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Understanding the Legal Automation Market

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding the Legal Automation Market"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding the Legal Automation Market
Corporate Secretary & Matter Management Software

2 Agenda 1. Defining Legal Automation Products
2. Leading Products in the Marketplace 3. Key Benefits of Legal Automation 4. Introducing a New System to Users 5. Making a Purchase Recommendation 1. Defining Legal Automation Products

3 Defining Matter Management
Manage Corporate Legal Practice MATTERS CONTACTS COSTS DATES Intellectual Property Litigation Employment Transactions Any type of matter! Outside Counsel Vendors Budgets / Accruals Projections Allocations Assigned Staff Opposing Parties Client Contacts Courts Business Units Docketing Contract Obligations Registrations Group Meetings All law dept. dates

4 Matter Management Leaders
Mitratech TeamConnect & CLMS Highly flexible Toolkit oriented for maximum configuration Enables complex business rules Excellent financial management tool

5 Matter Management Leaders
LT Online Lawtrac Excellent collaboration tool Very responsive customer service Flexible system Solid workflow components Mitratech TeamConnect & CLMS Highly flexible Toolkit oriented for maximum configuration Enables complex business rules Excellent financial management tool

6 Matter Management Leaders
LT Online Lawtrac Excellent collaboration tool Very responsive customer service Flexible system Solid workflow components Corprasoft Legal Desktop Configurable without programming Most mature web based product Strong Microsoft partnership Mitratech TeamConnect & CLMS Highly flexible Toolkit oriented for maximum configuration Enables complex business rules Excellent financial management tool

7 Matter Management Leaders
LT Online Lawtrac Excellent collaboration tool Very responsive customer service Flexible system Solid workflow components Corprasoft Legal Desktop Configurable without programming Most mature web based product Strong Microsoft partnership Bridgeway eCounsel Configurable without programming Excellent ease of use format Integrates with Corporate Secretary product Strong eBilling components Mitratech TeamConnect & CLMS Highly flexible Toolkit oriented for maximum configuration Enables complex business rules Excellent financial management tool

8 Other Matter Management Players
Case & Point Computer Law Systems EAG Law Base Law Manager Legal Files Legal Edge ProLaw Serengeti Law Tripoint

9 Key Benefits of Matter Mgmt
CUT COSTS Establish approved O/C based on cost analysis Identify vendor billing errors via automated invoice auditing and approval Secure prompt payment discounts via improved billing procedures

10 Key Benefits of Matter Mgmt
CUT COSTS Establish approved O/C based on cost analysis Identify vendor billing errors via automated invoice auditing and approval Secure prompt payment discounts via improved billing procedures REDUCE RISK Identify case trends Make & justify decisions based on analysis of trends Identify areas of preventive law Provide centralized date and document repository

11 Key Benefits of Matter Mgmt
CUT COSTS Establish approved O/C based on cost analysis Identify vendor billing errors via automated invoice auditing and approval Secure prompt payment discounts via improved billing procedures REDUCE RISK Identify case trends Make & justify decisions based on analysis of trends Identify areas of preventive law Provide centralized date and document repository IMPROVE EFFICIENCY Reduce invoice processing time Improve service to clients Automate redundant tasks (invoice approval; document creation) Share the burden (internal & external collaboration)

12 Matter Management Case Study
American subsidiary of German company Matter management Project Initiatives To create a centralized legal organization Legal professionals are dispersed between 2 locations To provide higher quality legal services to six separate operating groups at law firm rates To develop a process for analyzing and improving results

13 Implementation of Initiatives
Case Study Continued Implementation of Initiatives Secure, web based access for all legal professionals Accomplished secure collaboration between locations Matter type specific configurations Enabled unique use of the system by each functional area

14 Implementation of Initiatives continued…
Case Study Continued Implementation of Initiatives continued… Centralized database Allowed for streamlined reporting and analysis of data Improved efficiency / accuracy in delivery service to clients Implementation of eBilling Reduced data entry time Provided ability to more granularly analyze billing data


16 Other Case Studies Pharmaceutical Company Energy Company Food Service Company

17 Defining Entity Management
Manage Corporate Records STRUCTURE ACTIONS POSITIONS DATES Organizational Charts Entity Ownership Jurisdictional Incorporations and Qualifications Directors / Officers Committees Historical & Current Some Executive Compensation Bylaws Annual Meetings Securities Jurisdictional Registrations Filings Corporate Meetings Elected / Retired Dates All corporate dates

18 Entity Management Leaders
Bridgeway Secretariat Only provider with integrated entity and matter management systems Excellent ease of use features Most mature US product

19 Entity Management Leaders
Datacare Global Corporate Manager Most efficient in global entity management Large blue chip client base Fully web based Very robust functionality Bridgeway Secretariat Only provider with integrated entity and matter management systems Excellent ease of use features Most mature US product

20 Entity Management Leaders
Transcentive World Records Strong in equity plan administration Combines stock option and entity management Datacare Global Corporate Manager Most efficient in global entity management Large blue chip client base Fully web based Very robust functionality Bridgeway Secretariat Only provider with integrated entity and matter management systems Excellent ease of use features Most mature US product

21 Key Benefits of Entity Mgmt
CUT COSTS Decrease time spent repeating tasks Free valuable resources for other tasks Create / Protect integrity of corporate data

22 Key Benefits of Entity Mgmt
CORPORATE COMPLIANCE More accurate, centralized data Sarbanes-Oxley & other securities features Management of jurisdictional registrations CUT COSTS Decrease time spent repeating tasks Free valuable resources for other tasks Create / Protect integrity of corporate data

23 Key Benefits of Entity Mgmt
CORPORATE COMPLIANCE More accurate, centralized data Sarbanes-Oxley & other securities features Management of jurisdictional registrations CUT COSTS Decrease time spent repeating tasks Free valuable resources for other tasks Create / Protect integrity of corporate data IMPROVE EFFICIENCY Quick search of corporate history / current information Print screens, exports to other programs & valuable reports Automate redundant tasks (global retire; document creation) Share the burden - internal collaboration

24 “Selling” a System Internally
1 Develop a project team Get the users involved To the USERS 2 Evaluate the “Now” 5 Conduct systematic ranking of products User Involvement Text 3 Document department requirements 4 Evaluate products against requirements Text

25 Documenting Requirements
Evaluating the “Now” Documenting Requirements These comments from your interviews become requirements for the system. Priorities help you rank the requirements.

26 Collecting Existing Documents
Evaluating the “Now” Collecting Existing Documents Collect tools users currently utilize in a documents binder for reference during implementation.

27 Weighted Product Ranking Grid
Evaluating Products Weighted Product Ranking Grid

28 “Selling” a System Internally
To MANAGEMENT 2 Evaluate the “Now” 3 Document department requirements 4 Evaluate products against requirements 5 Conduct systematic ranking of products Do your homework! Compile your data Current issues Requirements Evaluation criteria Ranking Cost / Benefit analysis How long for it to pay for itself?

29 Questions? Contact info: Office:

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