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MATCHING GRANT PROPOSALS. District 5830 is partnering with District 5470 in Colorado to have the following Matching Grants in District 4845 in Argentina.

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Presentation on theme: "MATCHING GRANT PROPOSALS. District 5830 is partnering with District 5470 in Colorado to have the following Matching Grants in District 4845 in Argentina."— Presentation transcript:


2 District 5830 is partnering with District 5470 in Colorado to have the following Matching Grants in District 4845 in Argentina and Paraguay.

3 Two MG Proposals Adult women literacy $49,921 Women’s Health $35,200 Total $ 85,121

4 District 4845 Projects Proposal 2010-2011

5 District 4845 We have put into practice the “district type” Matching Grants, allowing us to cover several clubs in one project or projects of similar type. We have put into practice the “district type” Matching Grants, allowing us to cover several clubs in one project or projects of similar type. Thus, we simplify the tasks of getting documentation ready, finding a partner, and above all, we can cover most of the clubs that cannot reach the minimum $ 10,000 by MG. Thus, we simplify the tasks of getting documentation ready, finding a partner, and above all, we can cover most of the clubs that cannot reach the minimum $ 10,000 by MG.

6 District 4845 At the same time, we decided that every club shall have its own checking account in the DDF; thus we improve the interest of the Club to make their contributions. At the same time, we decided that every club shall have its own checking account in the DDF; thus we improve the interest of the Club to make their contributions. And we have been successful thanks to your collaboration; our district type society has allowed that today, nearly 80% of the clubs are involved in these projects. And we have been successful thanks to your collaboration; our district type society has allowed that today, nearly 80% of the clubs are involved in these projects.

7 District 4845 Our Governor for the period 2010- 2011 is Ruben Piceda from RC Resistencia, Chaco province, Argentina. Our Governor for the period 2010- 2011 is Ruben Piceda from RC Resistencia, Chaco province, Argentina.

8 District 4845 Our DRFC is PDG Walter Martinez, RC Clorinda. Province of Formosa, period 2009-2010

9 District 4845 The Coordinator of TRF is PDG Luis Schattner RC Formosa, former DRFC and DGSC since 2003 to 2009. The Coordinator of TRF is PDG Luis Schattner RC Formosa, former DRFC and DGSC since 2003 to 2009.

10 1. Literacy “Poverty causes illiteracy and illiteracy carries on more poverty” “Poverty causes illiteracy and illiteracy carries on more poverty”

11 Present Situation According to a study developed by the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean), in this region 39 million adult people (11% of the total population) are illiterate, most of them living in rural zones, being part of ethnic minorities or poor. According to a study developed by the UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) and ECLAC (Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean), in this region 39 million adult people (11% of the total population) are illiterate, most of them living in rural zones, being part of ethnic minorities or poor.

12 In 2000, the illiterate people in the world were 876 million. 563 million were women, according to that UN agency. Therefore, women must be our priority. A literate mother won’t leave her children illiterate and will seed the interest for reading at home, and the will to understand the world through books. In 2000, the illiterate people in the world were 876 million. 563 million were women, according to that UN agency. Therefore, women must be our priority. A literate mother won’t leave her children illiterate and will seed the interest for reading at home, and the will to understand the world through books. “ A literate mother implies a literate family”

13 What was done Our first program was started up with the presence of former D- 5830 DRFC Bill Rains, in a very important ceremony Our first program was started up with the presence of former D- 5830 DRFC Bill Rains, in a very important ceremony


15 A new and extended district demands more Rotary spirit Now, including two countries, we are expecting the attendance of partners from D5830 to sign agreements with Argentine and Paraguay Ministers of Education. Now, including two countries, we are expecting the attendance of partners from D5830 to sign agreements with Argentine and Paraguay Ministers of Education.

16 What is happening now Right now, we are still using additional resources purchased by means of a strict use of the MG funds, that allowed us to increase the original number of centers. Right now, we are still using additional resources purchased by means of a strict use of the MG funds, that allowed us to increase the original number of centers.

17 What is happening now The program consists on each club starts up and sponsors at least 1 literacy center aimed, mostly, to adult women.

18 How it works Through TRF we supply teacher’s elements, a basic library, maps, bags and school supplies, an identification jacket and a symbolic monthly payment for the 5 months the course lasts. Through TRF we supply teacher’s elements, a basic library, maps, bags and school supplies, an identification jacket and a symbolic monthly payment for the 5 months the course lasts.

19 What is happening now Every 10 pupils group, receives a backpack with RI logo, and a set of school elements.

20 Literacy The budget for this program is $ 49,921.00

21 2. Mother and Child Health Program Includes small programs for participation of clubs with very specific needs

22 Many clubs participate in this MG Formosa, continues with the diffusion program on cervix cancer control and prevention; a traditional activity in this province which is by now associated with Rotary International. Formosa, continues with the diffusion program on cervix cancer control and prevention; a traditional activity in this province which is by now associated with Rotary International. We foresee a delivery of 6500 PAP Kits, diffusion posters, leaflets and flyers We foresee a delivery of 6500 PAP Kits, diffusion posters, leaflets and flyers

23 OTHER ITEMS RC Resistencia RC Formosa, 40 eyes surgeries 40 eyes surgeries

24 Clorinda. Dead Bullock Island People here have no electricity, and the plan is to install solar panels so that children may afford to a basic health and education service.

25 BUDGET The total budget for this program is $ 35,200.00

26 Brief Our Districts, through many years of combined work, have created within our communities the conviction that Rotary is a good word; a worldwide organization of friends who, despite may have never seen each other personally, work together for benefit of people in need. Our Districts, through many years of combined work, have created within our communities the conviction that Rotary is a good word; a worldwide organization of friends who, despite may have never seen each other personally, work together for benefit of people in need.

27 And Finally Happily we did meet in person! Happily we did meet in person! A warm Rotarian greeting for you all! A warm Rotarian greeting for you all!

28 Your partners and friends from ARGENTINA and PARAGUAY

29 WHAT’S NEEDED ?????


31 Do not wait Make a pledge For your club today

32 Matching Grant Proposal between District 5830 and District 9210

33 Location Luanshya area which is NW portion of Zambia

34 Proposal Drill a water well and construct four composting toilets at two different schools in the Luanshya area in the NW portion of Zambia.


36 Drilling of water well with students Looking on. Cost of a water well is estimated to be $5,500 - $6.000.


38 Cost of a composting toilet is $1,000

39 Budget Drilling two wells $12,000 Build eight toilets $ 8,000 Total Cost of MG $20,000

40 Funding District 9210DDF $ 100 Clubs in D5830 Cash$ 5,000 District 5830DDF$ 6,150 Rotary Foundation$ 8,750 Total Funding$20,000

41 Ten Clubs each pledging $500 is needed to fund the proposal.

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