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ABCs of Project Management Kaye P. Boone, PMP Project Manager, Information Systems Moore & Van Allen, PLLC.

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Presentation on theme: "ABCs of Project Management Kaye P. Boone, PMP Project Manager, Information Systems Moore & Van Allen, PLLC."— Presentation transcript:

1 ABCs of Project Management Kaye P. Boone, PMP Project Manager, Information Systems Moore & Van Allen, PLLC

2 What is Project Management? The application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to a broad range of activities in order to meet the requirements of a particular project.

3 What is a Project? A temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product or service. Temporary every project has a definite beginning and a definite end Unique the product or service is different in some distinguishing way from all other products or services

4 Examples of Projects DOCS Open upgrade to DM5 Research/Purchase Recruiting Software Implement viDesktop Upgrade to Elite Enterprise Implementation of Elite Webview ARCS Upgrade Implementation of Elite EDS (Whitehill) Database and Client Upgrades Employee Handbook Updates Employee Benefits Updates Year-end Financials

5 Project Charter A quick reference of what the project is about, why it is being conducted, who is involved and in what capacity, and the general approach and timeline that exists for the project. does not change Created at the beginning of the project and does not change.

6 Things to include in the Project Charter Project Overview Project Purpose Project Scope Project Objectives Outstanding Issues Approvals References Terminology Project Approach Project Deliverables and Quality Objectives Organization and Responsibilities Dependencies Plans for Support Activities Project Facilities and Resources Risk Management Project Control Quality Control Activities Project Schedule Project Effort Estimate Project Cost Estimate

7 Project Stakeholders Project Manager Customer / End-user Project Team Members Project Sponsor

8 Scope All Projects should begin with a Scope (objective) that will remain constant throughout the project life cycle. Example: To implement DM5 and Hummingbird Collaboration tools by December 31, 2004 in all MVA offices, as well as install the Hummingbird Portal and move the Raleigh documents to the Durham library.

9 Progressive Elaboration Although the Scope will remain the same, the project and/or end product may be continuously developed.

10 Scope Creep As the project undergoes Progressive Elaboration, the scope of the original plan can start to move - and continue to move. Example: Wouldnt this be a good time to get _____ done and …… If you are not alert to this phenomenon, the requirements will constantly change.

11 The Project Triangle

12 Process Groups

13 Project Phases Feasibility Planning Implementation Closure *Phases will vary for different types of projects.

14 Communication Plan Communication plays a large role in the success of a project. Plan regular communication and stick with it!

15 Meetings Kick-off Meeting Update Meetings Milestone Meetings Phase-end Meetings Close-out Meeting

16 Gantt Chart A graphical representation of the project tasks and their dependencies.

17 Tasks: Work vs Duration A specific task will take someone 4 hours to complete if you have 100% of their time. Work = 4 Hours If they are available only 1 hour per day, it will take 4 days to actually complete the work. Duration = 4 Days

18 Task Dependencies Start-to-Start Finish-to-Start Start-to-Finish Finish-to-Finish

19 Risk Management Dont wait for something to go wrong with the project – plan for it. Identify possible points of failure in the project. Plan for how you will respond when the unexpected occurs.

20 So, what the heck is a PMP? PMP = Project Management Professional PMI = Project Management Institute (

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