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Tribal Authority Rule (TAR) Overview

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1 Tribal Authority Rule (TAR) Overview
Pat Childers, U.S. EPA

2 TAR Development CAA Implementation Authority [Section 301(d)]
1990 CAA Amendments Tribal air management authority TAS Tar is on tribal website

3 TAR Development (cont.)
EPA proposed implementation in 1994 Eligibility requirements Application procedures Provisions for “treating tribes like states” Rule proposed Aug. 1994 Rule promulgated Feb. 1998

4 Framework for Tribal Implementation of CAA
Jurisdiction Sovereign immunity Modular approach Grant match requirement Federal implementation Eligibility requirements

5 Tribal Jurisdiction Within exterior boundaries of reservation
Other areas where tribes can demonstrate jurisdiction Emphasis clean air act was first environmental regulation that clearly defined where tribes have jurisdiction.

6 Sovereign Immunity Treating tribes in a manner similar to states
Tribes objected Sovereign immunity waived only voluntarily or by Congressional statute Final TAR addresses issue directly Withdraws proposal on section 304 Allows alternative to judicial review

7 Modular Approach Ensures flexibility Tribes and EPA develop approaches
Elements to be Reasonably severable Consistent with legal requirements

8 Grant Match Requirements
Grants under Sec. 103 & 105 Sec. 103 requires no match Sec. 105 5%, then 10% after 2 years with TAS with EPA RA demonstration of tribe’s ability to increase its share 40% without TAS Waivers available for hardship (rare) EPA will review program over time

9 Federal Implementation
Trust responsibility Federal Implementation Plan (FIP) required Where necessary or appropriate provisions Without unreasonable delay Tribal new source review, region 10 far, ngs are examples of fip

10 Eligibility Requirements
Federally recognized tribe Governing body with substantial governing duties and powers Statement of tribe’s authority Capability to carry out program TAS is separate step from having approval of regulatory program.

11 TAR Litigation History
DC Circuit Court of Appeals Petitions for review filed by State of Oklahoma AZ Public Service Company National Assoc. of Manufacturers et al. Salt River Project et al. Oklahoma Gas and Electric Co. National Mining Association

12 Litigation Issues Judicial review Direct administration
Public participation in TAS process Reservation size Jurisdiction Oklahoma-specific issues

13 DC Circuit Court Opinion
Upheld EPA’s interpretation on every issue One judge dissented on extent of delegation provided by Congress

14 Appeal to Supreme Court
Issues in petition Definition of “reservation” Congressional delegation of authority Supreme Court denied certiorari (review) (Re-hearing possible but not likely) DC Circuit Court opinion upheld

15 TAS TAS is eligibility 40 CFR 49.9 details EPA review
Implementation another matter Administrative programs – nothing to implement (CAA 105), does not require separate program No obligation Part of unique 2-step process (TAS / TIP) 40 CFR 49.9 details EPA review Within 30 days of completeness finding Notice/comment to appropriate governmental entities (g) if EPA RA determines tribe meets requirements of 49.6 for purposes of a CAA provision, Indian tribe eligible to be treated in same manner as a state with respect to that provision Other regulatory programs other than tip, delegation or approvals may or may not require tas(delegations)

16 TIP Tribal Implementation Plan Implements TAS programs
Paralleled by SIP and FIP Implements TAS programs Tribe must submit demonstration of capability to implement Can be combined with or separate from TAS application

17 TIP (cont.) Does create an obligation
(h) …a tribal application containing a CAA program submittal will be reviewed by EPA in accordance with applicable statutory and regulatory criteria in a manner similar to the way EPA would review a similar state submittal Tribes have been approved for CAA §106, 107, 110 Administrative delegations of § 105, 505(a)(2) Navajo Nation has delegation of Part 71 Southern Ute has approval for Part 70 Minor NSR permitting at St. Regis Mohawk Gila river has approved Tribal Implmentioant plan.

18 Any questions?

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