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Presentation on theme: "SURINAMESURINAMESURINAMESURINAME Early Childhood Development."— Presentation transcript:



3 SURINAMESURINAMESURINAMESURINAME Northern coast of South America Tropical zone approx. 164 km2 approx. 450.000 inhabitants 70 % in capital Paramaribo & suburbs (= ca. 0,4 % of land area) coastal area (north) – savanne – interior (south)

4 SURINAMESURINAMESURINAMESURINAME 80 % covered with tropical rainforest (difficult to access – poor infrastructure) multi-ethnic population more than 30 languages spoken lingua franca = Dutch = language used in school

5 Policy ECD 0-8 yrs. Caribbean Plan of Action 1997 adjusted July 2002 National ECD coalition (NGO’s, individuals) Febr. 2002 - excecutive level Interministerial ECD commission - June 2002 body policy level monitoring body in cooperation with coalition coordinating

6 Legislation + standards Education act (from 7 yrs.) – to be revised Childcaredraft to be Child protectioncompleted ECD standards- draft document

7 Strategies - Activities MoH: Well-baby clinics 0-1 0-5 yrs primary health care, nutrition, monitoring growth & development parent education training health workers

8 Strategies - Activities MoH Early intervention program - Assessment 0-6 yrs - Early stimulation/hometraining - School readiness - Efforts for inclusion of children with disabilities

9 Strategies - Activities MoSA: - Daycare facilities (0-4 yrs) - Policy for children (0-18 yrs)

10 Strategies - Activities MoE: - Preschool/kindergarten (4-5 yrs) - Elementary schools from 6 yrs. etc - Teenage mother project

11 Strategies - Activities NGO’s: - Public and parent education - Parenting program Parent education Parent associations etc.

12 Coverage -Access Facilities 0-3 yrs. - ca. 9 % of children – approx. 104 facilities 3-5 yrs. - 36,9 % of children in ECE progr. (daycare – playschool) 273 preschools for 4-5 year olds (8 private) 6 yrs. and up - average of 77,5 % in prim. education coastal area approx. 87 % interior approx. 61 %

13 Coverage -Access Teacher training - caregivers daycare centres (0-4) - preschool/kindergarten teachers (4-8) Curriculum - 0 – 3 à 4 yrs. draft in development - 4 – 6 yrs. in place

14 Coverage -Access Equality ? Challenges-Interior -Language -high repetition rate -high school drop out


16 SURINAMESURINAMESURINAMESURINAME Experiences in preventing school drop out


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