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CATphysics meeting, 14/11/2008D. Froidevaux Introduction and news + New fellows since end of September: W. Fedorko (ADT), M. Jimenez (ADE), D. Kollar (ADP),

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Presentation on theme: "CATphysics meeting, 14/11/2008D. Froidevaux Introduction and news + New fellows since end of September: W. Fedorko (ADT), M. Jimenez (ADE), D. Kollar (ADP),"— Presentation transcript:

1 CATphysics meeting, 14/11/2008D. Froidevaux Introduction and news + New fellows since end of September: W. Fedorko (ADT), M. Jimenez (ADE), D. Kollar (ADP), J. Lundberg (ADT), K. Tackmann (ADP), and T. Sumida (ADE) … Invited guests: C. Henderson and K. Vervink + Next meeting will be exceptionally on Wednesday 17 th of December from 11h to 13h with drink and snacks afterwards + Analysis model issues + Progress in physics studies? Yes with real influx and motivation from “new” fellows! We still have some time but we must get ready because we were not ready in September!

2 CATphysics meeting, 14/11/2008D. Froidevaux Analysis model issues + Short document by Sven and Stathes attached to agenda --> please read and comment to the PAT hypernews! + Issues are several: + need a recommendation for D3PDs? + need to minimise frameworks (four of five on the market now) + re-reconstruction, re-calibration, re-vertexing, re-b-tagging, etc should be run in Athena + achieve the above by unifying and certifying tools (most prominent examples are truth classification, isolation, overlap removal, etc) + tools are not enough (EventView and new TopReconstruction show that some EDM also needed) + stay tuned in to PAT meetings if you have an opinion!

3 CATphysics meeting, 14/11/2008D. Froidevaux Topics in direct photons Background estimates  Conversion rates and other observables (p/E, multiple conversions) as a tool for photon versus  0 /jet separation (Mayuko,Thomas, Kerstin)  Calo lateral shower shapes as a statistical tool (Marcos)  Presampler energy  Isolation Efficiency estimates  Radiative Z decays  Trigger efficiency Photon identification cut  isEM improvements (Valeria)  Loose definition for filtering purposes (Marco) Interact also with  -jet calibration Isolation definition  Calorimeter vs tracker isolation MC samples  Fake backgrounds (rate, shapes, different event generators)  Signal: single photons, di-photons Low energy  0 reconstruction (Junji, help from CAT calo reco experts)  Calibration check a la CMS? Coupled to material mapping studies?

4 CATphysics meeting, 14/11/2008D. Froidevaux Topics in direct photons Use only unconverted   ATLAS ~ 25%? ~ 8 GeV but which trigger? CMS Working on  0 reco in min. bias events is as important initially for EM calo as working on low-p T tracks for inner detector

5 CATphysics meeting, 14/11/2008D. Froidevaux Topics in SUSY Finish work on data-driven background estimates (improvement is substantial on CSC work). Further work is of great interest to several persons in the group to assess independently the different background sources (tt, Wto l + jets, Z to +jets, etc) Work on understanding E T miss with early data, building on work done by David:  Minimum bias and pile-up, including cleaning up instrumental tails in early data  Dijet events  Events with true E T miss such as W to l

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