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Tidal Power

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1 Tidal Power

2 Marine energy - Tidal power 1 The energy from moving masses of water — a popular form of Hydroelectricity#Generating methods|hydroelectric power generation. Tidal power generation comprises three main forms, namely: tidal stream power, tidal barrage power, and dynamic tidal power.

3 Tidal power 1 'Tidal power', also called 'tidal energy', is a form of hydropower that converts the energy of tides into useful forms of power - mainly electricity.

4 Tidal power 1 new Tidal stream generator#Axial turbines|axial turbines, Tidal stream generator#Vertical and horizontal axis crossflow turbines|cross flow turbines), indicate that the total availability of tidal power may be much higher than previously assumed, and that economic and environmental costs may be brought down to competitive levels

5 Tidal power - Generation of tidal energy 1 Tidal power is taken from the Earth's oceanic tides; tidal forces are periodic variations in gravitational attraction exerted by celestial bodies

6 Tidal power - Generation of tidal energy 1 Tidal power is the only technology that draws on energy inherent in the orbital characteristics of the Earth–Moon system, and to a lesser extent in the Earth–Sun system

7 Tidal power - Generation of tidal energy 1 While tidal power will take additional energy from the system, the effect is negligible and would only be noticed over millions of years.

8 Renewable energy in Scotland - Tidal power 1 To date the only installed tidal power plant of any size is the 240MW rated Rance tidal power plant|barrage scheme at the Rance Estuary in Brittany, which has been operating successfully for more than 25 years, although there are a number of other much smaller projects around the world.

9 Renewable energy in Scotland - Tidal power 1 although a more recent estimate suggests an upper limit of 1.9 GW.Carrington, Damian (10 July 2013) [ 13/jul/10/tidal-power-penland-firth- scotland-electricity Tidal power from Pentland firth 'could provide half of Scotland's electricity' ]

10 Renewable energy in Scotland - Tidal power 1 In October 2010 MeyGen, a consortium of Morgan Stanley, Atlantis Resources Corporation and International Power, received a 25-year operational lease from the Crown Estate for a 400MW tidal power project in the Pentland Firth.[ scottish-tidal-project-unveiled/8607525.article Major Scottish tidal project unveiled] New Civil Engineer, 28 October 2010

11 Renewable energy in Scotland - Tidal power 1 It will be located off the west coast in the Sound of Islay which offers both high currents and shelter from storms.[ glasgow-west-12767211 Islay to get major tidal power scheme] (17 March 2011) BBC Scotland

12 Renewable energy in Scotland - Tidal power 1 The world's first community-owned tidal power generator is planned for Bluemull Sound in Shetland

13 Renewable energy in Pakistan - Tidal power 1 Tidal power has not yet been operational in Pakistan compared to other renewable energy technologies, but in near future it may play a key role. Some think that tidal power plants in coastal creeks of Pakistan can serve the energy crisis conundrum up to some level.

14 Renewable energy in Pakistan - Tidal power 1 Government has issued licence to private companies to take measures to build tidal power stations in February 2013

15 Dynamic tidal power 1 'Dynamic tidal power' or 'DTP' is an untried but promising technology for tidal power generation

16 Dynamic tidal power - Stable power 1 The generation of tidal power is highly predictable due to the deterministic nature of tides, and independent of weather conditions or climate change

17 Dynamic tidal power - High availability 1 Dynamic tidal power doesn't require a very high natural tidal range, but instead an open coast where the tidal propagation is alongshore. Such tidal conditions can be found in many places around the world, which means that the theoretical potential of DTP is very high. Along the Chinese coast for example, the total amount of available power is estimated at 80 - 150 GW.

18 Dynamic tidal power - Status of technological development 1 Various mathematical and physical models have been conducted to model and predict the 'Hydraulic head|head' or water level differential over a dynamic tidal power dam

19 Dynamic tidal power - Recent progress 1 In December 2011 the Dutch Ministry of Economy, Agriculture and Innovation (ELI) awarded a grant funding subsidy to the POWER consortium, led by Strukton and managed by ARCADIS. The maximum grant is about 930.000 euro, which is matched by a similar amount of co-financing from the consortium partners. The POWER group conducts a detailed feasibility study on the development of Dynamic Tidal Power (DTP) in China in a 3-year programme jointly conducted with Chinese government institutes.

20 Jiangxia Tidal Power Station 1 The 'Jiangxia Tidal Power Station' is the fourth largest tidal power station in the world, located in Wuyantou, Wenling|Wenling City, Zhejiang|Zhejiang Province, People's Republic of China|China

21 Race Rocks Tidal Power Demonstration Project 1 Pearson College, EnCana Corporation and Clean Current Power Systems Incorporated to use tidal power at Race Rocks near Victoria, British Columbia in Canada

22 Uldolmok Tidal Power Station 1 Additional 500kW was commissioned in June 2011.[ play/article- display/5457316262/articles/hrhrw/hydroin dustrynews/ocean-tidal- streampower/2011/06/hyundai- completes.html HydroWorld: Hyundai completes tidal power system in Korea]

23 Uldolmok Tidal Power Station 1 The South Korean government plans to increase this capacity of to by the end of the year 2013, increasing the demand cover to 46,000 households, while simultaneously working on the Sihwa Lake Tidal Power Station. Part of the goal of generating through tidal power by 2020.

24 List of tidal power stations 1 The following page lists most 'power stations that run on tidal power'. Since tidal stream generators are an immature technology, no technology has yet emerged as the clear standard. A large variety of designs are being experimented with, with some very close to large scale deployment. Hence, the following page lists stations of different technologies.

25 Sihwa Lake Tidal Power Plant 1 'Sihwa Lake Tidal Power Station' is the world's largest tidal power installation, with a total power output capacity of 254 Megawatt|MW, surpassing the 240 MW Rance Tidal Power Station after 45 years. It is operated by the Korean Water Resource Corporation.

26 Sihwa Lake Tidal Power Plant 1 This slightly unconventional and relatively inefficient approach has been chosen to balance a complex mix of existing land use, water use, conservation, environmental and power generation considerations.http://www.waterpowermag Tidal power primed for breakthrough

27 Sihwa Lake Tidal Power Plant 1 In 2004, seawater was reintroduced in the hope of flushing out contamination; inflows from the tidal barrage are envisaged as a complementary permanent solution. ellMayWorkshop/Presentation_files/Saturd ay/Saturday/Park.pdf Sihwa Tidal Power Plant: a success of environment and energy policy in Korea

28 Kislaya Guba Tidal Power Station 1 The 'Kislaya Guba tidal power station|Tidal Power Station' is an experimental project in Kislaya Guba, Russia.

29 Kislaya Guba Tidal Power Station 1 The station is the world's 5th largest tidal power plant with the output capacity of 1.7Megawatt|MW

30 Rance tidal power plant 1 Opened on 26 November 1966, it is currently operated by Électricité de France, and is the second largest tidal power station in the world, in terms of installed capacity, since the Sihwa Lake Tidal Power Station surpassed it after 45 years

31 Rance tidal power plant - History 1 An early attempt to build a tidal power plant was made at Aber Wrac'h in the Finistère in 1925, but due to insufficient finance, it was abandoned in 1930. Plans for this plant served as the draft for follow- on work. Use of tidal energy is not an entirely new concept, since Tide mill|tidal mills have long existed in areas exposed to tides, particularly along the Rance River|Rance.

32 Rance tidal power plant - History 1 The idea of constructing a tidal power plant on the Rance dates to Gerard Boisnoer in 1921

33 Incheon Tidal Power Station 1 The station is expected to generate up to 2.41TWh of energy annually upon its completion in June 2017.[ ws/biz/2010/01/123_59412.html Incheon to house largest tidal power station][ le/view.asp?aid=2907377 Tidal plant to power Incheon]

34 Ocean power in New Zealand - Tidal power 1 Tidal power is generated by capturing some of the energy in the tides as they cycle forth and back, twice each day. Tidal devices can be weir or dam like structures (Barrage (dam)|barrages), used to hold the tide back, or turbines anchored within the tidal stream.

35 EMEC - Tidal power 1 The tidal power test site at the Fall of Warness, to the west of the island of Eday, was chosen for its high velocity marine currents which reach almost 4m/s (7.8 knots) at spring tides. The facility offers five test berths at depths ranging from 25m to 50m in an area 2km across and approximately 4km in length.

36 Low carbon power - Tidal power 1 Tidal power is a form of hydropower that converts the energy of tides into electricity or other useful forms of power. The first large-scale tidal power plant (the Rance Tidal Power Station) started operation in 1966. Although not yet widely used, tidal power has potential for future electricity generation. Tides are more predictable than wind energy and solar power.

37 Cook Strait - Tidal power 1 The power generated by tidal marine turbines varies as the cube of the tidal speed. Because the tidal speed doubles, eight times more tidal power is produced during spring tides than at neaps.

38 For More Information, Visit: m/the-tidal-power-toolkit.html m/the-tidal-power-toolkit.html The Art of Service

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