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Career Counselor’s Handbook (NAVPERS 15878K) IT1 Christopher Butler Hopper Information Services Center Command Career Counselor 301-669-2205.

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1 Career Counselor’s Handbook (NAVPERS 15878K) IT1 Christopher Butler Hopper Information Services Center Command Career Counselor 301-669-2205

2 Navy Career Information Program The primary goal of the Navy Career Information Program is to ensure each Sailor is provided with a sufficient quantity and quality of career information, in a timely manner, to allow them to make sound career decisions. Complying with the Chief of Naval Operation’s directive that no Sailor will be left behind, specifically designed to engage the career counselor and the chain of command in the career development of Sailors. Program is to ensure each Sailor is provided with a sufficient quantity and quality of career information, in a timely manner, to allow them to make sound career decisions. Complying with the Chief of Naval Operation’s directive that no Sailor will be left behind, specifically designed to engage the career counselor and the chain of command in the career development of Sailors.

3 Chapters (1) Career Development Program (CDP) Management (2) Career Development Team (CDT) (3) Training (4) Command Sponsor and Indoctrination Program (5) Career Development Board (CDB) (6) Navigational Tracks (7) Career Information Program Review

4 Chapter 1: Career Development Program (CDP) OPNAVINST 1040.11C (Navy Retention and Career Development Program) CCC/UNIT CC is responsible to the CO and reports directly to the CMC/COB/SEL; focal point for enlisted career development and ensures all Sailors have every opportunity to excel All Career Development Team (CDT) members must complete the Navy Customer Service Manual (NAVEDTRA 14056) via NKO

5 Career Development Program cont. Solicit Immediate Superior in Command/Type Commander (ISCI/TYCOM) support Assign a counselor for every 30 Sailors Career Counselors must have suitable office space with access to private counseling The Career Information Management System (CIMS) is the “primary” means to plan, schedule, and track CDP activities Utilize SECNAVINST 5216.5D to ensure all correspondence is correct.

6 Career Development Program cont. Review the career counselor budget and update annually CCC/Unit CC is responsible for maintaining and monitoring retention statistics and preparing monthly/quarterly utilizing the Navy Retention Monitoring System (NRMS) for submission to the CO Utilize other counselors; its imperative at all levels to maintain a network through continuous communications

7 Chapter 2: Career Development Team (CDT) Drastically reduces the one-on-one counseling for the CCC/Unit CC’s Engages the entire chain of command and provides a means to guarantee continuity in career development efforts and individual professional growth Minimum career information training required is the Career Development Training Course (CDTC) via the NPC StayNAVY website

8 Career Development Team (CDT) cont. Composition of the CDT includes: COXOCMC/COB/SEL CCC/Unit CC Department Heads/ division officers Department/division LCPO’s Department/division career counselors Counselors should be selected based on their ability to be effective communicators; success depends on the command’s willingness to assign the BEST Sailors to the CDT

9 Career Development Team (CDT) cont. Commands must avoid assigning Sailors whose other responsibilities are too demanding Large commands are encouraged to assign full time departmental CCs. Departmental CC’s should attend the 4-week CCC course (A- 501-0011) and Unit CCs should attend the 2-week Career Information course (R-501-0005), identified in the Catalog of Navy Training Courses (CANTRAC). CDT meetings should be held monthly and are critical to the success of the program; scheduled via Planning Board for Training (PBFT) or commands alternative scheduling vehicle.

10 Career Development Team (CDT) cont. CDT Meeting Components: Have detailed agenda Confirm guest speakers as required CO should chair a command CDT meeting at least quarterly w/ OMBUDSMAN Reserve space/room well in advance large enough for audience Test audio/visual at least 15 mins prior to meeting Cancels meetings far in advance as possible for rescheduling CDT Meeting: Review EAOS/PRD/HYT/PTS/CSB Review results of all CDB’s from the previous month Review all career development related issues Review recent NAVADMINS, new programs, and policies Annotate Minutes (start/end time, date, place held, members present/absent)

11 Chapter 3: Training Training is the key ingredient to a successful CDP and is necessary to assist in providing adequate and accurate career information to Sailors. CDT members and supervisors are considered trained/qualified after they attend a CDTC (primary source of training). CCC course quotas can only be obtained by the ISIC/TYCOM. Department/Divisional CC’s training must be documented in the members ESR via NSIPS.

12 Chapter 4: Command Sponsor and Indoctrination Program OPNAVINST 1740.3C establishes the Command Sponsor and Indoc Program. Commands must ensure all sponsors complete training provided by the local FFSC prior to executing sponsor duties. Assign sponsors equal to or higher paygrade (at least E5) to arriving Sailors. Check-in points should be kept to a minimum but efficient and positive.

13 Command Sponsor and Indoctrination Program cont. Topics for Indoctrination: - Command mission/policy/operating schedule - CO’s brief - CMC/COB/SEL brief - CDTC - First Term Success Workshop (FTSW) - Standards of conduct, command performance and eval standards, leave, liberty - Religious facilities and services - Navy Exchange facilities

14 Command Sponsor and Indoctrination Program cont. - Navy Exchange facilities - Navy Exchange facilities - Navy Relief - Navy Relief - Legal - Legal - Medical and Dental - Medical and Dental - Red Cross - Red Cross - Fleet and Family Support Center(s) - Fleet and Family Support Center(s) - Postal Services - Postal Services - MWR - MWR

15 Chapter 5: Career Development Board (CDB) Purpose: CDB provides all enlisted Sailors the opportunity for optimal development of their professional skills, both military and technical as per OPNAVINST 1040.11B (Navy Retention and Career Development Program), thereby enhancing: - Unit readiness - Individual upward mobility - Job satisfaction - Retention of better qualified Sailors “It’s the right thing to do”

16 CDB cont. At the Command level CDB members will include: - CMC/COB/SEL (Board Chairman) - CCC (references, recorder) - Education Service Officer (ESO) - Department LCPO’s (as required) - Deparment CC’s (as required) - Mentor (as required)

17 CDB cont. Department level CDB members will include: - LCPO - LPO - Departmental Career Counselor - ESO (as required) - Mentor (as required)

18 CDB cont. Following topics will be discussed: - Rating / “A” School Selection (GENDETS) - Warfare Qualifications - Personnel Qualification Standards (PQS) - Military Training - Voluntary Education and GED completion - Officer Programs - Advancement

19 CDB cont. CCC/ Departmental CC Responsibilities: - Indoctrinate all newly reporting Sailors on CDB process - Schedule CDB and maintain a tickler system - Draft minutes and recommendations from the CDB to chain of command for endorsement chain of command for endorsement - Maintain minutes of every CDB for 2 years within Career Information Management System (CIMS) Career Information Management System (CIMS) - Provide personnel records and pertinent advancement criteria and stats are available criteria and stats are available

20 CDB cont. Command CDB: Command level CDB will see all Sailors within 30 days of reporting. Additionally, Sailors will appear before the CDB for the following reason/requests: - Recommended by department CDB - 24 months prior to HYT / or those requesting HYT waivers - Striking for a rating - “A” school requests - Rating conversion/reversion - Not approved for in-rate reenlistment or conversion 3 RD rollover PTS PTS - Commissioning program applicants

21 CDB cont. - Advancement exam PNA (3X), standard score < 40, selection board “not eligible” board “not eligible” - Special Programs - CD records review for E7/8/9 selection board candidates - Non select E8/9 - Professional Apprenticeship Program Tracks (PACT) 18 month - Upon member’s request

22 CDB cont. Departmental CDB: Professional growth and goal setting is the key to enhance career planning and motivation. Departmental CDBs will see all Sailors as stipulated below: - 6 month- 60 month - 12 month- Transfer/SEP - 24 month- Special Programs - 36 month- PTS - 48 month- CMS/ID (13 month prior to PRD)

23 CDB cont. Recommended CDB Discussion Topics: - Familiarization with individual Sailor’s background - Command mission, vision, and guiding principles - Command and Sailor goals/expectations - Introduce established CDP - Advancement - Rating “A” school selection - PQS - ASVAB - Reserve Incentive Bonus/MGIB-SR Eligibility - PTS/HYT - Warfare qualifications

24 CDB cont. Career Development Plan (CDP) Who can better steer a Sailor’s career but a group of seasoned, experienced, well trained and technical experts? What the CDB does is not to force programs into the service member. The board is here for guidance, and provide advice and specific information on subjects not normally available at the supervisory and lower management levels.

25 Chapter 6: Navigational Tracks Timelines: An effective timeline readily identifies Sailors approaching a critical career decision point. Early and continuous intervention ensures every Sailor has the information needed to make an informed decision. Every command must track the progress of each Sailor and provide necessary guidance and counseling to support that decision. CIMS is an on-line transactional system which will follow Sailors throughout their career. CIMS is integrated with Navy Standard Integrated Personnel System (NSIPS) and available to all CC’s who have a PKI Certificate.

26 Navigational Tracks cont. Transition and Counseling Timeline: Transition counseling and assistance positively impacts retention and mission readiness by providing professional career development resources to Sailors. OPNAVINST 1900.2B (Transition Assistance Management Program) is very specific regarding separation guidance. Personnel transferring to the Fleet Reserve or retiring should begin transition counseling or Transition Assistance Program (TAP) at 24-months prior to EAOS. Historically, over 25 percent of undecided or separating Sailors who attend pres-separation briefs and the TAP workshop prior to 180 days from EAOS decide to stay Navy!

27 Navigational Tracks cont. Perform to Serve (PTS): PTS provides Sailors greater opportunities for career growth and success. PTS acts as a force shaping tool by leveling rating manning from overmanned to undermanned, and acts as a centralized reenlistment reservation system. The most important step in the PTS process is a positive retention recommendation from the Sailor’s CO. Career and Status Bonus (CSB): CSB is for members who entered the US Navy after 1 August 1986. The election must be made by the time the member has accrued 15years of active duty service and is irrevocable once that date is passed.

28 Chapter 7: Career Information Program (CIP) Review The Career Information Program (CIP) review provides the command with a means to assess the effectiveness of programs and support systems that directly impact the command climate. Commands can objectively identify their organization strengths and other areas that require further attention. Per OPNAVINST 1040.11C ( Navy Retention and Career Development Program), the CIP must be evaluated at least annually and POA&M updated to make sure all elements of the program are functioning properly.

29 CIP cont. Plan of Action and Milestones (POA&M): The POA&M should state exactly what action is to be taken, who will be responsible for seeing it is completed, the start date and completion date, the milestone dates, and the expected results. Immediate action must be taken to carry out the POA&M once it is written and approved by the CO. CMC/COB/SEL and CCC should track all action items and ensure they are completed as required.


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