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RAP Reading as a Pastime Simon Kenton HS Freshman Academy.

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1 RAP Reading as a Pastime Simon Kenton HS Freshman Academy

2 What is it? RAP is a reading incentive program for Freshman Academy Students at Simon Kenton High School.

3 How does it work? Freshman students will write “fan” letters to local, national or worldwide celebrities. *musicians *authors *actors*athletes *businesses*bands *famous people you admire

4 How does it work?? In your fan letter, you explain our reading program and discuss which books you have that you enjoy. Celebrities will be encouraged to donate mementos which will then be put in our RAP auction.

5 AUCTION?!?!?!?! At the end of the year we will showcase selected items donated and have an auction where students can bid on the items they would like to have.

6 How do I participate in the auction? Students earn RAP tickets for reading in their spare time or for doing good. You will collect your RAP tickets and use these to bid on items you are interested in at the RAP auction.

7 RAP Tickets Tickets are given out by academy teachers to students who EARN them, not to students who beg for them.

8 So, about this reading… The program is based on reading. If you are caught reading during downtime, like after a test or a time when reading is not required.

9 Other ways to earn tickets… Doing well on test, quizzes and projects Writing more than the required number of letters Modeling positive SK behavior Good attendance/no tardies Teachers will often post other opportunities to earn tickets.

10 What if my celebrity sends an item? GREAT!!! But anyone can bid on the item at the auction. You have a chance like everyone else to bid on that item. With over 400 students writing letters, there is no definite way to know who wrote which celebrity.

11 Letter Specifications Each student must write and mail two letters Additional letters will earn RAP tickets The letter must be written according to the format Each letter must be handwritten on lined loose- leaf paper in blue or black ink in your neatest writing.

12 Letter Specifications Letters must be submitted to English Teacher before they are mailed to be counted as a grade. Each letter must include an official letter from our school before they are sealed and mailed.

13 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION A list of collected items will be posted in freshman classes regularly. RAP tickets will be given at teacher’s discretion. At the end of the year, you will receive a tally sheet with the total number of tickets you have earned this year.

14 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION Students must provide their own envelope and stamp and know the address of their celebrity. Letters must be read and approved by English Teacher. Writing a letter does not guarantee that you will win the item.

15 Additional Information All letters are to be mailed from school and all items should be mailed to school. The success of this program is based on students effort. To have a great auction, we need you to write great letters!!!!

16 Where do I Begin? Choose a celebrity and find their address. You will find sheets with websites and addresses from your English Teacher Write a draft of a letter and turn it in to your English Teacher Once your letter is approved and ready for mailing, prepare the envelope.

17 Where do I Begin? Enclose a school letter with your letter, fold and put in envelope. Seal the envelope, put a stamp on it and give it to your teacher EARN THOSE RAP TICKETS!!!

18 Does this REALLY work? Last year we received over 80 items for the auction. Items included: Michael Jordan autograph and clothing Gift Certificates to restuarants and businesses. Autograph books, cd’s and DVD’s

19 Does this REALLY work? Last year we also received a lot of autographs from celebrities including: *Tyra Banks *Jen Aniston *Angelina Jolie *Jim Carrey *Bam Margera *Dane Cook *Robin Williams

20 RAP Program On the bottom of your paper, summarize the RAP program in your own words. This will be used as the second paragraph of your letter.

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