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CBC 7 Report to June C4. Discussions in Meeting Next CBC Meeting Coordination with Committees GCI Work Plan Progress Development of 2009 – 2011 Work Plan.

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Presentation on theme: "CBC 7 Report to June C4. Discussions in Meeting Next CBC Meeting Coordination with Committees GCI Work Plan Progress Development of 2009 – 2011 Work Plan."— Presentation transcript:

1 CBC 7 Report to June C4

2 Discussions in Meeting Next CBC Meeting Coordination with Committees GCI Work Plan Progress Development of 2009 – 2011 Work Plan CB in the Regions

3 CBC 8 Opportunity for inter-committee coordination 2008 MayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec ADC 19-22, Geneva 21-24, Boulder CBC 3-5, Tashkent 15-17, Athens STC 22-23, Geneva 8-9, Paris UIC 6-8, Toronto 22-24, Boulder C4 17-18, Geneva 25-26, Boulder ExCom 15-16, Geneva 18, Beijing Plenary 19-20, Beijing 22-24, Boulder

4 Coordination with Committees - ADC –CB and the GEO Portal: Accepted ADC proposal to establish a joint task team (Alan Edwards, Gordon Bridge, Hilcea Ferreira, Imraan Saloojee) First OB – review existing requirements drafted by CBC Second OB – assess impact –Prioritization of requirements –Feasibility of the current architecture –phasing of requirements –evaluate impact on existing Tasks (and update the GEO wp if necessary) Third OB – start implementation (through existing or new task) –Best Practices Wiki for capturing Good CB practice Hilcea Santos Ferreira Chris Mannaerts –Possible Joint Session in Boulder

5 Coordination with Committees - UIC US 06 01 –Linkage with determining CB needs (CB0701b) –UNECA contribute to user requirements in Africa Potential UIC call for participation –Identification of projects provides a linkage with donor engagement task Develop CB requirements from IGOS Theme Reports COPs as a vehicle to determine CB needs Joint Session in Boulder – would require planning between co chairs

6 GCI and CB IOC Task Force and CBC: Hilcea Santos Ferreira, Gordon Bridge, Alan Edwards CBC members identifying test cases in each GEO region to provide specific user feedback on portal usability e.g. Kenyan Wildlife Services

7 Work Plan Progress Task progressing well –Most will continue into next work plan –Excellent Progress made with Chlorogin (POGO, EC0607), Building National Capacity (UNEP, CB0701d), Open Source (CB0701e) –Recurring theme: resources for task implementation Resource Mobilisation –Identification of showcase projects from current tasks –Possible Meetings with Resource Providers Task Sheets –Addition of capacity building info Box

8 2009 – 2011 Workplan: CB Overarching themes/Tasks (OAT) Resource mobilization Promoting education, training and certification (Build Individual Capacity to use EO) Strengthening and building networks (Build Institutional Capacity to use EO) Advancing Earth Observation through infrastructure development (Build Earth Observation capacity through technology transfer) Outreach and institutional reinforcement (Continuous Needs/Gap Assessment)

9 OAT and the CB Strategy The objectives outlined in the Capacity Building strategy, therefore, need to be the driver of the 2009-2011 Work Plan Capacity Building activities The 2009-2011 Work Plan should include, realign and possibly redefine priority actions identified in the strategy The 2009-2011 Work Plan should address the I3 of Capacity Building namely Infrastructure, Institutional and Individual The current Work Plan largely focuses on developing the cross- cutting dimension of capacity building; a bigger focus is required in the 2009-2011 Work Plan, through sub-tasks, on developing societal-benefit-area specific capacity building activities

10 OAT and current tasks Resource mobilization CB0701a Promoting education, training and certification CB0801; AG0607; WE0605 Strengthening and building networks EC0607; CB0701d; CB0702(will this end in 08 ?) Advancing Earth observation through infrastructure development CB0701e; WA0607; CB0604 Outreach and institutional reinforcement CB0701b; CB0701c;

11 OAT and suggestions from CBC6 + GEOSec Call Resource mobilization FP7 - establishing a Capacity Building advisory capability in support of Earth Observation (EO) activities Promoting education, training and certification Build Individual Capacity to use EO GMOSS summer schools; GEONETCast training channel GEOBON; ForrestMonitor IRI /Gmoss Summer School Strengthening and building networks Build Institutional Capacity to use EO Implementing CBERS GEO CB Network; Advancing Earth observation through infrastructure development Build Earth Observation capacity through infrastructure development & technology transfer CBERS, SERVIR Africa, Outreach and institutional reinforcement CB Portal; Games Contest User Oriented workshops for GEOSS outreach and feedback

12 Recommendations to C4 and Excom Promote the identification of CB contact points in GEO Caucuses Proposal to reduce number of committee meetings to 2 –Implications for task sheet updates

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