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INTRO TO GEOGRAPHY, PART 2. AUGUST 24, 2015 2 DO NOW! After quietly coming into class, please take your seat, get out a pencil, and clear everything.

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Presentation on theme: "INTRO TO GEOGRAPHY, PART 2. AUGUST 24, 2015 2 DO NOW! After quietly coming into class, please take your seat, get out a pencil, and clear everything."— Presentation transcript:


2 AUGUST 24, 2015 2

3 DO NOW! After quietly coming into class, please take your seat, get out a pencil, and clear everything else off your desk. 3


5 GO GEOGRAPHY! (15 MINS) Topic: Geography Terms! A map of New Orleans could contain a wide variety of material, from general physical information to specific topical information. What do you think a map of New Orleans might show? Make as many predictions as you can in the time we have. 5

6 GEOGRAPHY TERMS: FOLDABLE Geography Terms, page 27 from Textbook Using your book, create a 3 column foldable with the following information: 1)Word/term, 2)Definition, 3)Illustration or example you may find on a map 6

7 MAPPING PHYSICAL FEATURES Read the information and study the graphic on pages 28-29 from your textbook regarding different landforms and bodies of water. Using your prior knowledge and smart devices, give a brief description for each landform/body of water and find an example of each term from somewhere around the world. 35 terms 7

8 CLOSURE 3 things I learned today 2 things I found interesting 1 thing I still have a question about 8

9 HOMEWORK… Finish Classwork. 9

10 AUGUST 25, 2015 10

11 DO NOW… 11


13 GO GEOGRAPHY! Topic: Climate 1) Connection to prior knowledge: How would you define climate? 2) How would you describe the climate of Louisiana? Is there a difference between northern and southern Louisiana? 3) What are some words you would use to describe the climate of Louisiana? 13

14 CLIMATE/CLIMATE ZONES Climate: Long Term Patterns of Weather Earth is divided into climate zones; each zone has a particular pattern of temperature and precipitation: rain, snow, or other form of moisture These patterns are often showed in something known as a climagraph Page 30 Which one would you use to describe Louisiana? 14

15 CLIMATE PREDICTIONS… Using an Atlas and page 30 from Textbook, Make a prediction for the climate zone you would include the following places in: 1)Honolulu, Hawaii 2)Punta Arenas, Chile 3)Bangkok, Thailand 4)Moscow, Russia 5)Washington, D.C. 6)Paris, France 7)Quebec City, Quebec 8)Kano, Nigeria 9)Alice Springs, Australia 10)Kiev, Ukraine 15

16 CLIMATE PREDICTIONS… 1)Honolulu, Hawaii Tropical Wet and Dry 2)Punta Arenas, Chile Marine West Coast 3)Bangkok, Thailand Tropical Wet 4)Moscow, Russia Subarctic 5)Washington, D.C. Humid Subtropical 16

17 CLIMATE PREDICTIONS… 6)Paris, France Marine West Coast 7)Quebec City, Quebec Humid Continental 8)Kano, Nigeria Arid 9)Alice Springs, Australia Arid 10)Kiev, Ukraine Subarctic 17


19 MAP GAME! 19


21 AUGUST 26, 2015 21

22 DO NOW! After coming into class quietly, take out your social studies materials. Take out your homework from last night and place it in the Turn-In box. Turn to the Go Geography! Section in your binder. 22

23 GO GEOGRAPHY! Topic: Vegetation Briefly discuss what you believe vegetation is and some real world examples with your shoulder partner… Using what you know about vegetation and climate zones, how would you define a vegetation zone? 1-2-4 Answer 23

24 WHAT IS VEGETATION!? Vegetation included the types of trees and other plants that grow in specific climate zones. Climate has the most effect on what type of vegetation you will find in a climate zone Geographers have divided the world into areas where specific plants grow known as vegetation zones – zones in which a certain mix of plants have adapted to similar conditions Vegetation zones are also affected by latitude and elevation 24



27 COMPARE VEGETATION ZONES/CLIMATE ZONES Turn to page 18-19 of your Atlas Next I will show you a map illustrating different vegetation zones Are there any relationships between the climate zones and the vegetation zones you can find? What are they? 27

28 28

29 INTRODUCTION TO POPULATION DENSITY Population density tells us how crowded a place is Equation to find it: (Total number of people living in a place / location’s total land area) # people/land area Population density affects the way people live in a number of ways What do you think the population density of this room is right now? 29


31 HOMEWORK… Review information from this week (possibly a quiz on Friday)! 31

32 AUGUST 27, 2015 32

33 DO NOW! After coming into class quietly, take out your social studies materials. Turn to the Go Geography! Section in your binder. 33

34 GO GEOGRAPHY! Topic: Population Density 1)Which statistic from the video surprised you the most? 2) When the population of a specific area increases, do you believe the population density usually increases, decreases, or neither? Explain. 3) Imagine if all 7 billion people came to the US to live… What do you think life would be like? Would living conditions get better, worse? Explain. 34

35 POPULATION DENSITY… Population density tells us how crowded a place is Equation to find it: (Total number of people living in a place / location’s total land area) # people/land area Population density affects the way people live in a number of ways 35


37 POPULATION DENSITY: IN THE REAL WORLD Population density can range from fewer than 2 people per square mile to more than 250 people per square mile Conduct research with your shoulder partner to find a country from each of the five categories we have discussed  >250 people/square mile,  125-250 people/square mile,  25-125 people/square mile,  2-25 people/square mile,  <2 people/Square mile What is the density of each country? Which category do they fall into? What is your overall impression of country that you can gather (stats to support your impression)? 37

38 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY… An economy is based on production and exchange of goods and services among a group of people Geographers study the economic activity of a place by looking at how people support themselves and how they relate to others in a region. Looking at your five countries for the population density activity, find and record information describing their economic activity Also, write a brief statement describing any relation between the population density and the economy: do they seem to depend on one another? Are there other influencing factors that led to their economic makeup? 38

39 CLOSURE Exit slip for today’s class 3 new things I learned today 2 things I found to be quite interesting 1 thing I still have a question about 39

40 HOMEWORK Look over notes/content from this week (There may or may not be a quiz/assessment on Friday) 40

41 AUGUST 28, 2015 41

42 DO NOW! After coming into class quietly, take out your social studies materials. Pass back Materials in the Pick-Up box 42

43 TEST REVIEW *** Are Questions that had issues Geospheres #36-39 Eckert IV – balances distribution of shape and size Mercator – shows size of place accurately, good for measuring pop. Density Lambert – shows accurate size at center Goode’s Homolosine – shows continents as they compare in size 43

44 CONCEPT REVIEW… Climate/ climatology… Role of climagraphs in determining climate… How to find land area… Climate vs. vegetation… 44

45 QUIZ… 45

46 ECONOMIC ACTIVITY… An economy is based on production and exchange of goods and services among a group of people. Geographers study the economic activity of a place by looking at how people support themselves and how they relate to others in a region. Looking at your five countries for the population density activity, find and record information describing their economic activity? What is the land used for? What type of resources do they have? 46

47 CREATE A LAND RESOURCES MAP… Teaching/Learning Activities of the Classroom Land: -Anything that does not move -If it has wheels but stays in one spot, that object counts as one that does not move Resources: -Things that we use in the learning process -Your map must have all the elements of a map (title, key, scale, etc. ) 47

48 CLOSURE… 48

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