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Coffee with the Principal Friday, August 14, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Coffee with the Principal Friday, August 14, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Coffee with the Principal Friday, August 14, 2015

2 Agenda Welcome & Introductions Uniform Policy Outside Food Policy Electronics Policy Student Agendas Volunteer Opportunities & Requirements Questions & Answers

3 Introductions Sheri Johnson, Principal Richard Moreno, Assistant Principal Valencia Smartt, Assistant Principal Manuel Duenas, Dean of Students Maria Del Toro, School Psychologist Kelly Faxon, School Counselor Kristen Rivas, Parent Engagement Specialist

4 Uniform Policy Students must be in their required grade level polo shirt o 6 th grade – Burgundy o 7 th grade – Dark Gray o 8 th grade – Navy Students must be in black pants – no jeans, leggings, or sweatpants Students must be in a school sweatshirt/sweater o If students wear a non-school white, gray, or black sweatshirt is MUST be worn under their school polo shirt PE uniforms are for PE only.

5 Outside Food Policy Due to the National Free/Reduced Lunch regulations we cannot have any food on campus that competes with our selected food vendor No food can be brought on campus from outside vendors o For example, food from fast food vendors cannot be brought to students during nutrition or lunch Federal Regulations prohibit the sales of candy, chips, soda, etc. on campus o No food sales on campus from 7:30 am – 4:15 pm o Students cannot sale candy, chips, soda, etc. on campus for personal profit at any time.

6 Electronics Policy Cell phones, iPods, Mp3 Players, etc. are not allowed to be out during school hours – even during nutrition and lunch o Electronics should be off and in the students’ backpacks (out of sight) All electronics seen or in use during school hours will be confiscated, and turned in to the Dean of Students to be placed in the school safe First confiscation – parent may pick up electronics Second confiscation – parent/student meeting with Dean & electronics contract signed Third confiscation – electronics stay in school safe until June 10, 2016

7 Student Agendas All students received a Planner/Agenda book during Advisory o The expectation is that students have their agenda daily The first 47 pages outline the Student Handbook & iPad Handbook o Please review these pages with your students Page 47 – Technology Agreement - must be brought back signed by the student and parents

8 Volunteer Opportunities & Requirements For the month of August we have two volunteer events that will count as volunteer hours -Parent Workshop: August 20 th, 2015 6-8pm -Back to School Dance: August 28 th, 2015 As well as daily Morning Supervision, Nutrition and Lunch Duty, Afterschool Supervision, PE class assistance, etc. REQUIREMENTS: ALL Parent Volunteers must fill out an application - Sign the Liability Waiver -Give a copy of a current TB test given within the past 5 years These 3 documents must be completed and submitted before you can begin volunteer work Our goal for each parent is to complete 40 hours for the school year. We do encourage if you can participate in more than those hours, to do so.

9 Reminders Town Hall Meeting – Mon., August 17 th at 5:00 pm School Pictures – Tues., August 18 th 10:00 – 12:00 Parent Workshop – Thurs., August 20 th at 6:00 pm Back to School Night – Wed., August 26 th at 5:30 pm Back to School Dance – Fri., August 28 th at 4:30 pm

10 Questions & Answers

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