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WP620: WWW implementation and documentation Aims: To make the hydrological model, including documentation, accessible to the public using a World Wide.

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Presentation on theme: "WP620: WWW implementation and documentation Aims: To make the hydrological model, including documentation, accessible to the public using a World Wide."— Presentation transcript:

1 WP620: WWW implementation and documentation Aims: To make the hydrological model, including documentation, accessible to the public using a World Wide Web interface (610) Demonstration packages with input data for the test basins so that potential customers can test the application of the hydrological/software package (620) Choice of input data, and variable length of forecast period.

2 Considerations: Precooked demonstrations (snapshots), some interaction, full models, or a mixture? Access to basic research/publications? Should be suitable for Netscape 3+ and IE4+, or should IE3 be considered as well? Screen resolution 800x640, 1024x800 or higher, or lower, or tailored to all resolutions? WP620: WWW implementation and documentation

3 Suggested demonstration types –‘Professional’ version of SRM-java –‘Light’ version of SRM-java –‘Tutorial’ version of SRM-java –SRM-like javascript version –Precooked example with metadata

4 My suggestion for a precooked example: Use complete data for at least one basin derived in 1998. Tuxbach may be a possibility, since 6 ERS and 2 Radarsat scenes were available. The data processing chain for these scenes from raw to SCA could be included provided that this will not cause copyright issues. Costs could be included to allow users to assess cost effectiveness I assume that the necessary data is already available. WP620: WWW implementation and documentation

5 Green Non EO data Orange Hydalp products Yellow Cost/benefit Raw SAR/RADARSAT data (on 8 dates) Comparison with actual runoff and non-EO prediction Climate stations and data Snow cover maps (on 8 dates) Processing methodology Predicted and actual discharge Stream gauges and data HBV/SRM DEM, vegetation, etc. Costs of data acquisition Cost of processing Possible Tuxbach precooked example Licence or processing fee

6 WP622: SRM ‘light’ A tailored SRM model for a catchment (BASCH?) which already contains data on elevation and area and general snow depletion curves. The user completes input data - current outflow and snow covered area. –These data could be made available at e.g. Berne WWW site if it is updated regularly (CGI script?) The effect of variation in temperature and precipitation on discharge can be investigated.

7 WP622: Customer issue: reliability Error and uncertainty should be addressed. Possible causes of errors/uncertainty –Weather forecast is inaccurate –Inaccurate classification of vegetation –Inaccurate identification of boundaries –Poor georeferencing –Cloud/snow confusion Examples of the consequences of uncertainties could be included.

8 Background to work, why its important, aims and objectives Organisations, names and email addresses What do users think did they have problems general market research What have other people said? Acknowledgements Background to HBV and SRM, inputs and outputs interactive demonstrations for non-real catchment? Public domain information climate dem gauging stations Information of ERS, Radarsat, AVHRR Number of bands and wavelengths Resolution Example images Costs For a catchment with good data, the user has to estimate the runoff over a length of time (week, month, melt season?). User estimates are compared with the HYDALP estimates and actual runoff. This will add some ‘fun’, but could also provide a means for estimating cost effectiveness Real catchments with real data

9 WP622: Opportunities (?) for the future A guided our of the WWW site CD version of WWW site - makes large files (.avi,.wrl, etc) possible Tutorials –Ralph Roberts (programmer of SRM): “looking for any online models for educational purposes” –Jonathan Raper (Professor of Information Science at City University): wants distance learning materials for postgraduate courses Continued interest from Insurance companies (CGU) –link HydAlp to flood prediction models Update for “Window on the World”. What did you do with yours?

10 WP622: And finally Every member of the SCFG who has seen the demonstrator has found it useful as a vehicle for promoting discussion….

11 SCFG - direct interest Scottish Hydro-Electric PLC. –Generates 1100 MW from hydroelectric schemes. –Want advice on snowmelt up to 5 days in advance –Water spills 50 days per year, and could have been used in a cascade of six dams. Commercial and General Union PLC - (CGU) –Interested in flood risk. –Currently, UK insurance companies not given formal warning of flooding. –2 hours of warning can result in a 50% reduction in insurance claims. Scottish Environmental Protection Agency - (SEPA) –Responsible for providing flood warnings in Scotland. –Have expressed interest in the use of EO data and HydAlp outputs.

12 SCFG - indirect interest The Royal Society for Protection of Birds – (RSPB) –Largest charity in the UK with more than 1 million members. –Sees HYDALP outputs as an important resource which can be used within the RSPB’s educational role. Scottish Natural Heritage – (SNH) –Government conservation agency in Scotland,. –HYDALP outputs important within an educational role.


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