed to construct a wetlands restoration project to meet all of these needs

14 Moffatt Thomas Mason Creek, a tributary to the Lower Boise River, has been evaluated as a priority site for water quality and habitat improvement. This proposal will address the development, construction, and maintenance of seven wetlands (cells) to improve water quality, restore wetland habitat, and create new wildlife habitat.

15 Moffatt Thomas High priority water quality-limited due to nutrients, temperature, sediment, pathogens, and D.O. Low priority water quality-limited due to sediments, D.O., oil and grease

16 Moffatt Thomas








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