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Population. Intro To Population What are we at right now? – 6.5-7 Billion people in the world TODAY China – 1.4 Billion People India – 1.2 Billion People.

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Presentation on theme: "Population. Intro To Population What are we at right now? – 6.5-7 Billion people in the world TODAY China – 1.4 Billion People India – 1.2 Billion People."— Presentation transcript:

1 Population

2 Intro To Population What are we at right now? – 6.5-7 Billion people in the world TODAY China – 1.4 Billion People India – 1.2 Billion People What does the future hold? – Future Populations?: Increase into the future…why it will increase? – Potential Problems…Why Not enough food for everyone Water shortages (for drinking & agriculture) Where are people going to live? Shelter, land, space

3 World Population Growth The world population IS Growing! – Why is the population growing? Medical improvements (diseases, sicknesses) Technology Improvements (when we are sick…we can make ourselves healthy) Greater Productivity = More food to feed the people Fight for power…encourage countries to increase labor force We’ve made it harder to die…and easier to live. – (We have separated ourselves from the FOREST/JUNGLE..with Lions & Tigers & Bears….Oh My!)

4 Difference between 1 million & 1 billion You were 12 days old = 1 million seconds – > 1 year old You will be 32 years old = 1 Billion seconds x 7 – 224 years old…= 7 billion seconds

5 Demography “Graphy” = Study of…something… Demography – The study of human populations – Their INCOME – The total #! (Country/city/world/house) – Birth rates (how many people are born…in a certain time/place/size) – Death Rate (how many die…in a certain place, time (year/day) – Gender (how many males / females) – Relationship Status (Single, Married, It’s Complicated, Open)

6 Census What do we call the PROCESS of collecting this Demographic INFORMATION? Census: Collecting information about a population – Why is a census important? Why have countries in the past & present cared about this information? – How/Why is it difficult to collect?

7 Census is Important Because… Allows us to accurately plan for the future – Cause & Consequence of the future…gives us an idea of what future will look like! To understand the future, we must understand our past & present – Ex. How many workers we will have – Ex. How many students we will have Set the policy…and set future policies…and aid in making important decisions. Ex. 1 Child Policy Also measures success rates (Yearly GDP, etc)

8 Migrations – Immigrants & Emigrants Immigrants: (I = In) A person who comes in – An Immigrant is someone coming from another place. (Shanxi goes to Shanghai. They are an immigrant in Shanghai. – A person from China, goes to Canada is an immigrant in Canada) Emigrants: A person who comes out. These 2 factors affect Population! – How does an Immigrant affect population/country? What do they bring with them into a new place? – How does an Emigrant affect population? What are they bringing with them away from their place?

9 Affect of Immigrants Money (to spend in the economy) + Disease – Human/Plant/Animal (foreign disease that local people don’t have protection against) – Technology/Education + Culture/Traditions/Beliefs + / - (Canada see’s this as a positive..contributes to multicultural nation) Human Needs (Shelter, Food, Water) – must be provided for ---

10 Affect of Emigrant – What they leave behind “Brain Drain” – Take away their talents/skills --- Wealth taken away from country (ex. Lots of gov’t officials send their wealth out of country) Human Needs are gone from that area (Food, Shelter, Water) HW: p. 317 – Making a Graph 13-1 + Questions, A, B, C p. 323 “Reading a Map 13-7” Questions # 1 - 3

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