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#HASummit14 Session #5: Health Analytics: Driving and Being Driven by Profound Change Vi Shaffer Research Vice President Gartner, Inc.

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Presentation on theme: "#HASummit14 Session #5: Health Analytics: Driving and Being Driven by Profound Change Vi Shaffer Research Vice President Gartner, Inc."— Presentation transcript:

1 #HASummit14 Session #5: Health Analytics: Driving and Being Driven by Profound Change Vi Shaffer Research Vice President Gartner, Inc.

2 #HASummit14 Gartner Viewpoint: ACOs and Shifting Services Demand Create Major Stresses Through 2020, tensions in the healthcare industry will be very high due to the extreme nature of the challenge and the magnitude and pace of change.

3 #HASummit14 Key Issues What market and technology forces will most impact healthcare? What does this mean for analytics? How can leaders best leverage analytics to drive important change?

4 #HASummit14 Merge hospitals, acquire physician practices, merge into mega-systems Stronger negotiating positions with private payers Seek economies of scale Evidence-based medicine, standardization, and agility Does bigness compound or overcome silos, politics, and bureaucracy? Healthcare of E p i c Proportions !!

5 #HASummit14 Healthcare of E p i c Proportions !! ?? Now What ?? Seeking Systemness, Part 1

6 #HASummit14 Poster in the Newark, NJ Airport, 2014 Note: in mid-1800s US lifespan was 47 The MASSIVE Impact of Public Health and Medical Advancement on Population Demographics

7 #HASummit14 “Dispatches From the Frontiers of Longevity” 7

8 #HASummit14 Poster in the Houston, TX Airport, 2014 Turning Services into Systems, Part 2: Integrated Service Lines

9 #HASummit14 Market Forces Have Created These Business Priorities for Health Systems Grow and Manage Growth: High-growth services/lines, geographies, standard practices, economies of scale; future market relevance and dominance. Care Transformation to Evidence-based Medicine and Standards of Care: A business priority deeply aligned with a specific technology, the Gen 3 EHR, and related content/decision support. Business Transformation to a Population Health Management Model: Accountability through value-based contracting; Patient-centric design vs. Physician/Setting-centricity; Team-based delivery/service, continuum of care perspective. Patient is The First Mile, Not The Last. Control Cost/Improve Operating Margin: Standardization, economies of scale, automation. Patient and Consumer Engagement, Relationship: Create brand stickiness/loyalty for satisfaction and additional business. Impact the social and personal determinants of health. The “wicked” problem. Also for some: Solve problems of rural/remote access to equal care. Support clinical research in new ways.

10 #HASummit14 Addressing the Explosion of “Theranostics” Breakthroughs and Rapid Approval Cognitive genomics Comparative genomics Functional genomics Metagenomics Personal genomics Epigenomics Lipidomics Proteomics Immunoproteomics Nutriproteomics Proteogenomics Structural genomics Transcriptomics Metabolomics Nutrigenetics Nutrigenomics Pharmacogenomics Toxicogenomics Pharmacomicrobiomics Psychogenomics Stem cell genomics

11 #HASummit14 Poll Question #1 What are the top priorities for your healthcare organization? a)Growth, Growth, Growth b)Control/Cut Cost c)Evidence-based Medicine and Reduce Variance d)Effectively Move to a Population Health Management Model e)Consumer Engagement and the Patient Experience

12 #HASummit14 2015: How would you characterize the general mood or attitude of the physicians you work with?

13 #HASummit14 Key Issues What market and technology forces will most impact healthcare? What does this mean for analytics? How can leaders best leverage analytics to drive important change?

14 #HASummit14 Poll Question #2 How ready do you feel your organization is for succeeding under value-based payment and population health management models? a)Very ready, we are leading edge b)Moderately ready; more than just talk c)We’re in the planning stages d)We’re on the sidelines right now e)We’re not going to pursue this model

15 #HASummit14 Changing Focus for Champions of Change What three words come to mind when you think of the CMIO's job in 2013? Source: AMDIS-Gartner CMIO Survey, 2013 CMIO: 2013

16 #HASummit14 2014: Hijacked!! What three words come to mind when you think of the CMIO's job in 2014 Source: AMDIS-Gartner CMIO Survey, 2014 CMIO: 2014

17 #HASummit14 2015: Shift to Future-Focused Priorities What three words come to mind when you think of the CMIO's job in 2015? Source: AMDIS-Gartner CMIO Survey, June 2015 CMIO: 2015

18 #HASummit14 How Different Will Healthcare Be When: 2015 2030 Technology Trigger Peak of Inflated Expectations Trough of Disillusionment Slope of Enlightenment Plateau of Productivity time expectations Positive Hype Negative Hype

19 #HASummit14 The Transformation of Healthcare is Fueled By Advanced Analytics 2030 2015 Technology Trigger Peak of Inflated Expectations Trough of Disillusionment Slope of Enlightenment Plateau of Productivity time expectations Positive Hype Negative Hype Evidence-based Medicine: The EHR Personalized Precision Medicine The Real-time Healthcare System Population Health Management Telemedicine and Virtual Care Operational Intelligence

20 #HASummit14 The Transformation of Healthcare is Fueled By Advanced Analytics 2030 2015 Technology Trigger Peak of Inflated Expectations Trough of Disillusionment Slope of Enlightenment Plateau of Productivity time expectations Positive Hype Negative Hype Evidence-based Medicine: The EHR Personalized Precision Medicine The Real-time Healthcare System Population Health Management Telemedicine and Virtual Care Operational Intelligence This is Digital Healthcare

21 #HASummit14 Future Past Analytics Capabilities Are an Increasing Part of Healthcare’s Decision-Making Process Create Awareness: a Decision Must be Made Understand the Scope and Context of the Decision Identify Likely Outcomes Identify the Best Course of Action Report on the Results of the Action ACT Present Descriptive Predictive Prescriptive Diagnostic

22 #HASummit14 Cohesive Population Health Management is Really Tough The overarching organizing principle of the 2020 integrated health system. Enable provider-led organizations to manage populations of patients and achieve specific quality and cost outcomes. Build successive breakthrough combinations of analytics, coordinated care management, and patient engagement.

23 #HASummit14 Real-time Healthcare System: Population Health Management Requires defined, coordinated, and efficient processes across the continuum of care and life

24 #HASummit14 Real-time Healthcare System: Operational Intelligence Business & Clinical Applications Processes Data Event-Handler Applications Event-Handler Processes Clinical and Business Activity Monitoring Alerts, dashboards Sensors The Internet Filtering, Correlation, Aggregation, Dissemination Analytics and business process modeling Mobile Devices Situational Awareness Adaptive Decision-Making De-Siloed Visibility Healthcare’s “OODA-Loop”: Observe, Orient, Decide, Act

25 #HASummit14

26 The Under-appreciated Importance and Challenges of Predictive Modeling I can live.

27 #HASummit14 Key Issues What market and technology forces will most impact healthcare? What does this mean for analytics? How can leaders best leverage analytics to drive important change?

28 #HASummit14 Healthcare Must Boldly Go Where No Enterprise Information Architecture Has Gone Before….

29 #HASummit14 What Does This Mean For You? Executives Will Struggle with this New Information Age. From systemness to organizational agility to organizational liquidity. To stay competitive, providers must hone their adaptability and their competence regarding information-driven change. Detect domain changes more quickly and take action more adeptly than the competition.

30 #HASummit14 What Does This Mean For You? Professional Growth and Opportunity. Wanted: Millions of humans to design, build, install, operate, manage, and maintain the internet of everything Wanted: Anywhere, anytime access in context to Health Knowledge Clouds Wanted: People who can bridge the tech-med and ops- pops-IT-speak divide: process and information context Wanted: Everything agile

31 #HASummit14 Lessons Learned 1. Information and Data Governance are beyond critical. 2. To even be at par, health systems must leverage information with a business model and outcome focus to guide investment decisions. 3. Information leaders need an EIA that is outside-in and focused on orchestrating across defined ecosystems of known customers and partners to enable progression toward open business. 4. Information leaders need an EIA with an outside-out focus that orchestrates across undefined ecosystems of customers and partners to enable complete open- business transformation.

32 #HASummit14 Analytic Insights A Questions & Answers

33 #HASummit14 Choose one thing… Write down one thing will you do differently after hearing this presentation

34 #HASummit14 Thank You

35 #HASummit14 35 Session Feedback Survey 1.On a scale of 1-5, how satisfied were you overall with this session? 1)Not at all satisfied 2)Somewhat satisfied 3)Moderately satisfied 4)Very satisfied 5)Extremely satisfied 2.What feedback or suggestions do you have?

36 #HASummit14 Upcoming Sessions Breakout Sessions – Wave 2 (2:30 PM – 3:15 PM) 10)Is Big Data a Big Deal…or Not? Dale Sanders, Senior Vice President, Health Catalyst Richard Proctor, General Manager, Global Healthcare & Life Sciences, Hortonworks 11)Partners Healthcare Analytic Strategy for bundled Payments and Risk Management Sreekanth Chaguturu, MD, Vice President for Population Health Management, Partners HealthCare Helen Chan, Senior Manager, Business Planning, Partners HealthCare 12)Sneak Peek: Improving Patient Engagement and Outcomes with Predictive Analytics Gregory A. Spencer, MD, CMO & CMIO, Crystal Run Healthcare Louis G. Cervone, Jr., Director of Business Intelligence, Crystal Run Healthcare 13)How a Pioneer ACO is Using Analytics to Change Heart Failure Spencer H. Kubo, MD, CMO of BioControl Medical, United Heart &Vascular Clinic, Allina Integrated Medical Network 14)Entering Shared Risk for Community Hospitals Through Physician Engagement Greg Stock, CEO, Thibodaux Regional Medical Center Mark F. Hebert, MD, FACS, Surgical Specialist, Thibodaux Regional Medical Center 15)Panel – Children’s Hospitals: “Tike-mares”…Are the Monsters Under the Bed For Real? 36 Location Grand Salon Grand Ballroom A Grand Ballroom D Savoy Murano Venezia

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