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Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385 The American Legion Warrington Post 240 8666 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL 32507-2639 ADDRESS.

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1 Nonprofit org. U.S. Postage PAID Pensacola, FL Permit No. 385 The American Legion Warrington Post 240 8666 Gulf Beach Highway Pensacola FL 32507-2639 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED COMMANDER Jimmy Martin 982-1947 ADJUTANT Michael Munoz 292-1464 1ST VICE COMMANDER Marsha Martin 982-5750 2ND VICE COMMANDER vacant 3RD VICE COMMANDER Jake Taffaro 251-987-5848 FINANCE OFFICER Hal Eyerly 944-7741 HISTORIAN Chuck Krahn 458-0530 SERGEANT-AT-ARMS John Gilkerson 455-3740 CHAPLAIN Delbert Murray 429-9836 Cell 404-729-7972 SERVICE OFFICER Greg Grover 450-3702 ALR DIRECTOR J.D. Ellis 554-5257 SAL COMMANDER Mark Seaman 453-4357 HOUSE COMMITTEE Phil Gist 456-2914 Al Rogers 455-2741 Bill Eastman 457-8419 Ken Shepherd 457-7238 Frank O’Neal 910-0326 LOUNGE MANAGER John Mille 455-6111 FOR GOD AND COUNTRY FEBRUARY 2011 Post 240 website: The Victor’s Voice Commander’s Corner If anyone knows how/where the Post received the two M-1 rifles that have been in the corner of the office for years, please let me know. I would like to thank Comrade Dick Shiver for his generous $100.00 donation to the Post for veteran’s assistance. Thank you Sir. We still need a 2nd Vice Commander to handle the inside activities of the Post. We had nominations at the January membership meeting and there were none. So with it late in the year I will appoint someone who would like to fill this position. I am hoping to do a Friday night dance at least once a month. If you are interested in this position, please let me know. As I mentioned last month I would like to get our Post sign repaired. I’m happy to announce that Ken and Countess Guiles have challenged me and the Post to raise $5000.00 towards repairing the Post sign. If we can raise $5000.00, they will match the same amount of money to repairing the sign. Thank you two so much. The ladies of Unit 240 donated $1000.00 towards the Sign repair and $2000.00 to our Fire Alarm repairs. Thank you ladies. I’m working on a Poker Run to repair the sign. It will be held on Saturday April 30, 2011. I will probably be the Chairman of that committee, so if you want to help please let me know. As a reminder of American Legion policy, our membership year runs from 01Jul to 30Jun. If you wait to January 1 st to pay your dues, your next year’s card may not reflect your years of continued membership. That is the way National does membership and we can’t change that. So please pay your dues. Please support the Ladies of Unit 240. For God and Country Jimmy Lee Martin Auxiliary President – First of all I would like to welcome three new members to the Auxiliary; Rhonda Kagarise, Betty Ann Nelson & Donna Ranna. We are currently at 80% of our goal; please renew your membership as soon as possible. February 26th is our Mardi Gras Ball and tickets are on sale now in the lounge. The tickets are $15 for a Cajun Flare Dinner, show and dance. There will be door prizes, 50/50 and of course the ‘Basket of Cheer’ raffle. Mark your calendars and buy your tickets now to enjoy a wonderful evening; cocktail attire is requested. We are also going to have a ‘Bunny Hop’ on April 9th in the hall with Paul Amos as DJ for only $5 per person at the door. The dress will be 50’s & 60’s; so break out those ‘poodle skirts’ ladies and all those petticoats for a fun filled evening of dance. For God and Country Mary Taffaro LADIES AUXILIARY PRESIDENT Mary Taffaro 251-978-0420 CHAPLAIN Mary Fahrforth 261-7040 3rd Vice Commander February is around the corner, which means, it’s time again to fire up the fish fryers and get back to enjoying some good fried fish, hushpuppies and all the rest of the fine fix-ins that make up Post 240’s fish fry. Fish fry’s resume on the first Sunday of each month starting with February so, come on out and eat some good food and support your fish fry staff and Post 240. Serving starts at 2:00 pm until the fish is gone. For God and Country – Jake Taffaro Bingo Chairman – Turned over $1000.00 to the Post from Bingo. Turned over $500.00 in Bingo Pull Tabs. We need more Callers and helpers so we won’t overload the volunteers. Please volunteer if you can. Jimmy Lee Martin

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