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Our Ecosystems by Mrs. Canaan’s Class. Tundra Christian and Conor.

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Presentation on theme: "Our Ecosystems by Mrs. Canaan’s Class. Tundra Christian and Conor."— Presentation transcript:

1 Our Ecosystems by Mrs. Canaan’s Class

2 Tundra Christian and Conor

3 Food Web

4 These plants and animals depend on each other to survive in a decate balance, these life form help to sustain one another Cushion plants and the dark red leaves are 2 biome Birds, snow owl, Arctic fox and polar bear are 3 consumers Ants are 1 decomposer are in are biomes The air around you would kill the trees around us if a factory moved in

5 Taiga Kaily and Olive

6 Food Chain

7 What needs to be in an ecosystem for it to be a proper habitat is plants, animals, and a shelter for the plants and animals. Two producers in our biome are grass and trees (evergreen, birch, aspen trees) Three consumers in our biome are lynx, hawk owl, snowshoe rabbit. One decomposer in our biome is the European Red squirrel. What would happen to our ecosystem if a factory moved in is that a lot of animals would die and would lose their home

8 Grassland Madi, Shaun, Shalowm

9 Food Chain

10 The things for a grassland to be a proper ecosystem are the wide open land,lots of grass, a certain amount of annual rain fall and drought,are all important things to the certain animals and plants that live here Two producers in a grassland are 1.Milkweed flower 2.Sweet coneflower Three consumers in a grassland are 1.African elephant 2.Black Rhinoceros 3.Black footed- ferret One decomposer in a grassland is 1. Ant

11 What would happen if a factory was built in the grassland then the animals who have adapted to this ecosystem wouldn't know how to survive someplace else and would die and kill the plants who cannot escape and be crushed.

12 Desert Hannah and Jade

13 Food Web

14 -What needs to be in a ecosystem for a desert is little water, animals that could survive the heat and live and little water. Some producers in the desert is cactus, old man cactus, prickly pear cactus, dragon tree, fish hook cactus,desert spoon, aloe, Joshua tree, and yucca. Some decomposers in the desert are insects, lizards, and rodents. Some consumer in the desert are jackrabbit, kangaroo,rats,owls, cactus wren,dingo,fat sand rat,desert lark,snakes,tortoises The things that would happen if a factory moved in is that animals would go extinct and then we would have nothing to eat and we would extinct.

15 Tundra Damian and Dominick

16 Food Web

17 The plants and animals need to depend on each other for a habitat to be proper Two producers that live in the Tundra are lichen and reindeer moss Three consumers in my biome are polar bears,article foxes, and wolves 1 decomposer that lives in my biome is a worm If a factory moved into my biome all the food and animals would die from the smoke

18 Blueplanetbiomes. org Ecosystem


20 Taiga By Dylan,and Angelo

21 Food Web

22 Taiga biome facts Water oxygen and food need to be in ecosystem for the Ecosystem too survive Two producer in the the taiga biome are the crow berry and the twin leaf Three consumers from the taiga biome are Hawk Owl,Ermine,and the Lynx This is one decomposer from the taiga biome it is called the honey fungus If a ecosystem had a factory built there the animal life would thin out

23 Rainforest Deloncia and Abby C

24 Food Web

25 Our ecosystem needs food and energy to Be a proper habitat. 2 producers in our biome are vines and grass. 3 consumers in our biome are orangutan, Slow loris, crested guan. 1 decomposer in our biome is worms. If a factory was moved to our ecosystem Species of animals would decrease.





30 Temperate deciduous forest Nick And Brooklynn


32 In are ecosystem it would need water,trees,producers,consumers,decomposers, and shelter. Producers, consumers, decomposers - the two producers in our biome is trees, and grass - the 3 consumers in our biome are the bank vole,black bear,and gray squirrel - the two decomposers in our biome are bacteria and fungi - if a factory moved in our biome everything would die

33 Rainforest Ray and Tanner

34 Food Chain

35 .The thing that needs to be in a ecosystem for it be a proper habitat for plants and animals is other plants and animals to depend on for food and energy..Two producers that are found in our biome are trees and grass..Three consumers that are found in our biome are rabbits, deers, and bears..One decomposer that is located in our biome is fungi. What would happen to our ecosystem if a factory moved would be that the air would be polluted

36 Grassland Autumn,Tyler

37 This is one of our consumers. The bee is one of our many producers. The bacteria is one of our decomposer.


39 The things our ecosystem needs is fire for vegetation and animals to eat the vegetation so more can grow. 2 producers in our biome are bees and purple coneflowers. 3 consumers in our biome are american bison,giraffes,and elephants. The decomposer in our biome is bacteria. If a factory was to move in to our biome our food chain would break and the animals will be forced to fined a new home.

40 Desert Faith and Jordan


42 What needs to be in an ecosystem is nutrients,water and oxygen. Two producers in this biome are the barrel cactus and dragon tree. Three consumers are the dingo, addax, and thorny devil. One decomposer is bacteria. If a factory moved in the desert biome the plants and animals would become endangered.

43 Tundra Mason,and Joshua Lloydch.pbworks

44 Food Web

45 Life,food, water,sun,oxygen,and communities is what it takes to have a proper ecosystem Two producers in the tundra biome are lichen,and cushion plants. 3 consumers in the tundra biome are human,lynx,and wolf 1 decomposer in the tundra biome is bacteria If the tundra ecosystem was moved by a factory many animals would die and it would be hard to find a new home.

46 Rainforest Dakota,Hannah Milan,and Victoria


48 1. For a proper habitat you need food,water,and shelter. 2. 2 Producers in our biome are sugar cane and panama-hat-plant. 3. Consumers in our biome are cougar,black bear,and elk. 4. 2 Decomposers in our biome are bacteria and fungi. 5. If a factory moved into our ecosystem most of our plants and animals would be harmed.

49 comfortablyunaware.word

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