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Maloney’s Steps For Success!.  Erin Putnam-Director-ext. 120  Sherry McLaughlin ext. 137

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Presentation on theme: "Maloney’s Steps For Success!.  Erin Putnam-Director-ext. 120  Sherry McLaughlin ext. 137"— Presentation transcript:

1 Maloney’s Steps For Success!

2  Erin Putnam-Director-ext. 120  Sherry McLaughlin ext. 137  Alicia Lambert ext. 124  Maria Sullivan ext. 125  Louella Spinelli ext. 126  Sherry Laprise ext. 182

3  We counsel students on social/personal issues, academic issues, and planning for their future after high school  We meet individually, in small groups and in the classroom with students in grades 9-12  We consult with parents, teachers, & administrators  Students are divided alphabetically by grade and assigned a counselor

4 Counseling Students  Freshman meetings: large and small group  Individual counseling: specific concerns about schedule/classes, social issues*  Monitoring grades: conference with teachers, teams, administrators and parents  Resources: extra help from teachers, National Honor Society students/peer tutors, Upward bound tutors

5  Understanding high school credits  Requirements for Graduation 2014: 23.25  Student must pass 17 core requirements  6.25 additional credits must be earned from elective classes and community service *Program Summary handout

6 Course Selection Process  Course selection: January  Teacher recommendations  Student grades  Students sign up for required and elective courses  Electives allow students to explore different interests *  Students are always encouraged to take a full academic course load  Changes in course schedules can be made up until July 1st

7 Academic and Accelerated Courses  Accelerated: College preparatory courses requiring exceptional ability and motivation  Academic: College and other post- secondary educational preparatory courses  Plan on at least 3 years of foreign language.  Math requirement for CSU

8 Advanced Placement  Advanced Placement (A.P.) courses are offered to prepare students to take A.P. exams at the end of the school year. If a student scores a 3 or better (out of 5) they can be considered by some colleges for COLLEGE CREDIT.  Each college has different score expectations: a student is not guaranteed college credit just by taking the exam. Check college requirements.

9 A.P.Exams  A.P. classes are more rigorous than Honors courses because of the potential to earn college credit after taking the A.P. exam. * Student enrolled in AP course must take exam  Honors and A.P. courses both highly strengthen a student’s transcript.

10 Post Secondary Planning  4 year College/University  Technical/Vocational Schools  Apprenticeships  2 year Community Colleges

11 What Are Colleges Looking For?  Strong transcript-challenging academic classes throughout all four years  Transcript is the most important document viewed by admissions officers  Other considerations for admission are SAT/ACT scores, college essay, teacher recommendations and extra curricular activities

12 TESTING  CAPT (Connecticut Academic Performance Test) is a state requirement  PSAT Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test  SAT Reasoning required for admission into most 4 year colleges and universities  ACT  SAT subject tests: Who, When, Why?

13 SAT PREP  MHS offers a ½ credit SAT prep classes in the spring for juniors and in the fall for Seniors (if enough interest)  Online prep questions and tests at  Books for purchase or borrow at library

14 Preparing for College  Never too early to begin talking about college  Come to College Planning Night on 11/30/10 at 6pm!  Visiting college campuses is very important  Peruse the internet and take virtual campus tours  Talk to other parents and their children who have attended college  (See handout)

15 Community Service Hours  20 hours required for graduation=.25 credit  Must be done in the community at a non- profit organization  10 hours can be completed through school based activities  All 20 hours can be done in the community  Scholarships*

16 Examples of Community Service Sites  Meriden Humane Society  Meriden Public Library  American Cancer Society  Salvation Army  Thrift Stores  American Red Cross  Hospital/Nursing homes  United Way  Relay for Life  See handout

17 Examples of School C.S.  Key Club activities  Student Council activities  Breakfast with Santa  Must fill out community service form and have it signed by supervisor of service.  Return to School Counselor

18 Thank You!  Thank you for wanting to be involved as parents -we encourage you to stay involved and call your student’s school counselor with questions or concerns.

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